Story Break

Story Break
Author: Maximum Fun
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© Copyright RocketJump, inc.
Story Break is a weekly podcast from RocketJump where we (Will Campos, Matt Arnold, and Freddie Wong) sit down in the RocketJump writer's room and attempt to "break" a story for a ridiculous concept, property, or idea that we in NO way have any rights to. Join us every week as we attempt to tackle everything from beloved video games to billion dollar franchises!
234 Episodes
Story Break is back for a special episode - Will had a kid! And just like how we broke a story for Matt's daughter, we're doing one for Will's son!
The end of an era. We reminisce about our professional lives around this podcast, and break the movie adaptation for the podcast itself. Thank you all for listening!Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
We spin the wheel on combining three random Wikipedia articles one last time, and it somehow is... about Garfield? Kind of!?Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
Notable Canadian Elyse Willems joins us as we discover a strange copyright law loophole that allows us to legally create a James Bond film... as long as it ONLY plays in Canada.Check out Elyse's book! A Night in Halloween HousePrevious upload had some technical issues which have been fixed!Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
Wouldn't be Story Break without a ridiculous dumb idea we take seriously! This week - an island. With snipers. Sniper Island. What more do you need to know??Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
We approach one of our favorite movies and dare to attempt a sequel to what is already cinematic perfection!Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
The ultimate anime enigma - the lofi girl from the hit "lo-fi beats" stream. Can we pull a movie out of this one?Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
We do a mad lib and somehow manage to rope in bananas, Universal's Minions, and a road movie all in one!Editing by Travis ReavesFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
We take on a genre near and dear to all our hearts - heroic bloodshed/blood opera! & use code: STORYBREAKEditing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
We go onto a random superhero generator and make a new superhero movie! & use code: STORYBREAKEditing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
It's finally done! The entire Jar Jar Binks feature film - every scene back to back. If you want to just hear the new scene, you can skip to 2:47:30.Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
We try and figure out the climax of the movie!Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
N8-38 expresses and realizes her dream of piloting a TIE fighter with lightsabers!! We're rewriting all the rules of Star Wars with this one!Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
The matchup we've been waiting for! This ep is just the scene as F dog boned up the recording but it's a nice beefy scene!Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
Jar Jar wakes up from the rager and begins the most important day of his life.Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
It gets emotionally and morally complicated when Jar Jar's coworkers throw him a surprise party.Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
We juggle some real life responsibilities and bring you one of our all time favorite episodes!Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
It's time for Jar Jar to enact his plan and be... a beloved boss?Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
Jar Jar makes an impassioned speech to convince the rebels he's on their side.Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
Jar Jar enacts a daring plan to try and win the trust of Croke Ceel.Editing by Chad EllisFollow us on TwitterJoin the Facebook group!Matt Arnold is @mattlarnoldWill Campos is @willbcamposFreddie Wong is @fwong
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Star Wars but I don't know what to do in this situation.
I'm relistening to this episode and I was overcome with the realisation that this movie is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty with Flo
i love will but him complaining about Matt's ideas without offering suggestions was annoying to listen to
the sequel should be dababy
not gonna lie, I'd watch the shit out of this movie
This is not at all the point, but for the love of all that is holy someone PLEASE tell them that there are no corn flakes in Raisin Bran. They're bran flakes. They're made of bran. It's LITERALLY in the name.
I am sad the podcast is ending but happy for Matt and Freddy for making a movie, it has been a good 4 years and I can't wait for what the future holds.
You guys are gonna get death threats if this goes to theaters. Jar-Jar stopping a DEATH STAR LAZER with the "force power" of being a good person?! That's the same bullshit everyone hated about Rey in The Rise of SKywalker! What's wrong with you?! Really stuck the landing on this one. Imagining the opening scene of this movie doubling down on what everyone hates about Jar Jar and then ending it with him being the most powerful Jedi that ever lived holy shit. Thank God Matt intervened. I like Freddie's idea really wraps up the whole movie in a pretty bow.
Well, fuck Ira Glass, I guess
One of the best episodes
This was wonderful xD
Couldn't avoid it huh?
I completely agree with Matt. Scifi is especially cringy when every single character assumes there is no god of any kind, and if they do they're seen as insane fanatic terrorists. It really makes it feel like it's not a world but a story written by an atheist from California. Just one more in a long long list of dumb things about Star Wars
"It sounds like the music playing in Goku's head when he's fighting Vegeta" I died 😂
I've never laughed so hard at the end of your episodes.
Maybe the best intro yet lol
Greatest game made? That's really funny
This episode was super educational. Taught me more about the Bill of Rights than school ever did.
You should probably watch the movie you're doing a movie of if you remember nothing that happened in it. ;)
This may be my favourite episode