Reading children’s books featuring Paw Patrol, Disney stories, Little Golden Books, Berenstein Bears and other classic stories and fairy tales. Perfect for TK-2nd grade kids.
A kangaroo has no pocket and a big problem.
A little cloud helps a sparrow be brave.
The letters decide they don’t want to work together.
Can you guess what animals have these feet?
A group of trick or treaters get surprised in a wonderful way.
A pair of green pants is both frightened and frightening…
A little pug has terrible manners.
A little monster runs wild in the book. (Warning - there are some loud noises in this one!)
A boy shares his special super power.
A square pumpkin is a hero.
A little blue truck goes to a Halloween party.
A very good question…
The pups celebrate Halloween.
A bad seed celebrates Halloween.
Some crayons learn how to trick or treat.
A little owl becomes a Knight.
The minions get a side job to make money.
The minions take a vacation.
The minions try to help Dracula and fail.
Oh no! The Minions turn evil!
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