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StoryJam | Listen to stories you always wanted to read! | Hindi Urdu Audio Stories for Kahani lovers
Author: Arti
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© Arti
क्या आपको कहानी सुनना अच्छा लगता है? स्टोरीजैम में सुनिए कहानियां, कुछ जानी पहचानी, कुछ अनजानी. प्रेमचंद के गाँव हो या मन्नू भंडारी का कनाट प्लेस, भीष्म साहनी का पंजाब या फणीश्वर नाथ रेनू का बिहार, देश भर की चुनिंदा कहानियां आप यहाँ सुन सकते हैं तो सुनो कहानी स्टोरीजैम में आरती की ज़ुबानी !
I read aloud stories/ kahaniyan to you. Stories that are sometimes well known, sometimes lesser known, always memorable! From Premchand to Mannu Bhandari, Bhisham Sahani to Renu, you're sure to find a story that will stay with you forever.
I read aloud stories/ kahaniyan to you. Stories that are sometimes well known, sometimes lesser known, always memorable! From Premchand to Mannu Bhandari, Bhisham Sahani to Renu, you're sure to find a story that will stay with you forever.
149 Episodes
When two literary giants meet, not in person but in a common creative playground called ‘translation’, the results are always interesting and satisfying. Oscar Wilde’s short story “ The Devoted Friend” is a satire about a friendship that is anything but nurturing or even reciprocal. Dharamvir Bharti translates without losing any nuance and makes the story his own.
story,kahani,urdu kahani,hindi kahani,kahaniyan,radio kahani,radio story,audio story,podcast,storyjam,storytelling,radio,Nayi Kahani,Short story,gunahon ka devta,dharamvir bharati,andha yug,Satire, oscar wilde, translation
The stories of losing home are the most profoundly disturbing. Yet these “stories” are the reality of millions of people across the world, everyday. Today there are over 117.3 million people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes. We forget and we repeat ad infinitum the same patterns of greed, revenge and loss. And yet, in the
midst of this unspeakable sadness, there is a glimmer of hope- not offered by politicians, big institutions or organizations, but in the basic decency and humanity of a common man, who against all odds, decides to do what is right.
अपने घर से विस्थापित हो जाने की कहानी सिर्फ़ एक दर्दनाक कहानी नहीं। ये
आज दुनिया के करोड़ों लोगों की वास्तविकता है। लालच, प्रतिशोध और पीड़ा के चक्रव्यूह में से ना निकल पाने वाले मानव समुदाय की सच्चाई भी है। लेकिन
फिर भी, इस अकथनीय दुःख के बीच, आशा की एक किरण है - राजनेताओं, बड़े संस्थानों या संगठनों में नहीं, बल्कि एक आम इंसान की बुनियादी शालीनता और मानवता में।
Listen to Hindi kahaniyan and Urdu Kahaniyan by famous as well as lesser known writers. You will find here stories from everyone from Premchand to Ismat Chughtai ; Suryabala to Mohan Rakesh, Kaleshwar and Mannu Bhandari.
If Premchand was looking down from the heavens above at school kids across Hindi speaking India, reading the same two or three stories of his, with the teacher blaring ‘morals’ at the end of class, he would be appalled. In popular imagination over the last seventy five years, Premchand’s writing has come to mean stories set against a depressing poverty stricken rural backdrop, melodramatic stories with intense emotions …and nothing could be farther from the truth. We have done a huge disservice to Premchand and to literature in general by relegating him to textbooks and impassive classroom lectures.
In the brilliantly written biography of his father Amrit Rai talks not only about Premchand’s works but places him in the socio-cultural context of his time, drawing from a variety of sources. In doing so we see a 360 degree Premchand- writer, activist, progressive, satirist, husband and father.
स्वर्गवासी प्रेमचंद अगर ऊपर आसमान से हिंदी भाषी भारत भर के स्कूली बच्चों को उनकी वही दो या तीन कहानियाँ पढ़ते देख रहे होते, और देखते की कैसे शिक्षक कक्षा के अंत में कैसे 'नैतिकता' का ढिंढोरा पीट रहे हैं, तो वे चकित रह जाते। पिछले पचहत्तर वर्षों में लोकप्रिय कल्पना में, प्रेमचंद के लेखन का अर्थ निराशाजनक, गरीबी से त्रस्त ग्रामीण पृष्ठभूमि पर आधारित कहानियाँ हैं ... लेकिन ये बात सच्चाई से बहुत दूर है हमने प्रेमचंद को पाठ्य पुस्तकों और भावहीन कक्षा व्याख्यानों तक सीमित करके आम तौर पर प्रेमचंद और साहित्य के प्रति बहुत बड़ा अहित किया है।
अपने पिता की शानदार ढंग से लिखी गई जीवनी में अमृत राय न केवल प्रेमचंद के रचनाशिल्प के बारे में बात करते हैं, बल्कि विभिन्न स्रोतों से उन्हें अपने समय के सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक संदर्भ में रखते हैं। ऐसा करते हुए हमें प्रेमचंद की एक संपूर्ण तस्वीर देखने को मिलती है- प्रेमचंद लेखक, कार्यकर्ता, प्रगतिशील, व्यंग्यकार, पति और पिता के रूप में।
मुंशी प्रेमचंद का जीवन परिचय :
धनपत राय श्रीवास्तव जिन्हे साहित्य प्रेमी प्रेमचंद के नाम से जाने जाते
हैं, हिन्दी और उर्दू के शायद सबसे अधिक लोकप्रिय रचनाकार हैं । उन्होंने
सेवासदन, प्रेमाश्रम, रंगभूमि, निर्मला, गबन, कर्मभूमि, गोदान आदि लगभग
डेढ़ दर्जन उपन्यास तथा कफन, पूस की रात, पंच परमेश्वर, बड़े घर की बेटी,
बूढ़ी काकी, दो बैलों की कथा आदि तीन सौ से अधिक कहानियाँ लिखीं। उनके उपन्यास सुर कथाएं हिन्दी तथा उर्दू दोनों भाषाओं में प्रकाशित हुईं। अपने दौर की सभी प्रमुख उर्दू और हिन्दी पत्रिकाओं जमाना, सरस्वती, माधुरी, मर्यादा, चाँद, सुधा आदि में भी उन्होंने लिखा।वे हिन्दी समाचार पत्र जागरण तथा साहित्यिक पत्रिका हंस के संपादक और प्रकाशक भी रहे। इसके लिए उन्होंने सरस्वती प्रेस खरीदा जो बाद में घाटे में रहा और बन्द करना पड़ा। प्रेमचंद फिल्मों की पटकथा लिखने मुंबई भी गए और लगभग तीन वर्ष तक रहे। वे जीवन के अंतिम दिनों तक वे साहित्य सृजन में लगे रहे।
Sahitya Akademi and Vyas Aamman awardee Nasira Sharma pens a poignant story of how amidst mindless violence and bleak poverty, humanity sprouts in small gestures and kind words.
साहित्य अकादमी और व्यास सम्मान पुरस्कार विजेता नासिरा शर्मा द्वारा लिखी मार्मिक कहानी जिसमे हिंसा और दरिद्रता के बीच पनपती है इंसानियत और करुणा।
#hindi #kahani,#hindisahitya,#kahani,#kavita,#Sahitya,#sunokahani, #hindipodcast,#radiokahani,#hindi #radio,#urdupoetry,#urdu #shayari,#urdukahani,#kisse,#audible,#audio,#storytelling in hindi,#hindumuslimbhaibhai,#nasirasharma
Vijaydan Detha, popularly knowne as “Bijji”, spent several decades collecting folk stories from in and around his village Borunda in rajasthan. In their retelling his stories straddled myths and legends, reality and fantasy, observation and a commentary on the world of his beloved Rajasthan.
His work received national and international acclaim – he was awarded the Padma Shri, the Rajasthan Ratna Award and the Sahitya Akademi Award among various others.
विजयदान देथा, जिन्हें "बिज्जी" के नाम से जाना जाता है, ने राजस्थान में अपने गाँव बोरुंदा और उसके आसपास से लोक कहानियाँ एकत्र करने में कई दशक बिताए। उनकी कहानियों में मिथक और किंवदंतियाँ, वास्तविकता और कल्पना, अवलोकन और उनके प्रिय राजस्थान पर एक टिप्पणी शामिल है।
उनके काम को राष्ट्रीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय प्रशंसा मिली - उन्हें कई अन्य पुरस्कारों के अलावा पद्म श्री, राजस्थान रत्न पुरस्कार और साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया गया।
Beta Kiska? - Vijaydan Detha
Translation: Kailash Kabir बेटा किसका ? - विजयदान देथा अनुवाद - कैलाश कबीर
Many of his stories and novels have been adapted for the stage and the
screen including Mani Kaul's Duvidha (1973), Habib Tanvir and Shyam
Benegal's Charandas Chor (1975), Prakash Jha's Parinati (1986), Amol
Palekar's Paheli (2005), Pushpendra Singh's The Honour Keeper (2014),
Dedipya Joshii's Kaanchli Life in a Slough(2020), Pushpendra Singh's
Laila aur Satt Geet (2020)
जीवन परिचय
लोक कथाओं एवं कहावतों का अद्भुत संकलन करने वाले पद्मश्री विजयदान देथा की कर्मस्थली उनका पैथृक गांव बोरुंदा दा ही रहा तथा एक छोटे से गांव में बैठकर अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर के साहित्य का सृजन किया। राजस्थानी लोक
संस्कृति की प्रमुख संरक्षक संस्था रूपायन संस्थान (जोधपुर) के सचिव देथा
का जन्म 1 सितंबर 1926 को बोरूंदा में हुआ। प्रारम्भ में 1953 से 1955 तक बिज्जी ने हिन्दी मासिक प्रेरणा का सम्पादन किया। बाद में हिन्दी त्रैमासिक
रूपम, राजस्थानी शोध पत्रिका परम्परा, लोकगीत, गोरा हट जा, राजस्थान के प्रचलित प्रेमाख्यान का विवेचन, जैठवै रा सोहठा और कोमल कोठारी के साथ संयुक्त रूप से वाणी और लोक संस्कृति का सम्पादन किया। विजयदान देथा की लिखी कहानियों पर दो दर्जन से ज़्यादा फ़िल्में बन चुकी हैं, जिनमें मणि कौल द्वारा निर्देशित 'दुविधा' पर अनेक राष्ट्रीय और अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय
पुरस्कार मिल चुके हैं। इसके अलावा वर्ष 1986 में उनकी कथा पर चर्चित
फ़िल्म निर्माता-निर्देशक प्रकाश झा द्वारा निर्देशित फिल्म परिणीति काफ़ी
प्रभावित हुई है। राजस्थान साहित्य अकादमी 1972-73 में उन्हें विशिष्ट
साहित्यकार के रूप में सम्मानित कर चुकी है।[1]'दुविधा' पर आधारित हिंदी
फिल्म 'पहेली' में अभिनेता शाहरुख खान और रानी मुखर्जी मुख्य भूमिकाओं में थे। यह उनकी किसी रचना पर बनी अंतिम फिल्म है।[2] रंगकर्मी हबीब तनवीर ने विजयदान देथा की लोकप्रिय कहानी 'चरणदास चोर' को नाटक का स्वरूप प्रदान किया था और श्याम बेनेगल ने इस पर एक फिल्म भी बनाई थी।
Listen to Hindi kahaniyan and Urdu Kahaniyan by famous as well as lesser known writers. You will find here stories from everyone from Premchand to Ismat Chughtai ; Suryabala to Mohan Rakesh, Kaleshwar and Mannu
Love is a complex emotion. One that few have been able to understand, let alone explain. Mannu Bhandari delves into the mind of a young woman at crossroads, as she tries to untangle the emotions she feels for the two men in her life.There are few love stories as candid and powerful as this one. The story was made into a memorable film by Basu Chatterjee, ‘Rajnigandha’
A new kind of Hindi writing emerged post-independence approximately from the late 1950s to the early 1960s. The subjects that writers focussed on came from a newly independent, rapidly urbanizing and industrializing
India. The narratives dealt with problems between the sexes, especially with the emergence of the working woman.The scenarios mirrored the difficulties of everyday negotiations of life and work.
Mannu Bhandari, who taught at Delhi's Miranda House for many years, was one of the pioneers of the “Nayi Kahani movement”. Her works spans decades and one finds in them many memorable female
such is Bua in Akeli.
There are some relationships that have copious amounts written about them, and then there are a handful that we seldom read about. One such is that of a father-in-law and daughter-in-law. In India their conversations are seldom spoken about, often buried under the heavy
burden of familial hierarchy. This story by Ajay Jugran offers a glimpse of tender affection and respect between a daughter-in-law and her father-in-law, in a story steeped in a bygone era in a misty small town.
कुछ रिश्ते ऐसे होते हैं जिनके बारे में बहुत कुछ लिखा गया है, और फिर कुछ
रिश्ते ऐसे होते हैं जिनके बारे में हम शायद ही कभी पढ़ते हैं। ऐसा ही एक
रिश्ता है ससुर और बहू का। भारत में उनकी बातचीत अक्सर पारिवारिक परम्पराओं के भारी बोझ के नीचे दबी रहती है। अजय जुगरान की यह कहानी एक छोटे शहर में, एक बीते युग में, एक बहू और उसके ससुर के बीच कोमल स्नेह और सम्मान की झलक पेश करती है।
Listen to Hindi kahaniyan and Urdu Kahaniyan by famous as well as lesser known writers. You will find here stories from everyone from Premchand to Ismat Chughtai ; Suryabala to Mohan Rakesh, Kaleshwar and Mannu Bhandari.
#hindi #sahitya #shortStories #storytelling
Some tragic love stories are legendary- Shirin-Farhad, Laila-Majnu, Sohni-Mahiwal, but for each that became a saga, there are probably millions of love stories that were extinguished and never remembered or retold. You’ll find them in the forgettable inner pages of the newspaper, in whispered gossip at social gatherings and very often buried somewhere deep in the hearts of the very characters of the stories, as they keep up with the demands of their hum-drum lives.
A tragic love story by Keval Sood, originally written in Punjabi. Translator: Unknown
#kevalSood #lovestory #Tragedy #lovers #love #Punjabi #punjab
Om Prakash Valmiki’s novel, 'Joothan' is considered a landmark in Dalit literature. His writing has been long considered to be a searing document of the caste system in India.
In this story, a son returns home with his first salary. He wants to hand over the money to his father along with the bitter truth that his father had been oblivious to and one that has tormented the young man since his childhood.
story,kahani,urdu kahani,hindi kahani,kahaniyan,radio kahani,radio story,audio story,podcast,storyjam,storytelling,radio,radioplay,Nayi Kahani,Short story,katha,hindi literature,hindi,hindi audio story,hindi audio kahani,urdu audio kahani,hindi radio story,urdu radio story,hindi audio stories,urdu audio stories,hindi writer,sahitya,sahitya akademi,dalit,dalit literature,Muzaffarnagar,hindi stories,omprakash valmiki
I have to confess that for a long time I associated Premchand’s writing with a kind of morose sentimentality. How and why that thought anchored itself in my head I have no clue, but it was no doubt a result of my ignorance.
I “discovered” Premchand in the last few years and am glad to be proven wrong. His writing has the depth and breadth that few other authors can claim. His observations are sharp, his humour sparkling and even the minor characters in his writing become unforgettable. And then there’s his personal life- his commitment to progressive writing, the relationship he shared with his writer wife- Shivrani, his commitment to his art. I keep adding to the list.
I am glad to share a story today that is as incisive a commentary on education, as it is witty.
It was a personal tragedy that propelled Mulk Raj Anand into a writing career. His first essay was in response to the suicide of an aunt excommunicated by her family for sharing a meal with a Muslim woman. It is the rigidity of the caste system and the deplorable condition that the poor of the country live in that became his literary preoccupation for the rest of his life. Known as India's Charles Dickens, Mulk Raj Anand, along with R. K Narayan is credited for having brought Indian English writing to International readers. One of the founding members of Progressive Writers Association, Mulk Raj Anand remained committed to the cause of Indian independence, writing propaganda materials while living in London. He continued to write after he moved back to India in 1947.
#hindikahani #IndianEnglish #ShortStories #audiostories
A simple story charmingly told about an unexpected visitor who doesn’t get what he came for and the host family that’s left scratching their heads to make sense of it all.
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Instagram: @arti_storyjam
#Hindi #StoryJam #BhishamSahni #Tamas #hindicinema #hindisahitya #progressivewriters #kahani
In the era of instant messaging, its hard to look back at a time when messages were relayed by a person- not even handwritten- just relayed verbatim, by another human! Samvadiya- the carrier of messages was duty bound to deliver the message exactly as he had received it. What happens when a Samvadiya gets too close to the message and its source and is unable to perform his duties.
Well known writer Phanishwar Nath Renu’s stories were set in rural India and carried in them the fragrance of village life, the lyricality of language and at the same time the burden of unsaid nuances that crept in from class and caste divides. He didn’t weigh his narrative down with judgemental statements, instead he sketched the scene with words, filling it with many layered complexities and let you decide for yourself what you make of it.
जाने-माने लेखक फणीश्वर नाथ रेणु की कहानियां ग्रामीण भारत में बसी हैं और उनमें ग्राम जीवन की सुगंध, भाषा की लयात्मकता तो है ही, साथ ही वर्ग और जाति के विभाजन से पैदा हुई सामाजिक विषमताओं का बोझ भी है ।
#hindi #storyjam #hindiwriters #hindipodcast #phanishwarnathrenu #kahani #kahaniyan #stories #storyteller #sahitya #sahityapath #samvadiya
हिंदी सिनेमा के मशहूर लेखक और पत्रकार, ख्वाजा अहमद अब्बास की टिपण्णी सिनेमा के स्टॉक किरदारों पर और साथ ही किस्सा एक ऐसी अदाकारा का जो परदे पर भले ही बेईमान वैम्प का रोल निभाती थी, लेकिन असलियत में अपने काम और हुनर की तरफ उसकी शिद्दत काबिल-इ-तारीफ थी. कौन थी ये मशहूर एक्ट्रेस?
Khwaja Ahmad Abbas was the “genius” writer behind most of Raj Kapoor’s superhit (and on one occasion flop) films- Awaara, Shri 420, Ram Teri Ganga Maili and Mera Naam Joker. However these came later. K.A Abbas had already proved his mettle as a writer with Shantaram’s ‘Dr. Kotnis ki Amar Kahani’ and Chetan Anand’s ‘Neecha Nagar’. He helped “strugglers” like Dev Anand and later Amitabh Bachchan. His stories were often considered not “literary” enough but he stood steadfast in his belief about telling the stories of everyday people in language that was theirs.
Look for other stories on StoryJam by K A Abbas:
Listen to Hindi kahaniyan and Urdu Kahaniyan by famous as well as lesser known writers. You will find here stories from everyone from Premchand to Ismat Chughtai ; Suryabala to Mohan Rakesh, Kaleshwar and Mannu Bhandari. ----Social Media Links: ---- Facebook : Instagram : @arti_storyjam Club House : @artijain
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Love, by any other name would be just as controversial…at least in India. Here’s Parsai ji’s take on “love marriage”- that much desired “happy ending” on the big screen and that much hush-hushed occurrence in real world of the GIS (Great Indian Samaaj)
You may think it, but Parsai ji will say it out loud…and put it on paper! He never shirked from calling a spade a spade. It is however the misfortune of us as a society that his commentary remains as relevant today as it was when he was writing it.
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I am excited to share a story/play by an early progressive writer, Rashid Jahan. It's a dialogue between a man and woman. She wrote it sometime in the early 1900’s. She may as well have written it yesterday!
This play/story is a collaboration between StoryJam and The Mansarovar Project. You’ll find all links to The Mansarovar Project below.
Let me know what you think of the collaboration and even more importantly what are your thoughts on the central issue here?
Here are some links to the wonderful people at @The Mansarovar Project . It was a lot of fun and hopefully first of many such in the future.
SoundCloud -
'The Mansarovar Project' is the hard work and creative energy of - Anant Nath Sharma - & Shivam Sharma -
Known as Walter Scott of Hindi literature, Vrindavanlal Verma was drawn to historical narratives from early on in life. A proud Bundelkhandi, his novel ‘Jhansi ki Rani’ is one of his best known works. This was not a work of fiction, at least not entirely. Vrindavanlal Verma was the great great grandson of Rani Laxmi Bai and grew up listening to his great grandmother’s stories about the Rani, who she had spent a lot of time with. Today’s story however is not set in history. This is when he strayed from his usual and came up with a witty, light humorous piece. In fact, “Mendhaki ka Byah” is still a “thing”. If you don’t believe me just google it!
जब बात किसी बात से न बने, तो वो टोने-टोटके पर उतर आती है। अपने देश में जितने लोग हैं उतने टोटके। इनमे हर दुःख निवारण का साधन है - चाहे झाड़ू से भूत भागना हो या भस्म से वशीकरण हटाना ह, इन का असर और किसी पर हो न हो, टोटका करवाने वाले की जेब पर ज़रूर होता है!
#hindi #hindikahani #urdukahani #kahaniyan #kahaniya #shortstories #HIndiSahitya #Hindipodcast #storyjam #vrindavanlalVerma
In a traditional qissago style, Amritlal Nagar tells the story of Haji Kulfiwala- a man who plows through his own suffering to help those around him by using the strength of his storytelling skills.
Amritlal Nagar's flair for radio writing is quite apparent in the story - Haji Kulfiwala, where he writes the narration in the style of a traditional kissago.
Amritlal Nagar received formal education until highschool but taught himself history, sociology, theology etc. He was a polyglot fluent in Hindi, English, Gujarati, Marathi and Bangla. His writing was just as varied as his intellectual interests. He wrote novels, short stories, children’s literature, memoirs, plays, screenplays etc. Often called the “real heir” to Premchand, he worked many jobs including as a radio producer with Akashvani Lucknow.
पद्मा भूषण अमृतलाल नागर ने हाई स्कूल तक ही पढाई की. साहित्य, इतिहास, पुराण, पुरातत्व व समाजशास्त्र का अध्ययन उन्होंने खुद स्वाध्याय से किया, और साथ ही और भी कई भाषाएं सीखी - गुजराती, मराठी, बंगला, अंग्रेजी. बहुत साल वे आकाशवाणी लखनऊ में नाटक प्रोडूसर रहे
#story #kahani #storytelling #Kissagoi #amritlalNagar #premchand #hindi #hindisahitya #Hindipodcast #Kahaniyan #kahaniya #Storytelling #storypodcast #audiostory
Some stories are long sagas, some have more plot twists than hairpin bends on a mountainous road. This story lives in a moment- a moment that speaks volumes about our world without its main character saying a single word.
When I began to look for more information about the writer, Yashpal. I was astounded. What I found out could be a whole episode in itself. Yashpal could be the hero of an action packed thriller! His life story was one of stealth attacks, days spent as a fugitive, betrayal by friends, prison time, shoot-outs and a romance that withstood the test of time. And then he gave it all up and settled down to a writer’s life.
That Premchand was a writer of immense talent and depth is evident from the variety of genres his work straddled. He wrote novels, short stories, plays, essays, biographies, children’s books. He even experimented with form by writing fiction as letters. His translations spanned works of literary giants- Leo Tolstoy to Oscar Wilde to Jawahar Lal Nehru to Saadi Shirazi. He even went to Bombay for a year to try his luck in Cinema. There he wrote one film Mill Mazdoor, which was promptly banned by the British. Bombay wasn’t for him in any case, he said and came back home to Benaras.
When you listen to this story, you’d know that had he stayed on, he could well have written all the dialogues for Tom Alter :)
Here’s a short story that shows his sharp wit and humor.
हिंदी साहित्य में प्रेमचंद जैसा और कोई नहीं . उनकी क़लम ने हर विधा में सृजन किया और ये कहना कठिन है की उनकी कहानियां बेहतर हैं या उनके उपन्यास, उनके लिखे लेख ज़्यादा गहरे हैं या उनके द्वारा अनुदित दूसरी भाषाओँ की किताबें. आज उनका लिखा एक मज़ेदार व्यंग- खट्टा मीठा और थोड़ा सा तीखा
मुंशी प्रेमचंद का जीवन परिचय : धनपत राय श्रीवास्तव जिन्हे साहित्य प्रेमी प्रेमचंद के नाम से जाने जाते हैं, हिन्दी और उर्दू के शायद सबसे अधिक लोकप्रिय रचनाकार हैं । उन्होंने सेवासदन, प्रेमाश्रम, रंगभूमि, निर्मला, गबन, कर्मभूमि, गोदान आदि लगभग डेढ़ दर्जन उपन्यास तथा कफन, पूस की रात, पंच परमेश्वर, बड़े घर की बेटी, बूढ़ी काकी, दो बैलों की कथा आदि तीन सौ से अधिक कहानियाँ लिखीं। उनके उपन्यास सुर कथाएं हिन्दी तथा उर्दू दोनों भाषाओं में प्रकाशित हुईं। अपने दौर की सभी प्रमुख उर्दू और हिन्दी पत्रिकाओं जमाना, सरस्वती, माधुरी, मर्यादा, चाँद, सुधा आदि में भी उन्होंने लिखा।वे हिन्दी समाचार पत्र जागरण तथा साहित्यिक पत्रिका हंस के संपादक और प्रकाशक भी रहे। इसके लिए उन्होंने सरस्वती प्रेस खरीदा जो बाद में घाटे में रहा और बन्द करना पड़ा। प्रेमचंद फिल्मों की पटकथा लिखने मुंबई भी गए और लगभग तीन वर्ष तक रहे। वे जीवन के अंतिम दिनों तक वे साहित्य सृजन में लगे रहे।
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