Straight Talk with Sandra Reich

Straight Talk with Sandra Reich

There are secrets to living your best life. We have control over our destinies if we are willing to accept responsibility and learn how to evolve to our highest levels. The sky is the limit if you can learn about your own traps, wounds and move beyond them. We don’t get a manual on parenting, romantic relationships, how to become successful or how to manage life. Victimization, anxiety, depression, martyrdom and worse are the fall outs of not understanding your own role in your own life quality. Learn how you can really change your own life. Turn any darkness in your world into light. Become an expert at the dance of relationships. Reach for the stars and have the success in life and love that you always dreamt of. Top Relationship, Parenting, Anxiety Expert and Best Selling Author Sandra Reich M.Ed. will give you the “straight talk” on strategies that will take your life from getting by, to living your dreams!

Straight Talks Goodbye Party!

After 3 years and more than 175 shows, it is sadly time to say goodbye. Join us for this final episode where we celebrate great insights, review valuable lessons learnt, and talk about how to keep your eyes on the stars.


Encore: Is Caretaking the New Addiction?

Caretaking others - sounds good right? We are supposed to be kind to others when they fall… right? But what is the difference between Caretaking and Kindness? There is a huge difference.


Encore: How to REALLY not die! AKA: How to live!

People in the North America spend a lot of time and money on healthcare. Pharmaceuticals play a big part in that. The U.S. pharmaceutical market is the world’s most important national market.


What to Do About Anger?

What causes anger? Is it possible to be angry in a constructive way? Anger is a pretty intense emotional state. Because it a response that involves displeasure, hostility, and/or annoyance, it can be pretty tough to keep it under control.


It's Time to Get Happy!

Are you happy? Is it even possible to find true happiness? Happiness is a much researched and sought-after state of being. One that great thinkers all over the world have tried to explain.


Encore: Love Sense: The science of Romantic Relationships

Sandra is joined by Dr Sue Johnson bestselling author of "Hold me Tight" and " Love Sense".


Experience Real Change in the New Year

A new year (and its perceived “fresh start”) is often a catalyst for many changes in life.


Beat the January Blues and Bring Back the Sunshine!

With the holiday season behind us and the novelty of a new year wearing off, January can be a long, dreary month.


Why Wait? Overcoming Procrastination!

We all procrastinate at one time or another. Who among us hasn’t gone to the movies when we should be working on our taxes? But when it becomes a chronic way of life, it can actually lead serious disappointments and unhealthy patterns in our lives.


When Being the Hero Becomes Harmful

Superheroes, white knights, saviors.


Encore: Overcoming Your Inner Critic

Each of us has an “inner critic” judging our every action and instructing us on how to live our lives.


Encore: New Year, New You!

Have you made a New Year's Resolution's in the past and not stuck to them? Most of us have made New Year’s resolutions in the past but are we successful in making them last.


Helping Kids with ADHD, Anxiety, and Other Common Challenges

Parenting definitely isn’t for cowards! It’s tough stuff. But, raising a child with ADHD or an anxiety disorder or the like, adds new a wrinkle to traditional childrearing.


Untangling the Chains of Enmeshed Relationships

Enmeshed relationships are relationships that have unclear boundaries and very little autonomy for the individual. Sometimes it is said that a person in such a relationship is lost in the other person. Maybe they allow their partner to define them.


Creating Deep Family Bonds

Family time is important. This seems especially true as we head into this holiday season. Most of us have ideals for how we want our family to bond and interact.


Investing the Time to Thrive as a Couple

Do you ever wonder why some couples “make it” and some do not? When you think about it, it’s a little bit miraculous that any two people from different worlds get together and make love last for long stretches of time.


When Cognitive Dissonance is Your Friend

Do you ever feel like a hypocrite? You know, when you claim to believe or do one thing while living out the opposite? At some level we all have seasons of hypocrisy.


Encore: Does your psychological make up and your real make up have anything in common?

Sandra is joined by beauty expert and host of BEaUty Inside and Out- Bonnie Bonadeo to discuss what real beauty really means in terms of thoughts, psychological make up and even of course real make up.


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