Strategic Momentum

Strategic Momentum

Strategic Momentum helps you achieve meaningful work-life fit in an ever-changing world through inspiring stories, actionable tips, and pragmatic advice from those that found their fit. Change is constant. Uncertainty is now the new certainty. And in today’s landscape, there is a fundamental shift from conformity to individual agency so we can truly be our whole selves. So how do we create the right professional and personal momentum so we align our passions and growth potential to deliver the impact we want? Our forward-thinking leaders and creators share tips, stories and advice on ‘how’ they redefined success to help them progress the way they wanted. Follow us on Instagram @strategicmomentum and learn more at

Ep. 77 - Building Your Personal Brand: Identifying Your Superpowers, Defining Your Value, and Managing Your Career Like a Business — with David Knies

In our last podcourse, Jenny Blake walked us through what a career pivot really is, answering questions about how to move forward and be more fluid in a non-linear career path. Today, we continue to explore this question with David Knies, the Chief Growth officer at Boston-based design firm Essential. While brand development is commonplace in business, many people struggle to define their personal brand in a way that represents their authentic selves and effectively differentiates them in the market. For David, a brand strategist and growth leader for high growth, design- and innovation-led businesses, the trick is to think of yourself as a business. His mission is to create opportunities that help businesses and leaders reach their next level - faster. In this episode, David gives us insight and advice into what it takes to define who you really are, what you do and the unique value you truly bring. Learn more, and find the complete show notes, at with David on LinkedIn | TwitterVisit David’s websiteLearn more about EssentialSubscribe to the Strategic Momentum podcast:On Apple PodcastsOn the Google Play StoreOn Stitcher RadioOn SpotifyStrategic Momentum is produced by Crate Media


Biz of You Spotlight: Fluidity — Building the Business of You with Connie Steele

In this short-form series, Connie Steele shares tips from her #1 Amazon new release book, Building the Business of You. In this episode, Connie introduces the concept of “Fluidity,” the individual and operational mindset that is critical to building the business of you. What does it mean to be fluid? What are examples? And how can we use fluidity to create our career strategies? 


Biz of You Spotlight: Spotting the Trends — Building the Business of You

In this episode, Connie covers step one of the five-part fluid career system, called Spotting the Trends. It’s all about identifying the challenges, threats, opportunities and potential to help you research and analyze where you are and where you want to go. She explains how it fits into the overall system and why it’s so critical to career success.


Biz of You Spotlight: Preparing for Change — Building the Business of You

In this episode, Connie covers the third part of the five-part fluid career system, called Preparing for Change. It’s all about accepting change, managing fear then turning it into excitement, and pushing past the inertia we face. She explains how it fits into the overall system and why it’s so critical to career success.


Biz of You Spotlight: Networking— Building the Business of You

In this episode, Connie covers the fourth part of the five-part fluid career system, Networking. It’s all about creating that value exchange and building your village to help you reach your potential. She explains how it fits into the overall system and why it’s so critical to career success.


Ep. 1 - Revampology (Part 1): Identifying and Aligning Personal and Professional Fit

Welcome to the first episode of the Strategic Momentum podcast!Every month, we’ll be sharing the perspectives, recommendations, and approaches that progressive executives have used to break through their business inertia and move their businesses forward. These interviews will be with leaders across a variety of roles and industries because valuable insights should – and do – come from everywhere.Challenges in a business vary but it always falls within one of three buckets: people, process or technology.With the people part of this three-legged stool, personal and professional fit are critical, but there’s often a gap. Kareen Walsh from Revampologist shares her perspective on how companies need to ‘Mind the Gap’ in order to get that necessary alignment to drive company success. We will learn:The key gaps that plague an organizationHow to diagnose and assess the personal and professional challenges of ‘people’ that impact a firm’s performanceAddressing the issue of fit to drive towards business and team alignment Resources:Learn more at Revampologist.comConnect with Kareen: LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram 


Ep. 2 - Revampology (Part 2): Adapting and Aligning Process & Technology for Forward Momentum

Challenges in a business vary, but it always falls within one of three buckets: people, process or technology.In the last episode, we talked to Kareen Walsh, Founder of Revampologist, about the People component to this triad. Today, we’re diving into Process and Technology – specifically, how organizations need to understand and work through the ever-changing dynamics that impact these two components in order to ensure forward momentum You will learn:Process management through changeUnderstanding and balancing internal and external (i.e. customer) technology needs and it’s alignment to an organization’s business objectives.Importance of data and measurement in optimizing technology and overall operations. Resources:Learn more at Revampologist.comConnect with Kareen: LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram Production & Development for Strategic Momentum by Podcast Masters


Ep. 3 - From Tech to Toys: Creating the momentum to build a new business - with Andy Musliner

Today’s guest has a fascinating entrepreneurial journey that has led from tech to… well, tape. Just a couple years ago, Andy Musliner was a Chief Technology & Innovation Officer at an award-winning mobility company. Now Andy is the Founder and CEO of InRoad Toys, an award-winning toy company. Their premiere product, PlayTape, has revolutionized how the world plays with toy vehicles.   You will learn: How Andy’s mindset of continually thinking outside of the box as a result of his career in innovation lead to the creation of PlayTape. What it took to start InRoad Toys with no industry knowledge or experience in the toy industry – observation, data gathering, research and analysis on every facet of the toy business. The importance of finding top notch talent when it’s time to expand, and what it takes to attract them even as a startup.   Resources: Connect with Andy on LinkedIn Learn more about InRoad Toys: | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest   Production & Development for Strategic Momentum by Podcast Masters


Ep. 4 - Self-reflection and Listening: The Key to Propelling You, Your Agency and Your Client’s Business Forward - with Greg Johnston

Greg Johnston is the SVP and Creative Director of AgencyQ, an award-winning digital agency that transforms the way organizations reach, engage, and inspire their key audiences.From the mail room to the C-Suite, Greg Johnston has achieved success throughout his career by recognizing the need to constantly innovate, iterate, and evolve over time. And this mindset has been relevant and applicable to the agencies that he has worked with particularly given the impact of technology on marketing.Yet it takes self-awareness, self-reflection and listening to realize how to create that forward momentum. You will learn:What inhibits many agencies and even their clients from evolving to address the ever-changing customer dynamics.The need to listen and what to listen forThe importance of achieving that agency, client and customer relationship - Agencies need to listen to their clients, clients need to listen to their agencies, and both need to listen to the customers. Resources:Learn more about AgencyQConnect with Greg on LinkedIn Production & Development for Strategic Momentum by Podcast Masters


Ep. 5 - Agile Transformation & The Government: Changing Culture & Process - with Will Choi

Will Choi is the President and CEO of VerticalApps, an IT consulting company focused on facilitating the agile transformation of the federal government… which is quite a daunting task. We discuss strategies and advice for creating momentum in product development. This forward movement requires breaking down the norms, not just in the way they work but down to their fundamental culture Resources:Learn more about VerticalAppsConnect with Greg on LinkedIn


Ep. 6 - Emotions and Fear - Its impact on business momentum and you

Today we explore how fear affects us in business through the eyes of the incredible industry experts who have shared their wisdom on the show, as well as a subject matter expert who offers a lot of insight into the psychology of fear and motivation: Kareen Walsh, Founder and Solutions Strategist at Revampologist Andy Musliner, Founder and CEO of InRoad Toys Greg Johnston, SVP and Creative Director at AgencyQ Will Choi, President and CEO of Vertical Apps Dr. Mary Lamia, a psychologist who has spent her career studying and encouraging emotional awareness. She is the author of numerous books for kids, teenagers, and adults, including What Motivates Getting Things Done, as well as the upcoming The Upside of Shame. Resources: Dr. Mary Lamia: What Motivates Getting Things Done: Procrastination, Emotions, and Success The Upside of Shame: Therapeutic Interventions Using the Positive Aspects of a "Negative" Emotion Will Choi: Greg Johnston: AgencyQ Andy Musliner: Kareen Walsh:


Ep. 7 - Empathizing with your customers - The role it plays in product strategy | with Jim Gregoire

Jim Gregoire is the Chief Product Officer at Openbay, an award-winning online marketplace for auto repair and provider of SaaS-based offerings for the auto care industry. Unlike most product leaders, Jim started in marketing and shifted to his current role.   We discuss what an effective product strategy entails (it needs to be truly customer-centric vs. taking an inside-out point of view), how a product leader creates the momentum that garners stakeholder buy-in and enables them to get the resources they need – and, ultimately, why establishing a product experience that delivers intrinsic value requires you to empathize with your internal and external customers.   Resources: Connect with Jim on LinkedIn Learn more about Openbay


Ep. 8 - Digital Transformation = Business Transformation | The goal, the challenges, and how to truly make the change | with Mike Renner

The Digital Revolution has brought about fundamental changes in the way businesses operate inside and out much like the Industrial Revolution. As a result, organizations have to undertake a ‘digital transformation,’ which often requires rethinking the business itself.Mike Renner has over 20 years of executive management experience leading technology services and consulting companies that focus on aligning everything within a business to create exceptional value around technology. As CEO of MPRE Digital, a digital transformation consultancy, he focuses on bringing Digital Products, Customer Experience, and Data/Analytics to the core of his clients’ businesses. Resources:Connect with Mike on LinkedIn


Ep. 9 - Emotions are Motivators - Not Just Business Momentum Inhibitors | with Dr. Mary Lamia

Dr. Mary Lamia is a psychologist who has spent her career studying and encouraging emotional awareness. She is the author of numerous books for kids, teenagers, and adults, including What Motivates Getting Things Done and the upcoming The Upside of Shame.We discuss how both positive and negative emotions motivate us, and the importance of our emotions, which can help us in business. Resources:Learn more at MaryLamia.comRead: What Motivates Getting Things Done: Procrastination, Emotions, and SuccessPre-order: The Upside of Shame: Therapeutic Interventions Using the Positive Aspects of a "Negative" Emotion


Ep. 10 - Creative-Led & Brand-Driven: Creating content that delivers business momentum | with Mark DeVito

Mark DeVito has been in the business of creating compelling content for much of his career, starting with television and music videos. Now, as President of Bates Creative, he delivers digital strategy, branding, campaign, and collateral solutions that start with their clients’ mission and build into customized experiences.We discuss what’s needed to create compelling content in today’s digital environment: doing your audience research, deeply understanding your client’s brand, and being agile. Resources:Learn more about Bates Creative: | Facebook | Twitter | InstagramConnect with Mark on LinkedIn Production & Development for Strategic Momentum by Podcast Masters


Ep. 11 - Marketing Strategy to Execution: What inhibits and facilitates success - with Greg Johnston

Many companies develop what they believe will be an effective marketing strategy, and then the execution falls short of expectations – but, with proper planning in addition to an awareness of how one’s own emotions and pretense can impact the outcome, this can be avoided.Greg Johnston, SVP and Creative Director of AgencyQ, returns to the Strategic Momentum podcast to share his perspective on what organizations need to consider in aligning strategy to execution in order to lay the groundwork for future success. Resources:Learn more about AgencyQConnect with Greg on LinkedIn Production & Development for Strategic Momentum by Podcast Masters


Ep. 12 - Motivational Styles of Successful People: Task vs. Deadline-Driven - with Dr. Mary Lamia

Returning guest Dr. Mary Lamia is a psychologist who has spent her career studying and encouraging emotional awareness. She is the author of numerous books for kids, teenagers, and adults, including What Motivates Getting Things Done and the upcoming The Upside of Shame (releasing 2/6/18).We explore the different motivational styles of successful people – task-driven and deadline-driven – and why understanding your own natural style of getting things done, while embracing those of others, will help you build and maintain strategic momentum in your business environment. Resources:Learn more at Read: What Motivates Getting Things Done: Procrastination, Emotions, and SuccessPre-order: The Upside of Shame: Therapeutic Interventions Using the Positive Aspects of a "Negative" Emotion (release date: 2/6/18)  Production & Development for Strategic Momentum by Podcast Masters


Ep. 13 - Machine Learning: How to Implement It & Drive Business Momentum - with Jason Hunter

Jason Hunter is the Data Science business lead for CapTech consulting and, for 15 years, he has been using data to help businesses drive impact. Now, with the advent of machine learning, he sees the world of businesses analysis changing forever as organizations gain the ability to truly look at their data.We discuss what exactly machine learning is, and what it will take to effectively apply machine learning to break through the inertia to drive impact in your organization. Resources:Learn more at CapTechConsulting.comConnect with Jason on LinkedIn Production & Development for Strategic Momentum by Podcast Masters


Ep. 14 - Employees & Customer Relationships: Key Components to Delivering a Customer-Centric Experience - with Lee Sommers

Lee Sommers is the owner of Purpose Personal Fitness, a leading athletic training and consulting services company. He’s been involved in the fitness industry for almost 20 years and has worked with athletes of all levels, including Olympic champion Katie Ledecky. He has seen the industry evolve over that time with a primary focus on profit over people, which Lee believes is a mistake, in the long term.In the fitness industry, Lee believes that you need to be customer-service oriented to deliver an optimal experience; in other words, be customer-centric. And he’s not the only one: as we discussed with Mike Renner back in Episode 8, customers have more influence than ever in today’s digitally focused environment.So it’s critical to keep a pulse on what your customers need because, obviously, you can't stay in business if you're not turning a profit – and “a service mentality is what really feeds profit.” Resources:Connect with Lee: Instagram | LeeSommersPT (at) gmail (dot) com “How Much Does Employee Turnover Really Cost?” Production & Development for Strategic Momentum by Podcast Masters


Ep. 15 - Creating a Culture of Leadership and Engagement Through the Power of Movies (Pt 1) - with Scott DiGiammarino

Scott DiGiammarino is the CEO of MovieComm, a technology company that helps leaders lead through the power of movie clips.Prior to MovieComm, Scott was a senior executive at American Express. During his tenure, he turned around one of the worst performing offices and achieved the top ranked spot in a year, then held that spot for 20 years.In this episode, we discuss the challenges Scott faced at American Express, how he grew the business significantly, and the creative solutions he implemented to motivate and engage a geographically distributed, expanding, and increasingly younger workforce. Resources:Check out MovieComm.comConnect with Scott on LinkedIn Production & Development for Strategic Momentum by Podcast Masters


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