Streamline Philly

Streamline Philly’s operations have their roots in sustainability and a focus on the social impact of their projects. As part of their neighborhood development work, the team has cleaned up contaminated lots and replaced many blighted buildings with more modern construction. The improvements enhance the local neighborhood through economic growth opportunities, creating a more vibrant living space for families.

Streamline Philly - Passionate About Property Development

Streamline Philly is passionate about property development. The team handle the full spectrum of property types and have a wide portfolio available for sale and to rent. Streamline Philly has cemented its reputation as a leading provider of competitively priced property.


Streamline Philly | A Real Estate Worker

Streamline Philly has made enormous contributions within the Philadelphia area real estate scene. In 2013, Streamline Philly was the third fastest-growing, privately-owned business, and their CEO received the “Philadelphia Real Estate Smart CEO of the Year Award.” The accolades continued over the years with Mike Stillwell’s 2019 Developer of the Year recognition being just the latest in a long line of accolades.


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