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Strong Women in IT

Author: Anita Kijanka, Małgorzata Gryz

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Anita Kijanka and Małgorzata Gryz, leaders of "Strong Women in IT", talk to their guests about new technologies, innovations, leadership and management.

You will meet interesting businesswomen who have built their careers in the new technologies industry. You will hear inspiring stories from the IT world, learn how visionaries perceive reality and how they create the future. Some episodes will be devoted to development, mentoring, and business education.
43 Episodes
📣 Listen to the inspirational discussion, based on the path of experienced leaders and mentors representing different sectors with their strong footprints in IT-Tech and Edu. 🔥🔥 During the conversation, our speakers answer the above questions; 👉What did you gain thanks to your own mentoring experience? 👉What are your do's and don'ts in your intensive mentorship journeys? 👉Why do we need career sponsors in business? 👉What is your most important lesson or discovery from a mentor's perspective? This time the guests of Małgorzata Gryz will be Top Tech & Edu Leaders: 🔹Michelle Tower - Senior Director, Data Management Office, Gender Development & Equality Advocate at Procter & Gamble 🔹Ela Bonda - Head of DEI & Productivity at NatWest Group Poland 🔹Małgorzata Sztejter - Executive & team coach, mentor. Enjoy listening!
The IT industry is a hybrid world. Listen to the Strong Women in IT podcast and find out how to effectively build Employer Branding in hybrid work! 🔥 👉What are the biggest challenges in employing people in a hybrid work system? 👉How to support team building and a sense of belonging to the hybrid organization? 👉How is the future of Employer Branding in a hybrid work? Find out the answers to these questions in our podcast! Anita Kijanka's guests were Top Technology Leaders: 🔹Sylwia Bilska - Managing Director at Edenred Poland, 🔹Frida Saberian - Sustainability Manager at Ework Group, 🔹Róża Szafranek - Founder & CEO HR Hints, Owner & CEO Culturivy® Institute. Enjoy listening!
We invite you to listen to the next podcast from the Strong Women in IT series! This time our experts talking about:  "Technology Trends and Challenges 2024". 👉 What does the future of Artificial Intelligence look like and what impact will it have on the industry and everyday life? 👉What are the latest cybersecurity strategies that enable companies to strengthen their defenses? 👉What opportunities and challenges does 5G present in different sectors? 👉What are the essential skills you need to develop in the ever-evolving tech industry? Find out the answers to these questions in our podcast! Anita Kijanka's guests were Top Technology Leaders: 🔹Magdalena Kasiewicz - Director of Cloud Services Sales - Leadership Team Member at Hewlett Packard Enterprise Poland, 🔹Zora Holla - Power Technical Sales Leader, NCEE Global Sales – Cloud Platform Sales IBM Quantum Ambassador, 🔹Mateusz Majewski - Area Vice President South East Europe at UiPath.
We invite you to listen to the special Strong Women in IT podcast - Leader With Social Impact! 🔥🔥 👉Why is social responsibility so important, especially nowadays? 👉Where does our passion for social responsibility come from? 👉How to inspire others to also get involved in important ideas? 👉Is the role of a leader in taking socially responsible actions unique today? We asked these and other questions to our extraordinary speakers whose DNA is full of social accountability strategies and giving to others. Małgorzata Gryz's guests are experienced top leaders: Izabela Tworzydło – Director of the Corporate Communication Department at the BNP Paribas Bank, Katarzyna Rozenfeld – Partner at Roseweald, Non-Executive Director at Grantham, initiator of the Kobiety na Wybory campaign, and Nicola Whitehead – General Manager of the European Network of Women in Leadership.
Listen to our podcast from the Strong Women in IT series! Anita Kijanka and her guests are discussing how women support each other. During the session, our speakers discuss topics such as: 👉The Power of Mentorship and Networking 👉Overcoming Gender Stereotypes and Biases in business and everyday life 👉 How can we foster a Culture of Inclusivity? This time Anita Kijanka hosts engaging female leaders from the Strong Women in IT community: 🔹Izabela Duiwe - Senior Customer Experience Program Manager at Microsoft, 🔹 Dorota Zaremba - Vice President, MidMarket Sales Director at SAP Poland. Enjoy the listening!
We encourage you to listen to a special podcast related to the launch of the Strong Women in IT 2023 report! 🔥🔥 After dozens of hours spent analyzing the data and preparing the content, we can finally officially present the results of our work. The event consists of two thematic panels based on the report's results and an inspiring Keynote speech. Below you will find the agenda: 🔷 “Welcome of participants and a short introduction” 🔷 Keynote speech: "My journey to the Executive level": Brigette McInnis-Day - Chief People Officer at UiPath 🔷 PANEL I: “Business & Technology Trends Through the eyes of Strong Women in IT.” Host: Anita Kijanka, Speakers: Eva Blaisdell Lady Rocket - Founder at Copernic Space, Monika Kordowska - Tribe Leader of Operational Excellence Tribe in BNP Paribas Bank Polska, Nina Nourafrouz - Managing Director of Billennium GmbH. 🔷 PANEL II: “Leadership dilemmas in the turbulent times.” Host: Małgorzata Gryz, Speakers: Tina Sobocińska - Founder & HR Strategic Advisor at HR4future, and Myladie Stoumbou - Regional Director at Microsoft.
Listen to another podcast from the Strong Women in IT series! This time, leaders from our community will talk about: "The Future of Business with AI". 👉 How to use AI to grow your business? 👉 How will artificial intelligence affect interactions with customers and the personalization of services and products? 👉 How to successfully create AI and Human Workforce Collaboration? Find out the answers to these questions in our webinar! Anita Kijanka's guests will be experienced leaders who work with AI daily: Margie Gniech - AI Lead, Business Development Manager at TD SYNNEX, and Raluca Tătărușanu - Vice President of Sales at DRUID AI.
The unique podcast from the Strong Women in IT series! For the first time, our speakers will be Men Leaders who have achieved amazing and sustainable business results over the years. At the same time, they have shaped fair, respectful, and diverse cultures and practices. During the session, we will cover topics around: 👉 Fostering the culture of equality and giving Women an impactful place at the discussion and decision-making table. 👉 Building an inclusive leadership style and mindset by Top Men Leaders – how to do it effectively? 👉 Sharing leadership practices to encourage women to dare more and reach for more – practical examples and best practices. 👉 Advisory to Women and men on how to partner in the business, respecting differences and building on them. 👉 Overcoming stereotypes, and providing reasons to believe that diverse organizations achieve more. The above aspects are discussed by inspiring Top Men Leaders: Vahe Torossian - Global Tech Executive, Bartosz Łopiński - CEO at Billennium, Eric Magdato – Country Head, Lingaro Philippines. The podcast will be hosted by the VP of Strong Women in IT - Małgorzata Gryz.
We invite you to listen to the next podcast from the Strong Women in IT series! This time Anita Kijanka and her guests are talking about:  Pros and cons of building a Fintech Company! 👉 What are the biggest challenges related to the development of Fintechs and how to deal with them? 👉 What do we need to remember if we want to develop fintech projects internationally? 👉 Do cultural differences make scaling fintech projects more difficult? Find out the answers to these questions in our podcast!  In this episode, Anita Kijanka hosts female leaders from the FinTech industry: Monika Kania - Growth Director for CEE, Baltic & Nordic countries at Vodeno, and Thea van Oosterhout - Founder of Mariposa, Country Ambassador NL at European Women Payments Network.
This is another podcast from the Strong Women in IT series! This time Strong Women in IT are talking about:  The future of the HealthTech Industry! 👉How does technology affect medicine and our health? 👉What are the forecasts for the development of the Healthtech industry? 👉What innovative solutions are enabled by companies run by our Strong Women? 👉 What are the biggest challenges your business faces right now? Find out the answers to these questions in our podcast!  In this episode, Anita Kijanka hosts female leaders from the HealthTech industry: Anna O'Leary (co-founder of BioXplor) , Joanna Kasprzak (COO Apzumi), and Natalia Sowa (Head of Brand Marketing at uPacjenta).
How to make a career and achieve success in a corporation? Hear the career stories of our Strong Women in IT and get inspired!   👉What corporations are offering you can’t find anywhere else? 👉What type of personality can be successful in a corporation? 👉What are the biggest pros and cons of working in a corporation? 👉Is a career in a corporation a good choice for women?   These questions are answered by women from the Strong Women in IT community: Magdalena Kasiewicz - Customer Success Lead & Board Member at Microsoft, Izabela Sosnicka-Lipa - Global Head of Group Services Department at Roche, and Alexandra Tessari - Poland Head of Markets & Securities Services Technology at HSBC.
How to manage sales in difficult times? Get advice from experienced leaders from the Strong Women in IT community!   👉How to effectively manage sales in the company? 👉What methods are worth using in sales today? 👉What are the sales challenges related to the current market situation? 👉How have clients changed over the years?  These questions will be answered by the invited women from the Strong Women in IT community! Anita Kijanka hosts the enterprising businesswomen: Raluca Tatarusanu - Global Sales Director at Druid AI and Tamara Bolsewicz - Co-founder and CEO at Meetsales.
“Mompreneurs - how to combine responsibilities?” - With this question, we will start the next Strong Women in IT podcast cycle. Many women combine a career, with taking care of children and doing household chores every day. How to successfully combine all roles when you run your own business or hold a managerial position? Hear how our Strong Women in IT do it!   👉How to reconcile motherhood and current duties? 👉Happy mom = happy baby: in search of myself 👉Work-life balance, or work-life blending?   Company management and the desire to be with a child -  life hacks! Anita Kijanka will be proud to host the Mompreneurs: Mariam Kobiashvili, Aleksandra Pszczoła and Paulina Walkowiak.  
Pierwszy odcinek serii Strong Women in IT, którego gościem jest Natalia Hatalska. Opowie w nim o szeroko pojętych zmianach w sferze życia prywatnego i zawodowego, o tym jak odnajdujemy się w nowej rzeczywistości koronawirusa, o ochronie danych osobowych podczas kwarantanny... i wielu innych zagadnieniach!
Strong Woman tego odcinka to liderka biznesowa i technologiczna w dziedzinie bankowości transakcyjnej i konsumenckiej z 25-letnim doświadczeniem w Europie, Azji i USA. Zarządza zmianami, wprowadza innowacje i restrukturyzacje w przedsiębiorstwach, a także trenuje kickboxing. W arcyciekawej rozmowie z Anitą Kijanką - Sonia Wędrychowicz.
Janina Bąk, wirtuoz statystyki na Trinity College w Dublinie,  opowie nam, skąd wzięła się w niej miłość do tej dziedziny, czy irytują ją błędne przedstawianie danych oraz jak podchodzi do hejtu w internecie. Nie zabraknie też czasu na rozmowę o jej książce "Statystycznie rzecz biorąc. Czyli ile trzeba zjeść czekolady, żeby dostać Nobla".
Czy zwracamy uwagę jak bardzo zdigitalizowana jest nasza codzienność? Jak przygotować się do nadchodzących wraz z AI zmian? Jakie są największe wyzwania związane z rozwojem sztucznej inteligencji, o czym powinniśmy pamiętać?
O 5G w praktyce i jego znaczeniu dla nas, o telekomie przyszłości, o transformacji cyfrowej telekomunikacji i o wielu innych zagadnieniach...
O tym jak technologia zmienia podróżowanie i czym jest kontekstowa wyszukiwarka wycieczek z Anitą Kijanką porozmawia Agnieszka Kukałowicz, założycielka i dyrektor generalna serwisu
Strong Women objaśnią nam czym jest e-mobility. Spróbują też ustalić, czy samochody autonomiczne są kierunkiem jej rozwoju oraz jak rozwinięta jest elektromobilność w Polsce względem Europy i świata.