Successful Businessmen

Successful Businessmen is a weekly podcast that was born out of a primordial pool of piss and vinegar on a porch in Austin, Texas. Hosts Chexty 2600 and Tim Hussein perform shamanistic rituals to conjure fire from on high and brimstone from below, while producer Kyle "The Kool-Aid Man" Kercher does his best to keep us from burnin' down the neighborhood. We stumble through this confusing world like a blind man swinging wildly with a machete, determined to get to the bottom of things and set the record straight, spitting truth in your faces and earholes like those dinosaurs that spit stuff. You've been warned. Handle with care, cause it's a hot one.

Ep 33: Successful BusinessmEnd of All Things

The long awaited final episode is finally ready for your listening enjoyment. We invite the whole gang into a big hot tub time machine of piss and vinegar. A few familiar faces turn up, as well as some new ones. This shit is two fucking hours long and it’s a hot, drunken mess. But it’s funny as fuck. At the very end, the fate of humanity rests in Kyle’s hands and.. well, you’ll have to see what happens. And in the end, we get around to establishing those pesky ground rules.


Ep 32: Mr. Hussein Goes to Washington

After the tumultuous events of last week, Chexty and Kyle are stranded at the Circle K, in the thrall of Wiki Wild Wild Convenience Store Owner, waiting on Tim's return. Tim and Landon, stranded in the Wild West with no means of time travel, make their way to the Wild Northeast, to the nation's capitol. We meet some interesting characters, some of which actually survive the 'sode! This is the penultimate episode of the Successful Businessmen! (That means it's the one right before the last one)


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