Sulthan's Podcast - தமிழில் புத்தக சுருக்கம். Book Summary in Tamil by Sulthan

Tired of reading books? Feeling sleepy while reading books? NO WORRIES!!!!!. Listen to my podcast for the summaries or Self-help, Motivational, Non fiction book in Tamil..... கவலை வேண்டாம்.. தமிழ்-லயே கேக்கலாம் ....

Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 25. Put Fortune on Your Side.

The law of probability. The invaluable lesson. The probabilities of success. Increase the probabilities. Use the law on your behalf. Three keys to success. The power of self discipline. Proven success methods. Ask your way. You are the architect of your own destiny. #thelawofprobability #fortune #selfdiscipline #personalsuccess #success #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanspodcast #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 24. Develop Your Creativity.

Innovation is essential. Better, cheaper and faster. Expect a negative reaction. Be patient. Suggest a pilot project. Most new ideas don't work. Keep on going. #creativemind #innovation #personalsuccess #success #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 23. Be a Team Player.

The five keys for high performance teams. Shared goals and objectives. Shared values. Shared plan of action. One leader. Continuous review and evaluation. Seek opportunity to contribute. #teamplayer #personalsuccess #success #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 22. Accept Responsibilities for Results.

No Excuses, No Blaming. An attitude of ownership. No one is perfect. Feeling powerful and purposeful. #acceptresponsibility #responsibility #attitude #noexcuses #noblaming #personalsuccess #success #briantracy #booksummary #booksummaryintamil #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 21. Plan Strategically.

Strategic planning process. Vision, Values, Mission, Purpose, Goals, Priorities, Actions. Think on paper. #strategy #planning #strategicplanning #planningprocess #planning #thinkonpaper #personalsucess # success #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 20. Commit to Excellence.

Avoid political gamesmanship. Three factor to consider WHAT, WHO and HOW. Know your value offering. Focus on your customer. Deliver results. Attract attention. #commitment #excellence #committoexcellence #customer #personalsuccess #success #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 18. Summary of ideas 11 to 15.

Be a competent speaker. Associate with the right people. Network Continually. Knowledge is power. Dress for success. #speaker #publicspeaking #competentspeaker #rightpeople #networking #networkcontinually #knowledge #knowledgeispower #dressing #wardrobe #personalsuccess #success #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 18. Dress for Success.

95 percent of the first impression that you make on other people comes from your dress and grooming. Proper business dress opens doors. Look like a champion. #dress #grooming #firstimpression #dressforsuccess #personalsuccess #success #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode -17. Knowledge is Power.

Knowledge is power. Become an expert. Lessons from fastest growing companies. Quality improvement = success. Develop a long term strategy. Study the highest paid people. Identify the key skills you need. #knowledge #knowledgeispower #power #personalsuccess #success #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brain Tracy's Personal Success Episode 16. Network Continually.

Fish wher the fish are. Be a Go-Giver. Become a joiner. Invest your time well. #networking #gogiver #personalsuccess #success #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 15. Associate with the right people.

Associate with the right people. Fly with the eagles. The mastermind concept. Everyone succeeds at a higher level. The mastermind expands. #rightpeople #eagles #flywiththeeagles #mastermind #personalsuccess #success #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 14. Become a competent Speaker.

Become a Competent Speaker. Overcome the fear. Speaking is a learnable skill. Get started. You get better and better. Short circuit the fear. #publicspeaking #stagefear #competency #personalsuccess #success #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 13. Summary of first 10 Ideas

We summarize the first 10 Ideas from Brian Tracy's Personal Success book. 1. Obey the laws 2. Decide exactly what you want. 3. Develop the idea of courage and self confidence. 4. Be true to yourself. 5. Develop a positive mental attitude. 6. Communicate positively and expect the best. 7. Develop a Bias for action. 8. Satisfy your most important customer. 9. Be a Hard Worker. 10. Dedicate yourself to Continuous Learning. #positiveattitude #selfconfidence #hardwork #learning #continouslearning #personalsuccess #success #personal #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 12. Dedicate yourself to Continuous Learning.

You are where you are because of you. The 80/20 rule. The three part formula: Read Everyday. Listen &Learn. Go back to school. தீதும் நன்றும் பிறர் தர வாரா. #continuouslearning #read #listen #courses #seminars #personalsuccess #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 11. Be a Hard Worker.

Be a Hard worker than anyone else. 20% more work than others. Work all the time you work. The harder you work, the better you get. #workhard #hardwork #personalsuccess #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 10. Satisfy your most important customers.

Satisfy your most important customers. Identify your customers. The boss, coworkers and customers. #satisfaction #customersatisfaction #importantcustomers #success #personalsuccess #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode - 9. Develop a Bias for Action.

Set priorities for action. Focus on results. Move quickly on opportunities. Do the important first. #biasforaction #priorities #briantracy #personalsuccess #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 8. Communicate positively and expect the best.

Positive communication with yourself and others. Positive self talk. Program your subconscious. Positive expectations. Expect great things #positivity #selftalk #expectations #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 7 - Summary of first five ideas

Summary of the first five ideas which are 1. Obey the laws 2. Decide exactly what you want 3. Develop the habits of courage and self confidence 4. Be true to yourself 5. Develop a positive mental attitude. #personalsuccess #obeythelaws #decidewhatyouwant #courage #selfconfidence #betrue #positiveattitude #optimism #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


Brian Tracy's Personal Success Episode 6. Develop a Positive Mental Attitude.

Your attitude more than your aptitude that determines your success. Optimism can be learnt. Think about what you want. Seek the valuable lesson. Feed your mind continually. You need other people. #positiveattitude #optimistic #personalsuccess #success #briantracy #readerraja #sulthanhameed


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