Sunday Extra - Separate stories podcast

Sunday Extra presents a lively mix of national and international affairs, analysis and investigation, as well as a lighter touch.

Tweet of the week

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The Year That Made Me: Srdja Popovic, 2000

Srdja is the executive director of the Centre for Applied Non-Violent Actions and Strategies which trains pro-democracy activists from all over the world. In 2000, he led the Serbian non-violent organisation Otpor! that helped overthrow President Slobodan Milošević.Guest: Srdja Popovic, author of Blueprint for Revolution: How to Use Rice Pudding, Lego Men, and Other Nonviolent Techniques to Galvanize Communities, Overthrow Dictators, or Simply Change the World.


Modern Marines don Ancient Armor to Solve Greek mystery

How many people can say that they’ve called in the marines to help carry out their scientific research? 13 volunteer Marines from the Hellenic Armed Forces donned 3500-year-old armour and ran drills and simulated battles inspired by Homer’s Iliad, to solve a mystery that's been puzzling archaeologists for decades. 


Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space

The explosion of the Space Shuttle Challenger on 28 January 1986 is an event seared into the memory of people all over the world. In a new book,  Adam Higginbotham gives a compelling account of how, in his words, America’s “smartest minds … unwittingly sent seven men and women to their deaths.” One of those women, famously, was Christa McAuliffe who was supposed to become the first Teacher in Space. 


Korea's Balloon Wars

In the past two weeks a tit-for-tat balloon offensive has broken out on the Korean peninsula. Activists in the south are sending balloons with anti-Pyongyang messages, and the North is responding with balloons carrying garbage and animal faeces. 


The Art of Opposition

 Healthy democracies need viable opposition parties, to hold governments to account and to offer alternative policy and intellectual positions. But opposition can also be a thankless task. New book, ‘The Art of Opposition’ studies Australian oppositions across all federal and state jurisdictions. 


Notorious 02 | The Prankster

It was the infamous Royal prank call that shattered lives. One woman took her own life; another is haunted to this day. Reporter Rachael Cusick investigates - how did a joke go so wrong?


Hungarian filmmaker exposes effects of extreme nationalism in Eastern Europe

Hungarian filmmaker Gábor Reisz's new film 'Explanation for Everything' explores the cultural cracks in Hungarian society exacerbated by polarisation and nationalism.He tells the story of a complicated teenage love triangle: Abel, a high school student hopelessly in love with his best friend Janka. But she has her own unrequited love with married history teacher Jakab, who has had previous confrontation with Abel's conservative father. The tensions of a polarisedsociety come unexpectedly to the surface when Abel’s history graduationexam turns into a national scandal.Guest: Gábor Reisz, director of 'Explanation for Everything' (2024).


Tweet of the week

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The Year That Made Me: Brian Aliganyira, 2014

Because of his sexuality, Brian Aliganyira - a Ugandan man - lost his media career. He’s been attacked, run off the road, and had his health clinic raided. 


A documentary homage to Jim Henson

A new documentary directed by Ron Howard features the life and work of Muppet mastermind, Jim Henson. As part of 'Idea Man' , the Wilkins and Wontkins commercials that were previously thought to be lost have been recovered.


Ukraine’s resilient culture expressed through its artists

The resilience of Ukrainian art and culture, past and present, is on display at Monash University, in an exhibition called ‘Hoping Against Hope’, featuring the work of major Ukrainian poets and artists.Guest: Emeritus Professor Marko Pavlyshyn & Monash curator Dr Anne Holloway


Illegal tin mines linked to increase in croc attacks in Indonesia

Indonesia has the highest crocodile attack rate in the world, largely due to the proliferation of illegal tin mines. But a lack of a data for remote areas means many attacks go undocumented.Guest: Brandon Sideleau, wildlife biologist and founder of CrocAttack - a worldwide database tracking incidents between humans and crocs.


Papua New Guinea conflicted over China’s expanding influence

As China extends its influence in the Pacific, Papua New Guinea finds itself in a uniquely challenging position; caught between allies and desperate to avoid further conflict. 


The long trial of Jimmy Lai

Sebastien Lai, son of pro-democracy media mogul Jimmy Lai, tells the story of his father's extraordinary life.


Notorious 01 | Inside the scam factory

On the outskirts of Dubai there is a secret scam factory, where hundreds of employees smoke, eat, and pretend to be glamorous women — but one has a secret plan to shut it all down.


Introducing... Notorious

There's a saying that every good story needs a bad guy. 


The Year that Made Me: Andy McConnell, 2005

Andy McConnell has been the glass specialist for the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow for the better part of two decades


The extraordinary life of Charmian Clift

"A prolific writer and essayist”, Charmian Clift was a household name in the 1960s


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