Supported Decision Making Podcast

In this series we will build our skills in supporting others in their decision-making. This kind of support is particularly important for people in our community whose decision-making has been ignored or undermined. We can help people reclaim their decision-making power through the support we offer.

Episode One: The Power of Decision Making

In this podcast we will explore the importance and power of decision making in our lives. We shape our daily life and our overall life trajectory through the decisions we make. We show our values and identity through the decisions we make. In this series we will build our skills in supporting others in their decision-making. This kind of support is particularly important for people in our community whose decision-making has been ignored or undermined. We can help people reclaim their decision...


Episode Two: The Foundation of Supported Decision Making

In this episode of Advocacy for Inclusion's Supported Decision Making Podcast, we will look at the foundations for supported decision making. The person we support has the right to make their own decisions. It is also their right to make their decision on their own, ask for the support they need if or when they need it, and specify the kind of support that they want. We will also begin to explore the challenge of supporting a decision-maker when we have a strong opinion about the decision we ...


Episode Three: The Evolving Journey of Learning to Support

In this episode of Advocacy for Inclusion's Supported Decision Making Podcast, we will have a realistic look at the experience of support. None of us are perfect in the support we give. Our efforts will often involve negotiating with our personal presumptions, our good intentions, and even our own personal need to carry out our role in a particular way. We can find our way to improved support through really listening to the person we are supporting. What are they asking of us? What skills are...


Episode Four: An introduction to Human Rights

In this episode of Advocacy for Inclusion's Supported Decision Making Podcast, we will begin to explore human rights. We will look at key ideas of freedom, access, and recognition that are found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We will explore the importance of having a rights based awareness when we are supporting decision-makers. We will look at rights based decisions and the resources that are available, in the community sector, to help when rights are not being respected.Supp...


Episode Five: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

In this episode of Advocacy for Inclusion's Supported Decision Making Podcast, we will look at the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. We will begin to reflect on some key ideas in the convention and particularly focus on the social model of disability (ie. the ways in which our community maintains disabling presumptions, structures, and processes which lock some people out from full participation in society). Support the Show.


Episode Six: Recognition as a person before the law and the place of guardianship in some lives

In this episode of Advocacy for Inclusion's Supported Decision Making Podcast, we will look at a particular section of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - Article 12. This Article spells out the rights of people with disabilities to be recognised as persons before the law. We will look into what this means and we will also reflect on the place that guardians have in the lives of some people. Support the Show.


Episode Seven: Supporting people who communicate in a variety of ways

In this episode of Advocacy for Inclusion's Supported Decision Making Podcast, we will reflect on the experience of supporting people who communicate in a variety of ways. We will look at the importance of helping people gain access to information in the way that best suits them. We will look at helpful ways we can break larger decisions into smaller ones that allow for easier consideration and communication. Support the Show.


Episode Eight: Dignity of Risk

In this episode of Advocacy for Inclusion's Supported Decision Making Podcast, we will look at the place of risk in our lives and reflect on the idea of dignity of risk. We will explore the skills that can be utilised when supporting a decision-maker who is considering a choice that has risk. Support the Show.


Episode Nine: The place of advocacy services and other community supports

In this episode of Advocacy for Inclusion's Supported Decision Making Podcast, we will look into the role of advocacy services. What do advocates do and how might they help a decision-maker who is facing road-blocks? We will also look at some other community sector supports that are worth having on the radar.Support the Show.


Episode Ten: Supporting others as they recover the power to make their own decisions

In this episode of Advocacy for Inclusion's Supported Decision Making Podcast, we will reflect on the experience of supporting people who are recovering from a lifetime's experience of not exercising their decision-making rights and power. We will look at the roll we can fulfil, as supporters in helping others recover their decision-making power. Support the Show.


Special: Summer Podcast on Resilience

This summer has been the most challenging many of us have ever known. This podcast will focus on the importance of resilience when we are faced with challenging times. Support the Show.


Staying Connected

In our Staying Connected podcast, we will find our way through these challenging times together.For this first podcast, we will get our heads around what this COVID-19 or Coronavirus is, in a simple way, because we know that it is important that everyone gets information in a way that they can understand. Support the Show.


Our power to stay safe

A quick update on how to stay safe and the state and federal decision to shut down non-essential businesses, what this means and why this decision was made. Support the Show.


Mental Health in our Homes (an interview with psychologist Paul North)

In today's episode, we speak to Canberra Psychologist Paul North on his insights into maintaining mental health during a long time of life at home. There are some big ideas and words in this podcast, we will explore and simplify some of these ideas in our next episode. Paul North is a registered psychologist with over 30 years of experience in the field of disability, trauma and general mental health challenges such as depression and anxiety. He is the author of a children's book called "Safe...


8 tips for staying mentally healthy at home (recap of the interview with Paul North)

In our last podcast, we talked to Paul North. Paul is a Canberra psychologist. We talked to Paul to get some helpful advice about how to stay mentally healthy. Paul had a lot of helpful advice about things we can do to help ourselves feel safe and OK. His advice was so helpful we decided to do this podcast so we can talk about some of that advice in a really simple and easy to understand way Support the Show.


#Stayhome but stay safe - Interview with CEO Sonia Di Mezza from DVCS

At AFI we know that when we stay home we are not always in a safe place. In today's podcast, we talk to the CEO of DVCS Sonia Di Mezza about domestic and family violence, what it is and where you can go for help. You can contact DVCS at any time on 02 6280 0900 You can also contact the 1800 Respect the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse Counselling Service anytime on 1800 737 732. If any of the subject matter in today's podcast upset you please consid...


Still connected - series recap

In this episode we look back on all the topics we have covered, and why its important to still be connected. Advocacy for Inclusion: 02 6257 4005 or or Podcast@advocacyforinclusion.orgRelationships Australia: 1300 364 277Your Story Disability Legal Support:1800 77 1800Blueknot Counseling service: 1800 421 468Lifeline:13 11 14DVCS 02 62 800 900 Support the Show.


The bigger picture - Interview with Bonnie Millen Senior Policy Advisor at AFI

Recently AFI released a survey on how people are finding Covid-19 (thank you to everyone who participated!). Today we talk to the results of that survey that tells us the story of what is working and not working for people with disability during Covid-19.Do you have a topic for our next podcast? Email us at podcast@advocacyforinclusion.orgSupport the Show.


The Disability Royal Commission in the time of Covid-19: An interview with Kate Eastman SC.

We are joined today by Kate Eastman Senior Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission. Kate is a barrister with a significant background as an advocate for human rights and won the 2019 Human Rights Law Award. We discuss the Royal Commission and how it is continuing during Covid-19.You can find out more about the Disability Royal Commission on their website: or by calling 1800 517 199You can email us at Support the ...


Talking about the ACT COVID-19 Disability Strategy

The ACT Government has just released a Covid-19 Disability Strategy.In this episode, we discuss the main points of the strategy. "The ACT Government has heard the concerns of Canberrans with disability and the disability sector and acknowledges that people with disability may face a range of additional and unique challenges and risks, during the COVID-19 health emergency." You can read the strategy here:


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