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Sutton Full Potential

Author: Elizabeth

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I’m your host Elizabeth and I’m the founder of Sutton Full Potential. I’m a mindset coach, I work with incredible and inspirational millennials just like you. I look forward to serving you as your coach and mentor on your journey to finding success on your own terms.
33 Episodes
SO many women out there feel intimidated by the world of finances. We understand it's no easy game establishing yourself in an industry that has been predominated by men in the past! That is why at Sutton Full Potential, we're helping you set the foundation for your financial prowess with money mentor Becky Pope, Founder of Freedom Finance Club, today. (If you think it's time to reclaim your power over money & finances, then this conversation will be that resource you never knew you needed.) Becky has been helping people with money and finances since she was 18 years old. After working for different finance and banking institutions in the early stages of her career, she switched to her own business, which she's been running successfully for more than a decade.
Here are some other things Sarah shares... 🎉 If you listen to your intuition, you will end up in a place you want to be. 🎉 Sarah shares how she discovered that a corporate job wasn't the best for her energy - no matter what extra benefit it came with, it just didn't resonate with her calling. 🎉 Sarah shares how she uses her corporate marketing knowledge to help small businesses today and how it helps her feel satisfied. 🎉 Sarah's decision to become a coach and the opportunities she's discovered for coaches across the world 🎉 Using time-blocking for better productivity and prioritizing what's important 🎉 Change is a part of life. And although it could be painful and scary initially, it would benefit in the long run. 🎉 Your tears need not always mean sadness - they also imply that you're closing a chapter of your life. 🎉 Respect your family's opinions. Sometimes, their ideas or opinions don't go well with yours. In those times, understand where their concern stems from and respect them even if you cannot agree on everything. 🎉 Your fear is only keeping you from achieving more significant things in life - get out of it.
In this episode, she shares with us her backstory, how she emerged as a strong, successful entrepreneur today, overcoming any push backs that keep you from venturing on your dream careers, and some interesting tools to help you focus on your larger vision always! Listen in! Here's what we delve into: ✨ Helen's career working with 40 and 50-preneur women ✨ What are the beliefs that 40-preneurs need to break down to get out of their shrunken box ✨ Two core beliefs that keep you from living your dreams - 'I won't be loved' and 'I'm not worthy' ✨ Losing contact with the people you love isn't a sign of unfaithfulness - it could mean you've taken a different path in life than many others ✨ Why it's normal for people to change over time ✨ How to be strong at your core - say what you believe and speak your own truth. Once you do that, without being scared, people will gravitate towards you. ✨ Show up as yourself always. When you add value to your life, the right people will come to you ✨ Your social media following side or friend-list is not a measure of your personality ✨ If you are where you want to be, you will have periods of time that are really busy and it's okay to have that ✨ "Practice makes progress. Get better every day. Set yourself the goal of being better than you than you were yesterday, instead of perfect. Because what is perfect is so unattainable." ✨ Helen's connection with vision boards - how she was introduced to them, how she uses them, and how it's helped her progress in life
Here are some other things Helen shares... ● Helen's backstory - living a full-time corporate life to starting her own side hustle ● Helen's choice of becoming a speaker ● The changes that meditation brought into her life and why the link between physical and mental health is powerful ● Discovering her alignment with the field of health and fitness and how it started to generate a secondary stream of income ● It doesn't matter what people say - believe in yourself and have confidence ● Helen's habit of recording herself as she speaks and how it helps her build confidence ● There's no right or wrong way to dress - wear what makes you comfortable. ● Don't live up to someone else's labels - have the courage to say no to people's opinions of you. ● Practice what you preach - be authentic ● Go with your gut, your instincts - follow what makes you happy.
Here's what we delve into: ● If a job doesn't work out, it's usually that at some point, somebody wasn't being honest. ● You do not have to force yourself into sticking to a job if you don't like it. Trust your gut. Dig out the right opportunities. ● The impact of COVID in our work-related habits and how not to overwork yourself. ● Employers could usually say good stuff about you. It is up to you to evaluate and understand them. ● Career panic is real. It is normal to feel anxious about employment-related issues. ● Do not train yourself to only become somebody your employer needs you to be. Find out what YOU want to do in life. ● Why hardworking people can get caught out and strung along by employers and how to avoid that from happening. ● Trying and turning your hand to different things and seeing which fits you best. ● Why LinkedIn is growing to become a more personal, connective, and supportive means of communicating with people, wherever they are in the world. ● Why you need to have the ability to be honest, transparent, and totally upfront.
We are a small team of parents who have experienced first-hand, the wacky and wonderful impacts a baby can have on a relationship. Like many new parents, we recognised a need to help guide first time couples in preparing for the impact of a baby asteroid. We have worked alongside and under the guidance of health industry experts, parent groups and pregnant couples to make this concept a reality. Creating Humanity is the product of hours spent devouring research publications, articles, and books. After multiple iterations informed by tests with parent groups and guerrilla testing on the public, we are proud to present a Melbourne made product that new and expecting parents can enjoy.
Exclusive interview with Life Coach Justine Cochrane. Justine helps entrepreneurs & creatives cut their stress in half by harnessing the power of their perfectionism. You have to love your reason 💕
Jacs is a Brand and Interior Designer base Sydney, Australia. Don't let Jac's location fool you, Jac works with clients from all around the world. Jac is passionate about helping small businesses create experiences through their visual identity.
Communications specialist Cindy Sciberras was one of the many who found herself unexpectedly out of work last year during the COVID pandemic. While trying to work out her next move, Cindy - who has also worked as a journalist - created a podcast, interviewing others for information and inspiration, and sharing the results. She called this Joining the Job Queue and it took her in an unexpected direction!
Chris wasn`t someone historically that spoke up much or voiced his thoughts. This all changed once he lost his job back in 2009 and was looking for a new one. After applying for what felt like 100`s of jobs he was offered a place in a call centre for a national healthcare and advice service in the UK called NHS Direct. Chris shares with us his journey to Solopreneur
🎧 Subscribe for New Podcast Every Week! In this episode Edward Zia take us on his journey from homeless veteran to International LinkedIn Influencer Join Ed's international network: || C O M E S A Y H I 👋 ▸LinkedIn: ▸Instagram: ▸Facebook: ▸ Email: ** This podcast is not sponsored
Show notes: 🎧 Subscribe for New Podcast Every Week! Confidence and self-esteem are two barriers that so many of us struggle with, so I wanted to give my 3 tips to help boost both your confidence and your self-esteem. I have learn these thing through my journey. || C O M E S A Y H I 👋 ▸Instagram: ▸Facebook: ▸ Twitter: ▸ Email: || R E S O U R C E S 📙 Core Value's list - ** This podcast is not sponsored
Show notes: 🎧 Subscribe for New Podcast Every Week! 2020 was an interesting year, to say the least! A lot went down over the past year and it's safe to say that we're all looking forward to a kinder, lighter 2021, right? The COViD has brought tectonic change to almost every part of life - how we live, where we live, how we work, what we do for work, what it means to be a kid, what family means, what is important. No one knows what 2021 will bring; we can't predict the future, but every new calendar year brings hope. Hope requires us to look at the present situation and regard it for what it is, and then plan for something much better. In this week podcast we explore together how to set our intentions for 2021. · What went well this year · What didn't go as planned · Why didn't that goal or plan go as intended · How can I change my behaviour so that I stick to my habits · How can I refine the habit What do you want your life to look like, feel like one year from now? Where do you want to be? What do you want to be doing? What type of home do you live in? How much money do you have in your account? How large is that credit card bill? What does an average day look like for you, what do you do, who do you see? || C O M E S A Y H I 👋 ▸Instagram: ▸Facebook: ▸ Twitter: ▸ Email: ** This podcast is not sponsored
Acting in spite of fear created amazing resiliences
How to Find Your True Passion - Are you doing what you love?
Ep. 18 Monkey Mind

Ep. 18 Monkey Mind


|| 🎧 Subscribe for New Podcast Every Week! Today we explore our monkey minds together and learn how to stop that hamster wheel in your minds. 'Have you seen that post doing its rounds of social media, 'my mind is like my internet browser, 19 tabs open and 3 of them are frozen and I have no idea where that music is coming from' || C O M E S A Y H I 👋 ▸Instagram: ▸Facebook: ▸Twitter: ▸🎥: ▸ Email: || R E S O U R C E S 📙Get Instant Access to the FREE e-book '7 Keys to Gain recognition & Get a Promotion in the Workplace': || Show notes Check out Netflix's The Mind Explained ** This podcast is not sponsored
🎧 Subscribe You have the exact amount of success and happiness in your life that you allow yourself to have. We do not purposely go out of our way to sabotage ourselves by we do, in this podcast we explore some strategies together to overcome self-sabotage || C O M E S A Y H I 👋 ▸Instagram: ▸Facebook: ▸Twitter: ▸🎥: ▸ Email: || R E S O U R C E S 📙Get Instant Access to the FREE e-book '7 Keys to Gain recognition & Get a Promotion in the Workplace': || Show notes ** This podcast is not sponsored
🎧 Subscribe This weeks episode focuses on mindfulness techniques || C O M E S A Y H I 👋 ▸Instagram: ▸Facebook: ▸Twitter: ▸🎥: ▸ Email: || R E S O U R C E S 📙Get Instant Access to the FREE e-book '7 Keys to Gain recognition & Get a Promotion in the Workplace': || Show notes ** This podcast is not sponsored
🎧 Subscribe for New Podcast Every Week! You have 1440 minutes in your day, how do you ensure you use them most effectively to progress towards your goals. || C O M E S A Y H I 👋 ▸Instagram: ▸Facebook: ▸Twitter: ▸🎥: ▸ Email: || R E S O U R C E S 📙Get Instant Access to the FREE e-book '7 Keys to Gain recognition & Get a Promotion in the Workplace': || Show notes ** This podcast is not sponsored
🎧 Subscribe for New Podcast Every Week! Everything you need to know about starting your slide hustle and how to give it the best possible chance of success. || C O M E S A Y H I 👋 ▸Instagram: ▸Facebook: ▸Twitter: ▸🎥: ▸ Email: || R E S O U R C E S 📙Get Instant Access to the FREE e-book '7 Keys to Gain recognition & Get a Promotion in the Workplace': || Show notes ▸🎥: ** This podcast is not sponsored