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Swahili made easy

Author: Karen Wanjiru Stringer, Ph.D.

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In this series of lessons, you will learn how to make simple Swahili sentences.
11 Episodes
In this lesson, you will learn how to work with the the Object infixes in the U class.iSubscribe for more lessons and strategies... For on-demand courses and coaching for $7/month please download my App here
In this video, you will learn how to work with object infixes in the I class.iSubscribe for more lessons and strategies... For on-demand courses and coaching for $7/month please download my App here
iSubscribe for more lessons and strategies... For on-demand courses and coaching for $7/month please download my App here
In this lesson, I teach you useful phrases in the Swahili language that will help you with your comprehension. The video is in drill format which encourages retention rather than just random memorization. For Lesson notes please go ➡️ HEREiSubscribe for more lessons and strategies... For on-demand courses and coaching for $7/month please download my App here
This is the sixth video in a series that will help you build your foundation of Swahili grammar. We will learn how to work with inanimate things as object infixes to make simple Swahili sentences. In this lesson, we will work with the singular form of the U-I class. Access lesson notes ➡️  Here.iSubscribe for more lessons and strategies... For on-demand courses and coaching for $7/month please download my App here
Have you ever said to yourself, I have no time to study...Or I need hours every day to make any significant progress in your language? Well, I've got some good news...You do not need a lot of time, in fact with just 20 mins per day you can make significant progress... But, if only you do it right...In this video, I show you 3 things you can do right away to start seeing immediate progress...iSubscribe for more lessons and strategies... For on-demand courses and coaching for $7/month please download my App here
This is the fifth lesson in a series that will help you build your foundation of Swahili grammar. We will learn how to work with personal pronouns as object infixes to make simple Swahili sentences. In this lesson, we will work with the plural form. Over the next few weeks and months, we will advance from simple forms to more complex ones.  Lesson notes HERE...iSubscribe for more lessons and strategies... For on-demand courses and coaching for $7/month please download my App here
This is the fourth lesson in a series that will help you build your foundation of Swahili grammar. We will learn how to work with personal pronouns as object infixes to make simple Swahili sentences. In this lesson, we will work with the singular form. Over the next few weeks and months, we will advance from simple forms to more complex ones.  Lesson notes ➡️ HEREiSubscribe for more lessons and strategies... For on-demand courses and coaching for $7/month please download my App here
This is the third lesson in a series that will help you build your foundation of Swahili grammar. We will learn how to work with personal pronouns to make simple Swahili sentences. We will work with the plural format.  Over the next few weeks and months, we will advance from simple forms to more complex ones.   Lesson notes ➡️ HEREiSubscribe for more lessons and strategies... For on-demand courses and coaching for $7/month please download my App here
This is the second lesson in a series that will help you build your foundation of Swahili grammar. We will learn how to work with personal pronouns to make simple Swahili sentences. We will work with the singular form.  Over the next few weeks and months, we will advance from simple forms to more complex ones.   Lesson notes ➡️ HERE iSubscribe for more lessons and strategies... For on-demand courses and coaching for $7/month please download my App here
This is the first lesson in a series that will help you build your foundation of Swahili grammar. In today's lesson, we will cover the components. Over the next few weeks, we will learn the important components that make up the Swahili verb. In subsequent videos we will learn how to put these components together to make your own Swahili sentences. Lesson Notes ➡️ HEREiSubscribe for more lessons and strategies... For on-demand courses and coaching for $7/month please download my App here