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Sword and Scale Rewind

Sword and Scale Rewind

Author: Sword and Scale

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Sword and Scale Rewind, hosted by Matt Fondiler and Ian Bagg, is the comedy aftershow for the popular true-crime podcast Sword and Scale. Each episode number corresponds to it's counterpart on it's sister podcast. So kick back, have a pot or two and listen to some murder-comedy...
172 Episodes
Episode 170

Episode 170


Kevin Bacon is dead. No, not that Kevin Bacon (though Matt and Ian discuss the actor as well). This episode also features one of the most shocking case updates we've ever uncovered, and a mindblowing tangent about robo-drivers.
Episode 169

Episode 169


In an extremely meta-episode: Matt and Ian talk about Mike and Charles talking about last week's episode, as well as react to everyone else's reactions. Matt also details a very disturbing case out of Arkansas.
Episode 168

Episode 168


DON’T TALK TO COPS, MMKAY?? Ian and Matt analyze one of the worst interrogations ever, and falsely confess to what they would probably do if they were in the hot seat.
Episode 167

Episode 167


This week, Matt and Ian stall for as long as humanly possible in an effort to avoid discussing one of the saddest episodes of Sword and Scale ever. Damn you Mike Boudet and your emotional storytelling!
Episode 166

Episode 166


Don't forget your inhaler... no one is safe from this week's episode dealing with Edwin Lara- an out of control college campus security officer on a murderous rampage.
Episode 165

Episode 165


Before you call 911, and before you call your lawyer, call Ian and Matt... or just listen to this week's podcast about one seriously terrible organic farmer.
Episode 164

Episode 164


Song and dance-men Ian Bagg and Matt Fondiler discuss a case centered around the most annoying, and least trustworthy people imaginable: musical theater people. You've been warned.
Episode 163

Episode 163


Should you adopt? This episode will help you make that important decision.
Episode 162

Episode 162


Didn't get a chance to listen to this week's Sword and Scale? Don't worry, neither did Ian! In one of the first episodes we ever taped, Matt attempts to catch Ian up on the tragic story of Baby Maddox, and the McLovin look-alike who murdered her.
Episode 161

Episode 161


The multiple murders of rich kid Dellen 'the Felon' Millard and his rapping cohort Mark 'Say 10' Smich are the center of this week's pod. So park the truck and flip on the animal incinerator... this one's gonna get messy.
Episode 160

Episode 160


It's the COVID crimes episode! Hey all you toilet lickers and Spring Breakers-- don't cough on that open tub of ice cream... just put it back on the shelf and let Ian and Matt tell you about a world gone mad.
Episode 159

Episode 159


Mike Boudet returns for an episode dedicated to some very strange siblings, and a disturbing double-murder in small town Maine.
Episode 158

Episode 158


Trigger warning: this is a story about Bakersfield, Flat-Earthers, and the Anti-Christ. It was also Ian’s Audition Tape.
Episode 157

Episode 157


Matt Fondiler is back for some more victim-blaming fun in this sad tale of an 8-year-old boy murder. Seriously, what's wrong with that Fondiler guy? He works for Adam Carolla, you know... Ian and Mike join in the wacky good times with their zany nonsense. Regardless, all women are somehow to blame and it's your fault for even listening to this.
Episode 156

Episode 156


Crank up the Porno Grind Metal music and hear our thoughts on how the media covers mass shooting a-holes in this week's episode.
Episode 155

Episode 155


This is the conclusion to the Ezra McCandless story, in which the guys discuss what really happened to Alex Woodworth, Ezra's bizarre behavior at her trial...... and stuff like that.
Episode 154

Episode 154


In Part 1 of the Ezra McCandless story, the guys discuss sudden amnesia, intellectual hipster douchebags, and selling your artwork from prison.
Episode 153

Episode 153


Have you ever had neighbors so lousy you wanted to kill them? Let Ian, Matt and Mike talk you out of it with this cautionary tale about what happens when you mess with a man's emotional support chickens.
Episode 152

Episode 152


This week, the guys wrap up Part 2 of the Sheila Davalloo saga. Brace yourself for catfights, wacky news guys, and unlimited breadsticks.
Episode 151

Episode 151


Wanna play a sexy game? Here- put on this blindfold, handcuff yourself to a chair, and then let Ian, Matt and Mike tell you all about the case of Sheila Davalloo.
Comments (176)

Chi Snack

morbid: a true crime podcast did this story too.. really good

Jun 30th


Stephanie clearly didn't do any research on SA before recording this episode. Afrikaans is a language (African Dutch), not just a weird way of saying "Africans" when referring to black people of SA 🤦‍♀️

May 25th

Ashley Herrin

I look forward to this show every monday on my ride to work! where ya been #SwordAndScaleRewind

Feb 21st

Sean Rosenau

20 Years ago we had Johnny Cash, Steve Jobs and Bob Hope. Nowadays we have no cash, no jobs and no hope. Please God don't let Kevin Bacon die.

Jan 23rd

Curtis Massey

I hate to say it, but I think a big part of the problem is respect. Matt showed respect and honesty toward the officer that stopped him and had a good experience. When, as a pedestrian you start the traffic stop with an attitude and an obvious power complex, the officer will have a problem with you. In that situation, they are in charge. Treat them in that manner and there would be many fewer bad reactions, and even fewer arrests. Act in ur own self interest at least.

Jan 16th

Curtis Massey

God, they're funny as shit.

Dec 7th

Curtis Massey

I really liked the recap of the original episode of S&S. I sometimes don't go back and listen to the original. Ok, I never do.

Nov 29th

Tammy DePoto Kelly

I love the reboot. I wasnt sure because I was totally team Stephanie but Ian is so funny. I really think the dynamics of all 3 guys are great.

Nov 2nd

Lars Bee

good case for M4A ... also how many homeless r there who with M4A and mental help could still live a normal life..

Oct 31st

xGODx Damocles

I wish someone educated about firearms was there to counter their arguments/opinions. At least give them a discussion. Neither of them have a good understanding of what they are talking about and only talk about how they feel. Not facts.

Oct 26th

Sean Rosenau

a woodbug is a Pillbug aka Rolly-Polly.

Oct 10th

Curtis Massey

Jesus, these guys are freakin' great!

Oct 10th

Curtis Massey

Hey, I'm not hatin on Mike. Every episode my wife and I play "word of the day" where we listen for Mike's mispronounced word of the show. We love it. We put Mike on a bit of a pedestal I think, so this is our way to make him human. It's great fun 😉

Oct 3rd

Sean Rosenau

4:17 If you literally feel that words are painful here's a life hack for you 'open a vein'.

Oct 3rd

Lars Bee

it's not that hard people .... that just hits the spot 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣🤡🤣🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣

Sep 5th

Suzanne Hubbard Gerken

These hosts are killing me! So dang funny.

Jul 17th

Claire Voyant

Big SAShole here but this show is so boring. Started at the new episode 143.

Jul 8th

Curtis Massey

A perfect pair of jokers to bring back S&SR. Matt is the man and Ian is freakin' hilarious. Mix in a little Boudet and the soupy sweet, funny yet tartly controversial sludge is perfect earbud juice.

Jul 4th
Reply (1)

Claire Voyant

So boring!

Jun 28th


this was one of the best episodes of sword and scale, and all these two morons took from it was the dispatchers voice. the phrase "people in glass houses" comes to mind.

Jan 29th