T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS

The Nerd Eternal's first actual play show! Join us for some superhero action as we play ICONS: The Assembled Edition. In season one we follow a new group of unknown heroes as they rise from obscurity to international fame! In season two we expand in to the Wider World! Seeing how the events or season one have changed the world and what new supers have been inspired. All of this from the eye's of a dozen different heroes! In season three we run a three part anthology. The founding of a school for super-children, a War in deep space and a team to fill the void left by the loss of a great hero. In season four NE1 has uncovered a global conspiracy but with so many heroes off world he must recruit a team of villains to take on the Hellfires conspiracy.

T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #1

The Heroes are ready, the villains are rampaging! Join Prof. Putty, Launch, Recluse and the Mighty Myrmidon as they face off against the criminal duo of Skyscraper and Gothic


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #2

Join Launch, Recluse, and the Mountainous Might of the Myrmidon as they are drawn into a conflict between M.A.A.T.(Mankind Against Aberrant Terrestrials)and the M.D.M. (Mutant Defense Militia)


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #3

Join Prof. Putty, Launch, Recluse, and the Myrmidon as they meet CEO Fearon Steele and help repeal an attack on a S.A.T.(Steele Applied Technologies) facility


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #4

Join Launch, Recluse, and the Myrmidon as they're Struggle to name the team is interrupted by chaos in a cul-de-sac.


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #5

Come along with Launch, Recluse, and the Myrmidon as they are joined by U.N.I.S.O.N. the newest team of heroes to take up the fight in Manfred. They must take on M.A.A.T. on it's home turf! Try to rid the city of this hate group's scourge!


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #6

In issue #6 We see the team, Launch, Recluse, and the Myrmidon as they are joined by a few members of U.N.I.S.O.N. Respond to an attempted theft at one of the city's tech firms. Does it play into previous thefts and attacks on companies in the city?


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #7

Join the Unknowns (Launch, Recluse, and the Myrmidon) and members of U.N.I.S.O.N. as they deal with a close encounter of the violent kind!


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS issue #8

Join the Unknowns as members of U.N.I.S.O.N. pry into their daily lives and try to find out who or what they are and if they pose a risk to the city. Also in this issue the Return of the Mutant Defense Militia!


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #9

Join the the Unknowns and U.N.I.S.O.N. as they rush to save the residents of a burning apartment building!


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #10

Join the Unknowns as they face the latest threats to Manfred City,and possibly,the planet entire!!!


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #11

The Unknown battle to stop a massive jailbreak!!! Check them out!!!


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #12 Showdown in Space!

Following the Pirate crew in to orbit can U.N.I.S.O.N. and the Unknowns beat them on their home Turf? Find out as they have their final Showdown High above the Earth!


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #13 Rescue Run!

Join the Unknowns and U.N.I.S.O.N as they come to the aid of sometimes Friend sometimes Foe Grim Noir. Helping him save a young kidnapped Mutant but why doesn't he want his own team involved?


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue#14 Break In!

Young woman show up asking for U.N.I.S.O.N.’s help in rescuing her family from a laboratory where they are being held. U.N.I.S.O.N. arrives with the Unknowns and finds things going far to easy for them. At first..


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #15 Run Down

Having Rescued test subjects from an illegal lab the teams must work together to hunt down the kidnappers of the young woman who tipped them off. It’s a car chase with a spaceship this issue!


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #16 Triune Medical

Armed forces have taken the C.E.O. and staff of the Triune Medical offices hostage! Yet they have made no demands. The police unable to enter from the ground without being seen must let the heroes try to enter from the top. Can the Unknowns and U.N.I.S.O.N take out these criminals and keep the hostages safe? Find out in this issue!


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #17 & 18 Family Matters

One of the Multi-Dimensional Man's old enemies rolls in to town with a grudge against U.N.I.S.O.N. Can He and the Unknowns take down this old man and his hied help?


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #19 The King Maker Pt.1

In Part one of our season finale the Unknowns are faced with a world ruled by CEO Ferron Steele. How has he taken over the country over night? Why does everyone love him?


T.N.E.N. Presents ICONS Issue #20 The King Maker pt.2

In the Epic conclusion the Unknowns will face off with Ferron Steele, Miss Rad and some missile laden satellites. When confronted though Steele offers the team a deal. Which Member would be willing to sign on with him?


ICONS: The Wider World Issue #10 Pantheon PT.3 Fleecing the Faithful

The Haunted having returned to Wolf Witch's magic shop find her employee possessed by an ancient spirit. As if that where not enough they must also begin investigating the Headsman and his Pantheon organization.


Jason Weatherford

I'm sorry guys. I had to unsubscribe and delete all my episodes that I was planning on listening to. I could tell that this podcast was created for YouTube first because technology is definitely a hurdle. Lots of endless clicking, dog barking, endless spaces with no sound, and no description for those who might not have a map and may only be listening to this via audio. It seems that this started out as a YouTube actual play and then just to get it one other place you have the audio uploaded as a podcast. For such a visual, technology-based actual play, it doesn't work well in the audio sphere. If, very early on, when you planned on doing the actual play, if you had a little bit of forethought about what platforms you were going to create this for, you would have structured it so it works well on YouTube and on audio podcast. It probably only works decently on YouTube.

08-10 Reply

Brad Seaberg

there is no pc audio in this ep

03-30 Reply

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