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T20E World (The 2020 Entrepreneur World) Podcast
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T20E World (The 2020 Entrepreneur World) Podcast

Author: T20EWorld

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COVID19, an economic shut down and a global pandemic, forced a worldwide quarantine and caused the entire world to feel the impact.
In the midst of this, I launched The 2020 Entrepreneur World ( T20E World ) podcast.
A podcast dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and guiding Gen Z, Millennials and society with over 30 years of my Life Lessons, Business and Entrepreneurial experiences!
There is no better time to ReVIEW, ReTHINK and ReINVENT a new YOU!
57 Episodes
On this week's episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I have friend and entrepreneur Joe Fisher with me.  Owner today of Man Skirt Brewing Company in Hackettstown, NJ. Joe shares his journey, as he decides to finally leave Corporate America, Fortune 100 world to fulfilling and pursue his dream of owning his own Brewery!  I asked him what made him pursue BEER BREWING?  Did he have a business plan in place before leaving corporate and what finally made him that HUGE step into entrepreneurship! Definitely an awesome conversation about the WORLD and ART of making BEER! Joe took me through the process and science behind Man Skirt Brewing and how he comes up with names and formulas for his beers.   I must say I did sample a couple of his beers, like "Czechs And Balances" Pilsner - Czech and "La Crevette" Grisette BOTH were outstanding! YES, I know what you are ALL thinking . . . . how did he come up with the name "MAN SKIRT" Brewing?  Well, take a listen to this podcast  to find out! As we wrap up our episode, Joe drops his ADVISE BOMB with us ALL!!!! "No matter how good you are at what you do, whether its making the best beer on the planet . . .  you must always remember that you are running a BUSINESS FIRST!  While the product is super important, being able to run the day to day of a business is crucial to your long term SURVIVAL" REMEBER THIS as I also second that advise from Joe!! It was a fun time spent chatting with him!  Be sure to follow Joe on all major platforms @ManSkirtBrew or go to his Website: If you are ever in the Hackettstown area, definitely worth a stop at MAN SKIRT BREWING located at 144 main Street, Hackettstown, NJ 07840.  mention T20E WORLD and get 50% off 1st Beer!!! SALUD my friends!  
We all need support at times. As we continue to develop both personally and professionally during the course of our lives, we all have those ‘things’ that we can count on.     What happens when the ‘things’ that we have relied upon for strength, guidance, or even just friendship are removed? Potentially destabilizing events can be thrusted upon us suddenly and/or while we sit and helplessly watch the incoming tide.   In today's podcast, I dive deep into a space where we touch upon every emotion a human possesses.  It's an episode that my friend, Johnny Ruppert and I have talked about doing for some time now.  Only this time, it's about his journey and sharing how he dealt with the balancing of the "floating dock" (representing LIFE). Listen to this personal discussion as Johnny shares how his "Life ANCHORS" that kept the "floating dock" stable, slowly began to snap one chain at a time.   Our goal with today's episode is to show that along our journey throughout life, we will need the help of others. Always remember, it's okay to reach out and ask. The support of others is what "Anchors" us and keeps us grounded, preventing us from going adrift. Johnny shares with us how he refused to surrender to the storm and made the decision to grow and adapt to form the new anchors that has gotten him through his day to day life.     I am so grateful for Johnny Ruppert. As a friend of over 25+ years, I wish that I would have known MORE about what he was going through in his personal life, how he was desperately trying to balance the "floating dock" as the "anchors" were coming apart. I remember first hand when he was going through these turbulent times in his life.  I was on the outside looking in, not knowing what was happening inside the mind of my friend.     I am thankful to him for entrusting my platform and podcast, T20E World to share with us all his personal journey. I hope this episode makes an impact in your life. Not only to know that it is always okay to reach out and ask for assistance during those tough times or turbulent times (as we call it) but also to get professional help when you are feeling all alone and like there is no one you can trust.  It's perfectly okay.   I ask that you please leave us a review with comments, share this episode or share an experience. We can make this world a much better place, if we learn to continue to respect, accept and support one another. Thank you.
Living a POSITIVE life starts with your MINDSET. You must have a POSITIVE ATTITUDE to create a POSITIVE ACTION. In this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur (T20E World) I share with you 10 TIPS on how to live a more positive life!    ELIMINATE the NOISE - You must focus on the good things in your life GRATITUDE & APPRECIATION -  Every morning be thankful for what you have been given POSITIVE INFLUENCES - Surround yourself with positive Individuals, and the things that make you smile the most REMOVE NEGATIVITY - Make sure to identify the negatives and then start figuring out how to remove them SOLUTIONS not PROBLEMS - Focus and work on the solutions not so much the problems LIVE TODAY, BE PRESENT - Keep the past in the past and don’t ever let past experiences drag you down. Live in the moment and make it better than yesterday POSITIVE ACTIONS – What have you done lately to make an impact on someone's life?  FOCUS on what MATTERS - Do not just focus on what you can not control nor change, time is precious STOP JUDGING OTHERS – You never know what is going on in someone else’s life and the struggles they are dealing with CREATE MORE YOU TIME – Your life is meant to be LIVED and it is a time for you to connect with your inner self.  Overall, the rewards are never ending. LIFE IS SHORT so might as well MAKE IT A POSITIVE ONE
Where does finding the genius in YOU all begin? On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I share with you HOW to find the "GENIUS in YOU". I want you to keep in mind that this is a process of getting to know who you really are. And no, I do not mean who you want to be … I mean UNDERSTANDING who you really are deep down!  Throughout this episode I explain how you should evaluate yourself and every personality you have. I want you to be familiar with your FEARS and have a true understanding of what your PASSIONS are. Do you know what you do really well and what you do not do well with? Think about that.  I hope this episode helps you start to build or develop your dreams and set your goals in life. Careers have been built on people's passions . . .  BUT remember in order to get there you must first find the GENIUS in YOU! And like I always say . . .  TO MAKE THE DIFFERENCE – YOU NEED TO BE THE DIFFERENCE.
On this week's episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I bring back Steven Cruz to talk to us about how to RESPECT the struggle and how to NOT struggle for respect.  It is so important to not only respect yourself, but others around you too. When you walk into a room, do not just respect the people you are waiting to meet. Make sure you respect EVERYONE around you. Giving respect will help you gain respect! You can not buy respect . . . you must EARN respect. It is also important to always stay humble and grounded. The strive for respect is a journey not a destination. And as Steve says . . . "Always be true to yourself" 
On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I have with me special guest Eldine Agodomou. Eldine is from Togo West Africa and he is a certified coach, speaker, trainer, and entrepreneur! For Eldine, life was not easy and grew up very poor. Eldine had a dream and that dream was to come to America one day and be financially successful. When Eldine was selected to come to America through a lottery, he had to come up with a plan, and that plan was to go to school and make a living for himself. Although Eldine struggled, he worked anywhere possible so he could afford school and send money back home. Today, Eldine owns several successful companies in the United States and overseas in West Africa with real estate, investments, and chocolate production company. Eldine explains that when you have a drive nothing can stop you and you need to have consistency and persistence in order to be successful!  “No matter who you are, or where you come from, you CAN make it big in this country!” - Eldine Agodomou
On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I am with my special guest Steven Cruz. Steven is the president of Omega Educational Consulting, INC. He is also a facilitator who specializes in educational counseling, program development, and student affairs. In this episode, Steven shares with us the most important skill for ACING college admissions and in your life. Steven explains that the number one skill is RESPECT. You need to always respect yourself first especially when it comes to starting your college career. When you start college, you have to figure out what you want to do in life. Unfortunately, we start college at such a young age that most of us do not know what we really want to do. BUT that is all part of the process of life, and when you make a decision whether it may be wrong or right, you have to learn to fail. IF you respect yourself, you will respect yourself from failing. Throughout the episode, Steven will guide you through steps on how to be SUCCESSFUL through the whole college process.  He says interesting people make the most interesting applicants and his key advice is to always  “be faithful and keep on working!”  Steven works with all levels and starts as young as students who are in their freshman year of high school! If you are interested in working with Steven you can visit or email for more information!
AND THAT’S A WRAP!!!  The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) Podcast has officially ended its first season!! It has officially been one year since this podcast has started, and boy has it been a ride! I wanted to end the season with a special 50th episode and it is my pleasure to have special guest Alyssa Correale who is behind the scenes of all the audio editing and producing for this podcast! Alyssa has been with me since day 1. She has helped me create and launch this podcast and has strived each and every week to produce AWESOME episodes.  In this episode, Alyssa and I are taking a look back and recapping the T20E World Podcast after ONE YEAR. We share our process, behind the scene moments, top favorite episodes and our challenges throughout this beautiful journey. To think we started this podcast with no idea what we were getting ourselves into. Fast forward one year later and gaining SO MUCH knowledge in the podcast industry. It is crazy to think we have officially hit 50 EPISODES in a blink of an eye!!  We can not THANK our listeners and fans enough for showing your love and support throughout this past year. BUT this is not the end! Stick around because I am coming back for a SEASON 2 as I will continue to share with you great knowledge, life lessons, and guidance in the entrepreneurial world! THANK YOU again for being such great supporters and this is Hugo and I am checking …. OUT!
On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) Chris McCormack is back to share with everyone how the hardest part of any journey is the FIRST STEP. Chris was on episode 43 “Working from Anywhere … in the WORLD” as he shared with us how he is a world traveler, photographer, humanitarian, and public speaker.  Taking the first step of YOUR journey is the hardest part. You must step outside of your comfort zone in order to take your FIRST STEP. We tend to always think of the worst things that could possibly happen to us, but why not think of the positives instead of the negatives?  Unfortunately, the more you want to succeed the more haters you will get, BUT do not let that take you down … it is the nature of life and just the way it is. It will only make you stronger. You may feel like you will fail along the way, but Chris expresses that you NEVER fail, you either win or you learn! You just always have to believe in yourself!  Chris leaves off with great advice for all … “There are many ways to make it to the top of the mountain, someone else’s path may not be yours. Stay on your path, NO MATTER WHAT. If you do that..... see you at the top!”
While there are so many great reasons why one should take on a PARTNER for your business, it is so important to also understand and become very aware of what could possibly go wrong if you fail to be CLEAR before entering any PARTNERSHIP. On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) I am here to create better awareness as to what I have seen happen during my 30+ years in business both through corporate and small businesses. In this episode I share with you 10 AWARENESS Tips that you should review before taking on a business partnership!  OWNERSHIP. Percentages DO NOT change efforts. VISION. ALL must be on the same page.  Similar VALUES. If you do not share similar values you may want to stop NOW. Developing the CULTURE, ROLES and RESPONSIBILITIES. SALARIES. Small businesses need to start small.  PROFITS . . . Money is the root of all evil . . . will money change us?  DECISION PROCESS. There needs to be a clear understanding and agreement.  The RELATIONSHIP and RESPECT. Together as a team you can grow. End Result. What is your GAME PLAN and your overall GOAL. Make sure to have an EXIT plan for ALL partners as well as for the business. It is CRITICAL that when you are thinking about entering a partnership for a business, that you must go in being CAUTIOUS and CLEAR. You must do your homework. Everyone needs to be on SAME PAGE!
On this week’s episode of The 2020 Entrepreneur World (T20E World) special guest Johnny Ruppert and I talk about “Negotiating the WIN-WIN”. In this episode, we dive deep into the negotiating topic when it comes to sales. In order to be an effective negotiator you must always remain calm, focused and be a great communicator!  Johnny and I share with you the top TIPS on negotiating and how to gain more confidence:  The person across from you is not the PROBLEM. They are not the enemy nor are they the opponent, but identify the true issue at hand and focus on it. Remember the HUMAN FACTOR, and find the reasons, value status, and the responsibilities  Take your time, it is not a RACE  Find the OPTIONS for mutual gains, and compromise. Be sure to deliver several options where you both potentially can benefit from Make sure the relationship is LONG TERM END RESULT. Both parties will feel like they made a good deal Remember ALWAYS be a GOOD communicator!!!
In this week’s episode I share with you how to make better choices in life! There is no doubt that life is full of CHOICES and/or decisions. My goal is to share with you REASONS why we should NEVER regret the choices we have made in our life and learn to make BETTER choices moving forward. I always say that “a choice you make TODAY can CHANGE your destiny for tomorrow”. WE ARE ALL HUMAN and everyone has made some wrong choices, but NEVER beat yourself up for that. Learn from it and move forward to do better and understand your reasons for making that CHOICE at that time, accept it and move FORWARD and GROW from it. MOTIVATE yourself to make better choices as you grow in life. Take on NEW opportunities,  and find that one thing that keeps you moving forward. FIND IT and GROW IT. YOU be YOU. Do not live someone else’s DREAM because you are afraid to make a wrong choice. Get to know you and live your own life, not someone else’s.  UNDERSTANDING that we CANNOT always be waiting for that PERFECT TIME to make a choice. When you think you finally made the right choice at the perfect time there is always something or someone else that opposes it. Avoiding the NOISE around you. When it comes time to make those difficult choices, take advice from those you TRUST and have guided you in your life and know who to take advice from. And as I always say … “Choices in LIFE we MAKE allow for us to GROW tomorrow” - Hugo Almeida.
On this week’s episode, I share with you how to avoid the multitasking overload! On a day to day basis we all deal with having to do multiple things to do at once. But how do we deal with having too many tasks at once? At what point is it just too much?  Throughout this episode I will help you and explain what are the effects of OVERLOADING your multitasking list and how you can become more efficient and AVOID the overload! There are three main points you should always remember … EFFICIENCY, EFFECTIVENESS, and PRODUCTIVENESS. When I am efficient, I am effective, and when I am effective … I PRODUCE!  It is important to know who you really are and to be aware of the SIGNS  that you're overloading your work. Are you feeling fatigued? Are you paying less attention? Do you find yourself producing work that is not good quality because you are just trying to get it done? Know the limits of your brain and understand peak performance!
On this week’s episode I bring to you a special guest, Lee Agbohlah! This episode Lee shares with us how to ELEVATE your MINDSET and EMPOWER your LIFE for PEAK PERFORMANCE! Lee is an online fitness coach who helps entrepreneurs like you make a healthier lifestyle change without even stepping into a gym! We all know as entrepreneurs we are working 24/7 and barely have time for ourselves. And for Lee he was always a very active person himself and becoming an entrepreneur he realized he wanted to help others make a healthier lifestyle change in a time that works for them. Lee’s goal is to make it simple for his clients, and not add any more stress to their daily life.  Throughout this episode, Lee explains how he works with his clients, how he builds programs around his clients, and how to accomplish your goals! Lee takes personal training to a whole new level and can be done virtually anywhere!  “Take action in what you want in life, and it will happen to you!” - Lee Agbohlah Don’t forget to check out Lee’s online coaching and you can find/contact Lee Agbohlah directly through his social media platforms.    Website:  Instagram: @leea_yokedguy or @coachlee_ltaperformance Linkedin: Lee Agbohlah,
On this week’s episode we have our special guest Chris McCormack and he shares with us what it is like to work from ANYWHERE (WFX) in the WORLD and how he does it! Chris is a world traveler, photographer, humanitarian and public speaker! He has been traveling and working remotely for the past 7 years. He has even worked in places as close as the North Pole, all the way to the Amazon Jungle!  Throughout this episode, Chris gives his advice, shares his experiences, and explains how to take advantage of working from anywhere! Working from anywhere around the world is much simpler than you might think, There is wifi all over the world You feel more motivated/inspired Have the ability to gain a larger networking base globally  Able to expand yourself and get out of your comfort zone  You learn more about yourself and having awareness in other places The best part of it all, you save so much MONEY Chris’s experiences will motivate and inspire you to see the great opportunities there are from working remotely anywhere in the world and how anything is possible! Chris’s number 1 advice is, “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes”. You have to make mistakes in order to grow, and if you do not try and put yourself out there, you will never know what you can achieve!  To find out more about what Chris does you can go to his website You can also find him on Instagram @TheChrisMcCormack  and connect with him on LinkedIn at 
On this week’s episode it is all about how to become a successful networker! I share with you tips and tricks that have helped throughout my years of networking that I know will help and benefit you! BE SELECTIVE … Make sure you know the crowd beforehand and dress the part because you want to REPRESENT YOU.   Have a GOAL in mind and stick to it … Remember TIME is LIMITED.   Have your ELEVATOR PITCH … it is important to have several pitches, for example, a personal and a business pitch. Always remember what makes you MEMORABLE and know how to tell your story.   Stay POSITIVE at ALL times … Too many of us are not certain or confident so we gravitate to the negative side because its easier, but create comfort in your space and a conversation will flow much better.   Remember your PURPOSE and you are there to WORK … So work the room, work the crowd, and work the individuals. It is so important to compliment, connect, thank and move on.   Do NOT stay in your SHELL … You must break out of your bubble and comfort zone.  How do you do that? Select 5 people and introduce yourself   ENGAGE in a conversation … Make Eye Contact, smile, find the balance, and stay focused on your conversation.   FOLLOW THROUGH and FOLLOW UP … It is key to take notes on each business card you collect to remember who you are meeting. Connect via LinkedIn, email, or even shoot a quick text! And most importantly … PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE
On this week’s episode I share with you how building good habits and routines can lead to SUCCESS! A routine is a sequence of actions that one regularly follows, something we do repeatedly and consistently.  During this episode I am going to share some of the KEY elements to creating GOOD routines which eventually become your habits for SUCCESS!  Start modifying the time you get up each and every day Create more movement throughout the day to give yourself energy and motivation Make sure to always write down your goals, challenges, and accomplishments on a piece of paper so you can always see it and read it Eat cleaner! Nothing you have never heard before but it is true Always stay positive throughout the day, you may hit challenges but never give up and do not let it change your attitude Start to set new goals for tomorrow  Make sure to clear your mind before you prepare to rest Get REST When you make all these simple adjustments to your life, you will see how much further you will get in your day to day life and will lead you to better habits for success!
On this week's episode it is all about sales! I love sales and believe there are 6 important KEYS as to how to be successful in the sales world!  1. PROSPECTING - Being creative is very important and knowing what your  product or service is and who are the right targets and buyers.  2. Establishing Trust and Rapport - Find a common ground and always remember the little things and just BE YOU. 3. Identify Customers’ Needs - Know what you can do, know what you can’t do and if you are not sure – then just be honest. 4. Presenting and Answer Customer Objections - No one loves this one, but remember a good presenter is a good persuader!  5. Closing the Sale - Do not be afraid to ask for the sale ... if you don't ask you won't get. 6. Resales and Referrals - Make your best customer your best sales people! I hope this episode brings you knowledge and success and please don't forget if you have any questions or need some more advice, you can send me an email at: with any questions ... I LOVE to answer your questions! 
How did you wake up feeling today? Do you have a positive or negative attitude? How will this affect your day?   On this week’s episode we have special guest John Ruppert! This is John’s 4th time on our podcast and on this episode we will be discussing 5 Reasons to MASTER your ATTITUDE at a young age! Most importantly, your attitude is what sets your day! You will not always wake up with a positive attitude and THAT’S OKAY! But remember, a negative attitude won’t get you anywhere, and it will only give you negative results, so identify what needs to change.  In this episode John and I share 5 reasons why people should be persistent at a young age and why it is so important; You will see how much better of a life you will live  You will build so much more confidence in yourself You become a more optimistic individual You become a goal oriented individual which will enable you to take on new ventures a lot easier  You will become a much more compassionate individual Think about your attitude today and how you feel. Whether it is positive or it is negative, I hope this episode can inspire you to change your attitude for the BETTER, make a positive CHANGE, and get things DONE! 
A global event taken virtually all the way to hitting GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS! On this week’s episode, I have with me the founder of Podfest Global, Chris Krimitsos, and project manager Andrew Weiss. Podfest is an extended annual event that brings together an international crew of podcasters of all levels to share and enjoy content created for the global podcasting community. In this episode, Chris and Andrew discuss how Podfest Global all began to where they are today, hitting world records for the largest global virtual event of this kind! Chris and Andrew are all about supporting people through a community, and further explain that treating people right and listening to their audience is how they have grown. Their first virtual global event had about 320 speakers and 5,000 attendees. Now, in 2021, Podfest has over 520 speakers, sessions in 8 different languages, and over 6,000 attendees! Throughout the episode, you will find out more about their values, goals, and their future plans developing a master class event on monetization and audience growth! Chris also goes into a little about the book he wrote, ‘Start Ugly: A Timeless Tale about Innovation & Change,’ which can be found on Amazon.   Don’t forget to check out Podfest Global, their upcoming events, and join their awesome community!