TDYtennis Radio

The tennis radio network for everything tennis. It's tennis for the people, by the people.

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese -Guest Coach Tom Parham

AmericanTennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Guest Coach Tom Parham - Broadcast Sept.11, 2024 - For more than 50 years Coach Tom Parham has coached and Taught young men and women the sport of tennis in North Carolina.    He speaks today on the need for our Colleges to bring more North Carolina and USA players back into college tennis.. The majority of college tennis  opportunities at state and private colleges in US are now going to international players.  Coach Parham and multiple coaches in college tennis would like to see more American playing on collegiate teams.  Listen to American Tennis each week on on YellaBallNetowrk and at


American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - guest Coach Randy Bloemendaal

Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese American - Broadcast August 30, 2024 -  "College Tennis - How to maximize the USA opportunity to train our players." Randy Bloemendaal has coached tennis for 30 years and is a 25 year year veteran of USA collegiate tennis.    Player development is his goal as he speaks today about what our best US college format should be and much more......Listen to 'American Tennis' each week


American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - guest George Opelko

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast August 16, 2024 - Guest George Opelko -George Opelko, father of USA professional Star Riley, gives an in-depth look at what it takes to become, and to remain, a Championship tennis player in today's arena.  This is a great program for parents, coaches and players to tune in for...Listen to American Tennis each week on the YellaBallNetwork or


American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Guest J.W. Isenhour

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast July 25, 2024 - Guest is Coach J.W. Isenhour - For over 50 years, Coach J.W. Isenhour has been recognized and respected as a great tennis coach and teacher.   He has mentored and steered countless young collegiate and junior players toward excellence.  His wisdom is great and his stories are many.  Today's American Tennis speaks with J.W. about his journey as a teacher/coach/mentor and his time with some of his best, and not so best, players.  The lessons all young people should learn from the great sport of tennis are the best of his messages.  Thanks for Listening to 'American Tennis' on the YellaBallNetwork.   .Listen to past American tennis programs at


American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Guest: Coaching great; Ken Hydinger -

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast July 18, 2024 - Guest is Coach Ken Hydinger -  Coach Ken Hydinger has coached tennis collegiately and in the high school arena for over 40 years.   He  gives his insights today about tennis in America and our best chances to help it make a  comeback at the grass roots levels.  America has the resources and the know-how to wake up the sleeping giants for our great sport.  thanks for listening each week to the Yella Ball Network.


American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - guest Coach Randy Bloemendaal

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast July 5, 2024 - Coach Randy Bloemendaal is guest - Let's help to create another Tennis-Boom in the USA - Coach Randy Bloemendaal joins the broadcast today to discuss some ways to create a new Tennis-Boom in the USA...  The recipe is right in front of us all and he has the ingredients..   Thanks for listening to 'American Tennis.'   Coach Chuck Kriese is host each week on the YellaBallNetowrk and you can listen to all the programs at     .


American Tennis w/Coach Chuck Kriese - Guest: Hall of Fame Coach Lin Loring

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast June 13, 2024 - Guest is Hall of Fame Coaching Great Lin Loring - Coach Lin Loring will go down in History as one of the best and most respected Coaches of all time.   Lin was a  pioneer of excellence in women's collegiate tennis as Indiana University became the Gold Standard for all college women's programs to followl.   His insights and wisdom are hi-lighted today on 'American Tennis.'   Thanks for Listening every week on the YellaBallnetwork...


American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - May 30, 2024

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - May 30, 2024 - 'Passing on the Wisdom of the Loaded Language of Coaching'  Coaching sports teams gives us some of the best 'Loaded Language' ever said or heard.   Coach Kriese passes on some great sayings and loaded language today on 'American Tennis.'  Thanks for listening to American Tennis.    and  the 'YellaBall Network'...


American Tennis with Chuck Kriese - May 23, 2024 'Guest: Coach Brad Louderback'

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast May 23, 2024;Guest is 40 year Veteran of Coaching and Teaching; Coach Brad Louderback -Coach Brad Louderback shares his 40+ years of coaching experience as a College and US National Coach. His insights and wisdom help coaches, parents and players  develop their own unique pathway through today's arena of tennis development....  Listen to 'American Tennis each week on the YellaBallNetwork and at


American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - guest Coach Randy Bloemendaal

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - broadcast May 16, 2024 - 'Let's Deregulate Tennis and allow it to thrive.' Coach Randy Blemendaal says that we need to deregulate tennis if we want it to flourish again.   He states that we need 'Bottom up incentives and not so much top-down directives.'   Coach Bloemendaal brings 30-plus years of coaching excellence to share with 'American Tennis' today.   Join on or


American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Guest Coach/Teacher Mitchell Frank

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast April 24, 2024 - Guest is Coach/Teacher and former top US players Mitchell Frank -  One of the best newcomers to the coaching ranks is Mitchell Frank.  He brings perspective as a former 'Worlds Top 10 Junior Player,  as the #1 American Collegiate Player and from his time trying to break into the professional ranks.  Mitchell now coaches Junior players and his fresh perspectiveon what is needed and what approach USA tenniis should be taking is very solid and accurate.  Listen to American Tennis each week at  and yellaballtennis network...


American Tennis with Coach chuck kriese - guest Coach Chuck Willenborg

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast march 27, 2024 - Guest is Coach Chuck Willenborg - Today's program features the rich foundation and background of being a top US Player, a top US collegiate Coach and a lifetime of experience is combined with practical fundamentals to discuss where USA tennis is today...   thanks for lsitening to American tennis on the Yellaballnetwork and at


American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Guest is Coach Chad Simpson

American Tennis ch Chad Simpson - CoachinNwith Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast March 21, 2024 - Guest isCoach Chad Simpson: Coaching for the Due North.   Coaching for the Due North is the ability of a coach, teacher or leader to keep the team, or student,  working toward the desired and most correct goal...The most important basics are discussed in today's American Tennis Program..  Thanks for listening to American Tennis..     and


American Tennis w/ Chuck Kriese - Guest Bill Emendorfer; College Sports in USA

Ameriican Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast March 7, 2024 - Guest Bill Emendorfer discusses College Sports in USA- Has Sports Entertainment become more important than the Education value that they were created to give ?  What does the future hold for non-revenue sports such as tennis.  Today on American Tennis guest Bill Emendorfer gives great insights into this evolution and where we may be headed.....  Join Coach Chuck Kriese on American Tennis each week on the YellaBallNetwork.    listen to all the shows at


American Tennis with Chuck Kriese -Guest Randy Bloemendaal; College tennis today

Chuck Kriese American Tennis - Broadcast Feb.22, 2023 - Guest Coach Randy Bloemendaal- College Tennis has always been a staple of American Collegiate Sports; however, many coaches believe that it has now been compromised by the introduction of recreation-model marketing, training standards and abbreviated scoring methods.... Join us to listen to 'American Tennis' today as Coach Randy Bloemendaal gives insights from his 30-plus years of coaching.   thanks for Listening to the 'YellaBallnetwork'  and coach chuck kriese at


American Tennis w/Chuck Kriese - Guest Terry Deremer;Chasing Down Excellence

American Tennis with Chuck Kriese - Broadcast February 14, 2024 - Guest is Coach Terry Deremer: (Coaching Young people to Chase down Ecellence) - For more than 40 years, Coach Terry Deremer has built championship teams and helped develop championship young people.  Today's program is a great opportunity for Coach to share some meat and potato fundamentals of building and teaching young people.  Listen to American Tennis each week on the Yellaballnetwork.


American Tennis with chuck kriese (broadcast Feb. 7, 2024 - Guest Pete Bauer

American Tennis with Chuck Kriese - College Recruiting: The Lifeline for American Tennis - Guest is Coach/Teacher/Parent Pete Bauer - (Broadcast Feb. 7, 2024)  - Collegiate Tennis Recruiting is the 'Lifeline' of American Tennis.   In no other arena does as much opportunity exist for growth and development of Players and Coaches. However, this is a period of time that wisdom and great forward thinking is critical.  With so much change takingp\ place in all of college sports, his must be discusssed as we are in a period of time when the very survival of our sport is in jeapardy.  Thanks for tuning in to the weeks 'American Tennis' and thanks for listening to the YellaBallnetwork.  www.


American Tennis with Chuck Kriese - Tennis Analytics Overload ???

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese  - 'TennisAnalytics Overload??? ' (broadcast February 1, 2024 -  Doing something because we can doesn't mean it is something that we should do.   Tennis Analytics is over-the-top and may be doing more harm than good.  Instead of youngsters falling in love with the tremendous depth and intangibles of the sport, they are on a quest for rankings, UTR's, WTN's and material things that keep them from going to the great depths of sport.  Coach Chuck Kriese is host of 'American Tennis' each week.   Thanks for Listening.  .


American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - What's Wrong with Having to work Hard?

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - Broadcast April 5. 2023 - 'What's wrong with good old-fashioned Hard Work?'  -  Hard work and perseverance have always been a staple of the American society.  Why is it that we now are promoting short cuts and immediate gratification over the tried and true methods of our American ancestry?  Our youth and HS & college tennis events are now being dumb-ed down to simplistic so-called events that are doing more harm to the youngsters than Good.   The cost of playing events just isn't worth the lack of training that all of the abbreviations are responible for.    Join Coach Chuck Kriese for American Tennis on the Yellaball. network and at


American Tennis w/chuck kriese - Guest Dave Hagymas: College tennis discussion

American Tennis with Coach Chuck Kriese - January 25, 2023 - Guest Coach Dave Hagymas - Coach Dave Hagymas is approaching his 30th year as a Collegiate Coach.  He has played and coached at the highest levels  while at Duke University and now begins his 19th year at MIT.   He gives his insights on the good and not-good of college tennis.  Coach Chuck Kriese's program can be heard at, blogtalkradio and the     Thanks for Listening,,,,


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