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THE DFD (Dairy Farmer’s Digest) Podcast
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THE DFD (Dairy Farmer’s Digest) Podcast

Author: Keith Schweitzer

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Here we want to discuss all things dairy farming. From calf to cow and everything in between. Each episode we will interview a new specialist, to bring information in their specific field.
58 Episodes
Dr. Luiz Ferraretto

Dr. Luiz Ferraretto


On this episode of the DFD, I have the pleasure of talking to Dr. Luiz Ferraretto.  Dr. Ferraretto is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist in Ruminant nutrition and Research at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. The 2024 Corn Silage season is upon us and it has been a trying season for growers and producers.  Dr. Ferraretto and I have a great conversation about dealing with the challenges the 24 season has presented to us, and how what we do at harvest can and will impact the crop throughout the next year. Luiz has a plethora of knowledge and experience when it comes to making the highest quality silages for our ruminant herds and it was great of him to share some of those with us. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on X @keithschweitzer  
On this episode of the DFD podcast, I have the pleasure of talking to Trent Westhoff.  Trent is currently conducting research at Cornell University and will soon be defending his dissertation to earn his PhD. Trent and I have a fascinating conversation about colostrum, and why we sometimes see reduction in volume as well as a research paper that he worked on focused on pre-fresh and post-fresh nutrition. Trent is an up and coming researcher in the dairy world, and I'm sure we are going to hear a lot more about his cutting edge work in the future. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on X @keithschweitzer
On this episode of the DFD podcast, I had the pleasure of talking to Tom Kilcer from Advanced Ag Systems and one of the pioneers in the photosynthetic forage wilting process more commonly known as "Hay in a day" We have a great conversations about best management practices for this years forage crops with special attention paid to Winter Cereals and hay.  We also talk about a novel crop that he's been working with in Tennessee. Tom has been doing work around making the best possible forages for ruminant producers for almost 50 years and brings a vast knowledge to primary producers all over North America.  If you want to learn more about Tom and his research, have a look at his website. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on X @keithschweitzer
On this episode of the DFD podcast, I have the pleasure of talking to Nick Thurler.  Nick is the President of Green Energy Trading Corporation (GET-Corp). GET-Corp offers a viable avenue for dairy farmers to positively impact their sustainability efforts through the conversion of on-farm organic wastes to renewable natural gas (RNG), while creating nutrient dense fertilizer and providing revenue streams for dairy farms. The RNG generated from the digesters is sold to the market. Nick and I have a great conversation about GET-corps mission and vision around producing RNG from on farm waste products. I have a real interest about learning about RNG production and how it can affect a producers bottom line. If you would like to learn more about GET-Corp, check out their website  I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
On this week's episode of the podcast, we have something a little different for the listeners.  I had the opportunity to host a panel where we discussed our careers.  I wanted to say thanks to our participants, Dr. Sara Robson from Grand Valley Fortifiers, Justine Dodson MSc from Sharpe's Feed Supply, Dr. Bruna Mion from Lactanet and Dr. Chris Church from Trouw Nutrition Canada.   Also a special thanks to Dr. David Innes from the University of Guelph's Dairy at Guelph faculty who hosted the podcast for his fourth year Nutrition Group. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer  
Aaron Keunen

Aaron Keunen


On this episode of the podcast, I have a great conversation with Aaron Keunen.  Aaron is part owner of Mapleview Agri, a milk replacer, animal health product manufacturer and veal/calf research facility in Palmerston Ontario, Canada. Aaron and I have a great talk about calves, what we are seeing in the country side currently and what is coming down the pipe with regards to calf health and calf performance. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
Dr. Bill Mahanna

Dr. Bill Mahanna


On this episode of the podcast, I talk to Dr. Bill Mahanna.  Bill is the Global Nutritional Services Manager with Pioneer, he is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Animal Science at Iowa State University. Bill and I cover all things corn silage, we touch on plant health, starch deposition, kernel processing and some new and exciting technology coming down the pipeline. He has an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to making high quality forages, especially corn silage.  He has worked for Pioneer for over 30 years and he has travelled all over the world educating dairy, beef and small ruminant producers and industry professionals.  If you have questions, you can reach him at or on Twitter @billmahanna I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
The big 5-0!

The big 5-0!


On this week's episode of the podcast, I have the pleasure of talking to Michelle Durnin.  Michelle is an agronomist and the owner of Prosperity Ag, located in Huron County, Ontario. Michelle has worked for several years in Ontario with a focus on forage crops.  We have a great conversations about this years corn crop, whether or not we should look at fungicide and we also cover some options for forage crops after this years wheat. Michelle have several iron in the fire outside of being an agronomist.  She is the owner of Durnin Farm and Ranch wear (, a company that designs work and ranch clothes for women.  She is also the host of the Propsperity Ag Out Loud Podcast, you can find that on Apple Podcast and Spotify.  She can also be found across social media platforms. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
It’s a hot topic

It’s a hot topic


On this weeks episode of the Dairy Farmer's Digest, I have the pleasure of talking to Dr. Geoffrey Dahl from the University of Florida.  Geoffrey is the Director of the Feed the Future Innovations Lab for Livestock Systems and a Professor - Harriette B. Weaks Professor President of the ADSA. Dr. Dahl is the leading experts in the world when it comes to the topic of heat stress and its impact biology and physiology of the dairy production animals.  He has won a multitude of professional service honors and awards, he has also been sited more than 10,000 times for research that he has conducted. Heat stress has both a huge physiological and financial impact on today's dairy operations and it is one of the most important management areas with regards to production animal agriculture. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
On this week's episode of the Dairy Farmer's Digest, I talk with Gary Markus, who along with his wife and four kids run Markhill Holsteins in Ingersoll Ontario.   In addition to milking cows, Gary also works as an Elite account manager with Alta Genetics in SW Ontario.  Gary and I have a great discussion about developing a plan and choosing criteria to cull animals, it is a tough decision to move on from these animals, but with the right data we can make these decisions a little bit easier, and make your operation more profitable. If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer  
On this on the DFD podcast, I have a great conversation with Dr. Luis Ferraretto.  Dr. Ferraretto is an Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist in Dairy Nutrition at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The spring is one of the most important times of year, not only is it planting season but it brings the first opportunity to make high quality forages for the upcoming year.  Luis and I touch on several topics related to this years winter forages and hay crops.  We also touch a bit on the upcoming corn crop. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
On this episode of the Dairy Farmer's Digest (DFD) podcast, I talk to Cox Wensink.  Cox is the owner and herd manager at Hoenhorst Farms in Woodstock Ontario where her and her team milk 500 cows with 10 Lely A4 milking robots on two locations utilizing temporary foreign workers (TFW).  We have a great discussion around how she came about using TFW and how to get the process started and the learning curve involved in going down this route. Cox is a Mechanical Engineer with a Masters in Strategic Product development and she has worked in Canada and in Europe before returning to the farm to take over the family farm nearly a decade ago. The main goal at Hoenhorst farms is to fill quota efficiently and maintain a positive team culture at the farm which lead her down the road of employing TFW to meet and exceed her goals. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
On this episode of the Dairy Farmer's Digest (DFD) podcast, I talk to Dr. Mike Hutjens.  Mike is a Professor Emeritus in the department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois.  Dr. Hutjens grew up on a dairy farm in Green Bay, Wisconsin and has a PhD from the University of Wisconsin and has focused his entire career on teaching dairy professionals and producers how to make milk as efficiently and economically as possible. He has published several hundred if not thousand articles for publications like Hoard's Dairyman and other industry publications around the world.  Mike has won numerous awards and was a President of the ADSA (American Dairy Science Association).  Our discussion on this podcast covers how to evaluate whether a feed additive is right for you farm, how do reduce feed costs from non feed factors (shrink) and his own list of must haves in your feeding program. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
Where’s the Beef?!

Where’s the Beef?!


On this episode of the Dairy Farmer's Digest (DFD) podcast, I talk to Brad Gilchrist.  Brad is the Beef Marketing and Product specialist for Semex.  Brad is a graduate of the University of Guelph Ag economics and Business degree.  He and his family also operate a purebred Angus cow calf operation in Lucknow Ontario. Breeding Beef x Holstein has become the norm in the dairy industry in North America, Brad and I discuss how farmer are utilizing these genetics and how producers can maximize the calf value by breeding to the right sires. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
On this week's episode of the Dairy Farmer's Digest (DFD), I talk to Dr. Gerard Cramer.  Gerard has a DVM, DVSc from Ontario Veterinary College and is an Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota in the department of Veterinary Population Medicine. Lameness is the most costly disease on modern dairy farms, Gerard and I discuss some of the science behind foot bath, the challenges that heat stress present and we bust some common myths around foot health. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
On this week's episode of the Dairy Farmer's Digest (DFD), I talk to Mark Gerber.  Mark is an account manager and Technical Specialist with Zinpro. We cover a plethora of topics relating to hoof health, hoof trimming and lameness prevention and treatment. Lameness is the most costly disease on modern dairy farms, it's impact can be felt through production, reproduction and overall herd performance.  Talking about, monitoring and measuring the lameness prevalence on your farm can have long lasting and beneficial impacts to your economic returns and bottom line performance. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
On this weeks episode of the podcast, I have the pleasure of talking to Andrea DeGroot from Farm Credit Canada.  Andrea is a Business Advisor who specializes in farm transitions. Transitioning a multi-million dollar farm business is a daunting task, Andrea and I discuss where to start, what resources you may need and how producers can navigate this crucial decision making process. I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at by phone at 1 (519) 872-0742 and please follow me on your favorite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
On this episode of the podcast, I talk to Dr. Bill Mahanna.  Bill is the Global Nutritional Services Manager with Pioneer, he is also an adjunct professor in the Department of Animal Science at Iowa State University. Bill and I cover all things corn silage, we touch on plant health, starch deposition and how to cut, pack and store the most critical forage for this years winter feeding. He has an incredible wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to making high quality forages, especially corn silage.  He has worked for Pioneer for over 30 years and he has travelled all over the world educating dairy, beef and small ruminant producers and industry professionals.  If you have questions, you can reach him at or on Twitter @billmahanna I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  if you have any questions about this episode or on future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out too me by email at by phone at 1 (226) 236-3227 and  please follow me on your favourite podcast player and on twitter @keithschweitzer
Colostrum is cool!

Colostrum is cool!


On this episode of the podcast, I talk to Dr. Sarah Parsons, she is the Colostrum Technical Specialist with Alta Genetics.  Sarah provides technical support for clients right across North America. Dr. Parsons graduated from the  University of Guelph with a BSc in Animal Biology and a PhD in Dairy calf management where she specialized in calf weaning management. Colostrum is the one of the first steps in ensuring that your future milking herd gets off to the best start to their life, it factors into and influences almost every aspect of that calves early life.  We have a great talk about why it's so important.  If you have any questions and would like to reach out to Dr. Parsons, you can contact her by email  I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or on future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at or by phone at 1 (226) 236-3227 and please follow me on twitter @keithschweitzer
It’s COW CHOW time!

It’s COW CHOW time!


On this weeks episode of the podcast, I talk to Bill Woodley.  Bill is the owner of Woodley Dairy Direction, a consulting company that specializing in training nutritionists on the key concepts of dairy nutrition, Bill has spoken to, and consulted with Dairy producers all over the world. With hay and winter forage crops quickly reaching their harvest windows, Bill and I tackle the topic of forage quality and how it affects feed cost.  We also talk about the physiology of the plant and how the cow utilizes the fiber to make milk,  as well as how different crops feed, and why we may want to consider growing them in the future.  With protein and grain prices at or near all-time highs, controlling the narrative when it comes to making high quality forages is the first step in offsetting these high feed prices.  Bill can be reached at  I hope you enjoy this episode of the podcast.  If you have any questions about this episode or on future episodes of the podcast, please feel free to reach out to me by email at or by phone at 1 (226) 236-3227 and please follow me on twitter @keithschweitzer