TRANSitioning Thru Life

When I came out as Transgender finding doctors or answers to questions was impossible. Becoming frustrated that my resources were so limited, I believed that there had to be a way to ease this process. In sharing my story and experiences transitioing, I hope to give you confidence and guidance to rock your own transition. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

Hormones (Caedyn 012)

Starting Testosterone was one of the greatest moments of my medical transition. The affects I knew it would have made me eager to start this process. Getting HRT or hormone replacement therapy, is not always an easy process. Finding the right doctors, getting the dosage right, blood work all of these were factors that played into my starting HRT. Listen in on this podcast to see how testosterone affected me, how I found the right doctor, and what it was like finally starting the hormone process.  --- Support this podcast:


Transitioning Through My Relationship (Caedyn 011)

I am asked more questions about the nature of my relationship than anything. People seem to be interested in the dynamic and how Juel felt about me being transgender. How did she react? Can she out me? What boundaries did we set? Did it feel off? All of these were standard when first telling someone the nature of my love life. Having Juel with me through my 7 plus years of being out has changed both of our lives in a positive manner. Take a listen to this episode to hear how being in a relationship affected my transition.  --- Support this podcast:


Getting My Letter (Caedyn 010)

I never believed I needed a letter that tells me who I am or if I need top surgery or horomones. However they were requirements in order for me to transition here in Texas. Check out this episode to hear all about finally getting my letter and things I didn't expect. --- Support this podcast:


Passing In Public (Caedyn 009)

Passing for me really hinged on my ability to feel in line with my gender before stepping out of the house. Check out this episode to see my tools on passing pre medical transition as well as post medical transition. --- Support this podcast:


Turning My Mess Into My Message (Caedyn 008)

Being transgender can be really messy. Listen in to see how I am learning to turn my mess into my greatest message. --- Support this podcast:


Social Anxiety (Caedyn 007)

Going out in the public eye used to bring me so much anxiety. I thought transitioning would change that. Listen in to see how I cope with my social anxiety and how it affects me. --- Support this podcast:


Trees and Relationships (Caedyn 006)

Have you ever thought about the relationships in your life as parts of a tree? Neither did I until I saw this amazing YouTube video that changed my perspective on the relationships in my life. In this episode, I discuss what this video taught me and where I fit in this whole tree scenario. --- Support this podcast:


The Epic Failure of My Name Change (Caedyn 004)

Not everyone has the luxury of going through the name change process twice. But thanks to my little screw up, I ended up having to do the whole thing twice. Listen in to see where I went wrong and how I was also able to complete my name change on my birth certificate! --- Support this podcast:


Standing In Our Truth, Telling Our Family (Caedyn 002)

Caedyn: Coming out to our friends and family can be the scariest part of being transgender. When I came out to my family, it was not easy. And they didn’t exactly jump for joy when I told them. In this episode, I discuss my thoughts on coming out. Why I believe it’s so important to own up to our truth and my story of coming out to my family. --- Support this podcast:


Welcome To TRANSitioning Thru Life (Caedyn 001)

This is TRANSitioning thru life. Being transgender is never easy. I'm Caedyn and I am transgender. When I started transitioning back in 2012, the resources were limited and transitioning felt impossible. So I am setting out to change that. Listen in to see what steps I took, where I went wrong, and how I was able to complete my transition. --- Support this podcast:


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