Send us a text In this breeding themed episode, we visit with Dr. Nettie Liburt, of Liburt Nutritional Consulting, to discuss what we as nutritionists can do to help with reproductive success. While not as exciting as hormone manipulation, what you feed your mare or stallion can impact their success in producing a healthy full. And even better, it is a crossover episode with Farm to Stable! Farm to Stable
Send us a text In this Valentine's Day themed episode, Dr. Colleen Brady of Purdue University discusses how one should shop for the perfect stallion. We begin with the big question - should you even breed your mare? From handsome looks to stellar personalities, it is all important.
Send us a text It's Dental Month, and that means we are taking a deeper dive into horse teeth. Dr. Madelyn Melchiors returns to share her take on teeth, and why every horse needs regular dental care. From who is a dentist to if horse should have dental x-rays, this is a must listen for February.
Send us a textStephanie Hayes, returning guest and founder for the Center of America's First Horse describes an exciting new sport - Working Equitation. This fun competition honors the traditional riding style of southern Europe. Think a mix of dressage, working cattle, and speed trail! Correct riding and balance are the key, and you don't need a fancy Spanish horse to get started.Working Equitation
Send us a textDr. Betsy Greene, University of Arizona, and Stephanie Hays, founder of the Center for America's First Horse, share how they came together to showcase this rare breed to others. The Spanish mustang, not to be confused with wild mustangs, is a rare breed with much to offer. We also learn how American Paint Horses pitched in to portray these horses in Hidalgo!Center for America's First Horse
Send us a textDr. Madelyn Melchiors, DVM and certified chiropractor, and Dr Betsy Greene, equine extension specialist, explain what horses may benefit from a chiropractor. We also discuss what certification your chiropractor should have, and how to tell if your horse is getting better.IVCAAVCA
Send us a textVictor Bahna, author and first time guest to the podcast, joins us to discuss his latest book - Heliacal Star, a page turning thriller based on the Thoroughbred racing industry. However, this isn't just book club, we discuss what changes have occurred within the thoroughbred racing industry to ensure the integrity of the sport and the safety and welfare of these amazing athletes.To learn more about Victor visit:
Send us a textDr. Betsy Greene, University of Arizona, and Dr. Kathy Anderson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln discuss why they recommend internships as a valuable experience for college students. Whether credit or non-credit, before or after graduation, internships may offer insights college students need.
Send us a textDr. Michelle Deboer shares her latest research on the use of hay nets in horses. We discuss effects on teeth, hay wastage and body weight, and overall health. Here what dentists and chiropractors found after a two year study. This one is hot off the presses, so listen now!
Send us a textDr. Krishona Martinson, University of Minnesota, and Dr. Carey Williams, Rutgers University, discuss how temperature changes can affect the nonstructural carbohydrate content of fall pastures. We learn what types of horses this may present and issue for and for which we don't need to worry. We also discuss the current drought affects on pasture and when maybe we just need to shut the gate.
Send us a textDr. Chelsie Huseman of Texas A&M University discusses how to avoid sand ingestion in horses, the ramifications of eating too much sand and recommendations for treatment. We also talk about just how hot sand can be!Adapting equine care for sandy soil pastures
Send us a textIn this episode, Dr. Betsy Greene of the University of Arizona and Dr. Nettie Liburt of Liburt Nutritional Consulting disuss the recent tragedy of monensin poisoning in horses. We talk about what risks may be present in different types of feed, and what precautions must be taken when housing horses and other livestock together. Mitigating ionophore poisoning
Send us a text Chrissy Rohan, senior lecturer at the University of Vermont, shares the unique way that students bring their horses to college. Student operated, this program provides students a great way to completely run and manage a university barn. Interested in learning more, check out the links below. Facebook page – University of Vermont Horse Barn https://www.uvm...
Send us a textDr. Colleen Brady, from Purdue University and researcher in show horse welfare discusses how the concept of social license to operate applies to the horse world. We discuss the reaction on social media to some of the more controversial events or videos that have been making the rounds! Enroll today to better both you and your horse's lives! Link to course: Questions?
Send us a textDr. Samantha Brooks, of the University of Florida, returns to discuss three new genetic diseases. We cover polysaccharide storage myopathy, the gene that impacts height in Thoroughbreds and fragile foal syndrome in warmbloods. We learn that genetic tests can do more than just help in breeding decisions.
Send us a textDr. Colleen Brady, Purdue University, Dr. Kathy Anderson, University of Nebraska, and Dr. Danielle Smarsh of Penn State University, all recently returned from a trip to Ireland. They share the unique features of the Irish horse industry that keeps US students returning year after year.
Send us a textDr. Samantha Brooks, world renown equine geneticist from the University of Florida joins us for a free ranging talk on how horses get their markers, how we might someday be able to breed for temperament and how even your temperament may predict how you experience pain. While we never really pick a topic, this is a great discussion on how gene's influence your horse's behavior.
Send us a textJulie Broadway, president of the American Horse Council breaks down the numbers on the recent economic impact study of the horse industry. Employment opportunities are up, people who love horses are everywhere and the future looks bright.For more informationJulie Broadway - jbroadway@horsecouncil.orgEconomic impact study
Send us a text Dr. Karin Bump, equine business expert and owner of Saddle Up New York, provides great insight on not for profits. She clarifies how they are very distinct from private businesses and what aspiring entrepreneurs may need to get started. Dr. Bump also shares some insights on to what a not for profit should provide you if you are considering support through donations. resources: Choose a business structure | U.S. Small Business Administration ( Nonprof...
Send us a textIn this episode, Marissa Chapa, herd manager at Oklahoma State University, and Paige Linne, senior lecturer at Texas A&M University, return to talk about the needed care after the foal arrives. Follow the simple 1, 2, 3 rule to know if your foal is on the path to success.
Lynn Brecht
I’m trying to find the links to your 4H horse judging podcast… I can’t find anything. I am very interested for my kids and have considered being the ag lead for our countoes 4H
Victoria Carson
I have an older retired broodmare that suddenly exhibited this syndrome in January when she and her pasture mates were switched to a round bale. She was the only one of three senior mares that had a problem with it. We treated pretty successfully (in consultation with our vet) with a combination of probiotics, psyllium and beet pulp.