DiscoverTaittiriya Upanishad
Taittiriya Upanishad
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Taittiriya Upanishad

Author: Swami Guruparananda

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This Upanishad contains 3 chapters. The first chapter deals with various forms of Meditation and some values. The second chapter reveals the true nature of God, World and the individual and their underlying oneness. The value of dispassion is stressed here. The third chapter consists of meditation, some values and finally the conclusion.

Accompanying text for Taittiriya Upanishad is available for download.

The entire collection of Swamiji's talks is available at the Poornalayam website.
58 Episodes
Class 058
Class 057
Class 056
Class 055
Class 054
Class 053
Class 052
Class 051
Class 050
Class 049
Class 048
Class 047
Class 046
Class 045
Class 044
Class 043
Class 042
Class 041
Class 040
Class 039