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Taking Back Birth

Author: Maryn Green

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Join host Maryn Green, autonomous midwife of many years, for all things radical birth, midwifery and mothering related. For more info, go to To listen to past episodes visit
324 Episodes
I’m back here with the last podcast of 2024 to blab about a real nerd topic. Whether you’re the mom or the midwife or student, which is better, the doppler or the fetoscope? There is a lot of nuance here as always and things to consider; from the why and when to the subtleties of […]Click the icon below to listen.      
Sharing my honest process here and reminiscing about the first birth I ever attended alone, 17 years ago! My sister and my nephew gave me this honor (or rather, the Universe did) and I enjoyed reflecting on this story and the relative innocence. Can we regain innocence and a naive nature for something we know […]Click the icon below to listen.      
It’s been a weird month that feels both long and short! This is primarily a personal update and also a share about three things (I tried to keep it to 3!) that I came away with during my last intense somatic training. It does tie back to birth and birth work in many many ways […]Click the icon below to listen.      
Ah, this was so healing to share! I tell the story of having half my cervix taken many many years ago. The story defies what actually happened after (birthing 10 babies!) and I feel like it’s such a powerful testament to our bodies, beliefs and our Soul path. Our bodies know how to heal and […]Click the icon below to listen.      
I am so honored to have recorded this chat with my mentor and elder, Donna Maria. I began life studies with her over 4 years ago and this glimpse into her stories and life and perspective is only a fraction of her wisdom. Her way of seeing is what people NEED at this time, in […]Click the icon below to listen.      
I loved having this chat with another of our wisdom keepers from the Sacred Birth Certificate program. I love Felicia’s way of speaking about what sacred is, her varied experiences of serving women and a quick swerve into the blood mysteries and the wisdom of the womb. I think you will love this conversation and […]Click the icon below to listen.      
Whew, it’s been a big week with so many realizations and new awareness. I share the biggest ones with you here, around the need for really resting the body INTERNALLY and seeing what fabulous things flow out of that. It’s been such a cool experience to see what those things are for me, and to […]Click the icon below to listen.      
In this new podcast, I talk with another of our wisdom keepers from our Sacred Birth Certificate program. Verena is an evolutionary astrologist and shares about her own creative spark and process. It won’t come as a surprise, but life imitates birth and birth is just one of the creative forces that may be available […]Click the icon below to listen.      
I am so excited to feature one of our wisdom keepers from our Sacred Birth Certificate program. In this teaching, Jess shares her sacred miscarriage story. It was so nice to hold space for her and allow you to feel her amazing energy! Learn more about Jessica here. Jessica is a featured teacher for our […]Click the icon below to listen.      
…and how that has carried through to birth work! With the announcement of our Sacred Birth Certificate program, I wanted to do a lengthier storytelling share about my former life as a young musician. This came to me in a dream recently as something I needed to feel in my body and I know it’s […]Click the icon below to listen.      
I am sharing this podcast I did with Brittany on HER podcast (link below) because it felt so good and resonant to offer my community. I am grateful for this opportunity to share more with you all about our daily life, and how we approach topics like schooling and learning in our family. Brittany’s Podcast […]Click the icon below to listen.      
I start this podcast with a mini-rant on blame and shame and miscarriage and why I think we need to shift this old paradigm and way of thinking. It’s literally everywhere; in the foods we’re told we shouldn’t eat to the air we breathe to the studies that say…this causes miscarriage. I am feeling this […]Click the icon below to listen.      
This episode is an interview and chat with Nikko Kennedy, quantum biologist and doula. I love the wisdom she shares here around light and the Sun and all of the reminders to help us get back to what we know. Being human does come with challenges, but it also comes with built in systems to […]Click the icon below to listen.      
It’s been exactly a year since we arrived here with the intentions of staying a few months. I never dreamed of all the things and gifts and blessings that we would receive here, yet it’s been an intense year of lessons and upgrades. If you have the dream of doing something equally as crazy with […]Click the icon below to listen.      
I’m physically and emotionally feeling a little in between worlds right now, so come with me on a journey here through vaginal steaming, and then birth, death and midwifery! I somehow tied it all together here by sharing my current desire for the definition of “midwife”; one who witnesses the initiation, whether that be life […]Click the icon below to listen.      
I have so much to share about my recent miscarriage but it felt easiest in some ways to begin by sharing the experience from a midwifery perspective. It really gets me how many women don’t know what a “normal” loss looks or feels like, or are told lies or shoved into the medical system for […]Click the icon below to listen.      
Your Birth Desire

Your Birth Desire


Some updates here first and then a ramble about considering what your soul desires for birth rather than your ego or mind. Take a listen and see if you can feel for yourself what I am talking about.Click the icon below to listen.      
This podcast was inspired by a student considering working with a mama who’s had a prior cesarean and wanting to birth at home. I realized how much goes into this for me as a midwife, and what helps me understand and fully believe in a mama who I’m supporting after cesarean. I told her that […]Click the icon below to listen.      
In this podcast, Margo and I dream about the new version of “midwife” that we are helping to create in this world and through our Indie Birth Midwifery School. It is truly time for a change; away from the drastic, static versions of what exists and has come before. We are imagining a world where […]Click the icon below to listen.      
In this podcast, I talk about some of the ways that our school is unique and special…plus, she (Indie Birth Midwifery School) is almost 8 years old!!! I share my take on this question of knowing, between stories from my own life and further thoughts for your own inquiry. We are accepting applications and enrolling […]Click the icon below to listen.      