Tales Of Blind Reporters On The Road

Sean Dilley and Ian Hamilton are both blind BBC journalist. They work on TV and radio news. Both are also documentary makers and presenters. Along with the occasional guest they have a quirky look at how they do their jobs as broadcasters and the technology they use. Ian is based at BBC Scotland headquarters in Glasgow.Sean is based in BBC headquarters New<br /> Broadcasting House in London. They may do this regular podcast, together, but they have actually never met in the real world.

A Christmas Special with Ian Hamilton and Sean Dilley

Ho, Ho, Ho. Sean and Ian are back with a Christmas special. Where have they been? I hear you ask. Well listen and catch up and hear their excuses.


Socially Distant Episode 18

On this week’s episode Ian talks about a new mobile blind service launched in the UK. Voice over lady pops up to talk about the importance of preventing guide dog attacks. Our long interview this week is with blind journalist, YouTuber, podcaster and blogger Sassy Wyatt. She poses the question, are disabled people in the media just a box ticking exercise? Sassy fears given current cuts across the industry will we be the first to be pushed off the screen and out the door?


Socially Distant 17

In this week’s episode another summertime special. Sean talks to a cognitive behavioural therapist. Sean insists for professional reasons and not personal ones. Tigers and strawberries a guide to life lay at the heart of their discussion.


Socially distant week 16

In this week’s episode 16, As Sean and Ian are known for their sensitivity, they talk about how to handle a delicate interview. How a guide dog can be an asset to help interviewees feel calm when being filmed. Plus the challenges of wearing a mask, can it affect your mobility? One way systems, it would be so much easier if guide dogs could read.


Socially Distance 15

This week Sean and Ian are SO socially distant they aren’t even talking to each other. This week’s episode is a summertime special as Ian Talks to Nicola Blackmore is former camera woman and editor. Nicola now lives in Melbourne Victoria Australia. When Ian interviewed Nicola Melbourne was in lock down after a spike of COVID19.


Socially Distance 14

On this week’s episode Ian gets on a train for the first time in 4 months with little success. Sean gets out for a socially Distance lunch with a colleague. Our main guest this week is James McLaughlin, a news cameraman and picture editor. James talks about how he got into the TV news business and how he works with Ian.


Socially Distant week 13

This week Sean and Ian get to grips with blind body language and techniques. Sean crosses swords with people on social media regarding how his eyes look on TV. Ian is dealing with disappointment when his story is dumped because of other far more important events.


Socially Distant Week 12

Sean and Ian have reached their dirty dozen of their Socially Distant Podcast. In this week’s episode, Sean tackles the trauma of buying a coffee Socially Distant when you can’t see where the queue starts and ends and all without the aid of a stunt man. Ian Talks to his camera and picture editor Laura Kingwell about working with a blind reporter on the road. Sammy Sean’s guide dog becomes a news hound. Finally they talk about owning your disability in the media.


Socially Distanced Episode 11

This week Sean and Ian have two guests Siobhan and Christine who talk about the challenges of living with reporters during lockdown. They also list their most useful apps for getting about. We hear about Siobhan’s challenges getting out and about and Christine’s stint as a body Gard. What about Sean the chef, who knew. He’s kept that one quiet. Ian finds himself in a bubble at work.


Socially distance week 10.

A brand new rocky sound for Sean Dilley and Ian Hamilton’s 10th podcast. This week it’s about tech and how Ian and Sean work in delivering the news. Sean throws every woosh and wiz at this week’s sound.


Socially distance 9

This week Sean and Ian have a guest in the form of voice over woman. Who is better known as youTuber Siobhan Mede, who talks about trying to make her way in the World of media as a blind woman. They talk about blind holidays cats crapping coffee. Oh yes a new voice over top celebrity. Plus Sean has got his bleeper out and that’s not a euphemism.


Social distance 8

This week Sean has headed back to new broadcasting house. Ian is still crossing swords with cyclists. Supermarkets will we ever be guided round them ever again? Or is it Internet shopping for ever more? We have just joined this platform for our podcast so clearly early episodes are missing. So from here they will start from number seven from now on.


socially distanced week 7 -

Join Sean and Ian as they take to the road once again. Ian heads to Saint Andrews and Sean heads back to new broadcasting house for the first time in awhile. Plus voice-over lady clearly has a better agent Van Sean and Ian as she takes to radio two.


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