Taliesin McKnight

Taliesin McKnight is a writer, lecturer, and researcher on the subjects of occultism, Hoodoo, witchcraft, Hermeticism, Qabalah, and various spiritualities from diverse cultures and time periods, and of the paranormal. His life-long obsession with knowing the history of occultism and how various practices work has lead him to share his knowledge and research. He currently resides in Dallas, Texas.

Magick Occult Radio: Psionics with Charles Cosimano

Welcome to another episode of Magick Occult Radio! Our host and co-host are Taliesin McKnight and the Vayu Tiger, and today we are discussing Psionics with occult author Charles Cosimano (aka "Uncle Chuckie." Charles Cosimano is an author and researcher in magick and psionics with 50 years experience. His work is considered controversial by a number of people, a fact he takes delight in. He is the author of a number of books on Psionics which can be found on his website www.charlescosimano.com "


Magick Occult Radio: Spiritual Satanism with Troll Towelhead

Thank for joining us for another episode of Magick Occult Radio!.Today we are discussing spiritual Satanism with special guest Troll Towelhead.


Magick Occult Radio: Celtic Magick & Druidism with Ian Corrigan

Welcome to another episode of Magick Occult Radio! Our host is Taliesin McKnight and our co-host is the Vayu Tiger. Today we are exploring Celtic magick and Druidism with special guest Ian Corrigan. Ian Corrigan has been teaching, leading, singing & playing in the Pagan and occult communities since 1975. He is a Senior Priest and Archdruid Emeritus of Ar nDraiocht Fein (ahrn dree-okht fayn) and was a colleague of Isaac Bonewits in the development of that Druidic Pagan system. He is the Author of Sacred Fire, Holy Well, The Book of Nine Moons and several other titles devoted to the creation of a power Pagan occultism. Thank you for joining the show! Enjoy.


Magick Occult Radio: Spirit Evocation with Nick Dutch

Welcome to another episode of Magick Occult Radio! Today we are discussing spirit evocation with our special guest Nick Dutch! Magick Occult Radio is hosted by Taliesin McKnight and co-hosted by the Vayu Tiger. This show is dedicated to providing real and accurate information on occultism. Enjoy the show!


Magick Occult Radio: Greater Church of Lucifer

Thank you for joining us for another episode of Magick Occult Radio! Our host Taliesin McKnight and co-host Vayu Tiger will interview officials from the Greater Church of Lucifer of Houston, TX. This is part of our series on the Left Hand Path. We are joined by the church founder Jacob No and church leader Jeremy Crow. Enjoy the show!


Magick Occult Radio: The Magick Circle & Preliminaries to Ritual

Welcome to Magick & Occult Radio: Exploring Spells, Conjuration, & Practical Occultism! Our hosts are Taliesin McKnight and Vayu Tiger. We will explore the methods and techniques of practical occultism to cause changes in our lives. Related topics include witchcraft, Hoodoo, ceremonial magick, Chaos Magick, astrological talismans, among many other arcane arts. Welcome to the show


Magick Occult Radio: Luciferianism & the Left Hand Path with Jeremy Crow

Welcome to Magick & Occult Radio: Exploring Spells, Conjuration, & Practical Occultism! Our hosts are Taliesin McKnight and Vayu Tiger. We will explore the methods and techniques of practical occultism to cause changes in our lives. Related topics include witchcraft, Hoodoo, ceremonial magick, Chaos Magick, astrological talismans, among many other arcane arts. Welcome to the show


Magick Occult Radio: Powers of the Saints in Spells & Magick

Welcome to Magick & Occult Radio: Exploring Spells, Conjuration, & Practical Occultism! Our hosts are Taliesin McKnight and Vayu Tiger. Our special guest is Dr. Thomas, a Hoodoo practitioner from the state of Georgia. We will discuss the powers of the Saints and other Spirits in magick! We hope you enjoy listening to Magick Occult Radio!


Magick & Occult Radio: Prosperity Magick & Money Spells

Welcome to Magick & Occult Radio: Exploring Spells, Conjuration, & Practical Occultism! Our hosts are Taliesin McKnight and Vayu Tiger. We will explore the methods and techniques of practical occultism to cause changes in our lives. Related topics include witchcraft, Hoodoo, ceremonial magick, Chaos Magick, astrological talismans, among many other arcane arts. Welcome to the show!


Magick Occult Radio: How to Summon Spirits & Work with the Dead

Welcome to Magick Occult Radio: Exploring Spells, Conjuration, & Practical Occultism! Our hosts are Taliesin McKnight and Vayu Tiger. We will explore the methods and techniques of practical occultism to cause changes in our lives. Related topics include witchcraft, Hoodoo, ceremonial magick, Chaos Magick, astrological talismans, among many other arcane arts. Welcome to the show! In this week's episode, we will discuss the tools and techniques for successfully working with the Spirits according to different occult traditions.


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