Talk Like A Girl

Talk Like A Girl
Author: Talk Like A Girl
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© 2018 Talk Like A Girl
Explore life's big questions, pitfalls, and highlights with our curious hosts, a comedic guest, and an expert. We talk politics, pop culture, social justice, name it, we cover it! Every week is an adventure with a new topic, a new comic, and a new expert. So roll the dice and join us on the journey!
By women, for everyone!
12 Episodes
This week on Talk Like a Girl we discuss the scariest thing we can think of: Climate Change!! We talk to the insanely delightful climate scientist Dr. Sylvia Dee and we are joined in the studio by the wonderful author and comedian Kate Spencer. If you watched that polar bear video and it broke you this episode will give you some hope. Listen in to learn some great strategies for talking to your climate change denying relatives during the holidays! Guests:Kate SpencerWebsite: @katespencerInstagram: @katespencerFacebook: @katespencerwritesKate's Book: The Dead Moms Club: A Memoir about Death, Grief, and Surviving the Mother of All Losses: Sylvia Dee: Website: @DrSpeedyDeeResources:NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming : Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Voices: Science Speakers Network Merchants of Doubt by Naomi Oreskes & Erik M. Conway
Comedienne, musician, writer, and filmmaker Tasneem joins the “Talk Like a Girl” gals as they expand the boundaries of their knowledge on gerrymandering and redistricting with one of the founding members of the Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group, Tufts University professor, Dr. Mira Bernstein. Join us as we stay mostly within the subject lines with a small side track to math/meth cross-chat and some Beanie Baby therapy.Guest: TasneemIG: @lastmangoinparisTwitter: @iamtasneemSoundCloud: @iamtasneemYouTube: TasneemTV Expert: Dr. Mira BernsteinBio: Mira Bernstein is on the research faculty at Tufts University in the Science, Technology, and Society Program, and she is a founding member of the Tufts Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group.Resources:Website: Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group at (note there’s no “e” between the d and the r) New Yorker Article on the Metric Geometry and Gerrymandering Group:
Happy Thanksgiving, listeners! In today's episode, we are going to play the expert interviews from our very first two episodes we ever recorded over eight months ago! These two episodes were about boycotting (which we are now calling girl-cotting), and felt like the perfect topics to help get you through the shopping blitz that is the weekend after Thanksgiving. As we'll learn in these interviews, women really do have the power when it comes to controlling the money and we can make change by paying attention to who we give our money to. First up we have Shannon Coulter, founder of the #GrabYourWallet movement to boycott Trump family related prodcuts. Shannon can be found on Twitter @shannoncoulter and more on #GrabYourWallet is here:, we have Judy, Samuelson, Vice President of the Aspen Institute, who talks to us about the efficacy of boycotts; How they work, which ones have worked in the past, and what it takes to start a successful boycott. Follow Judy @JudySamuelson on Twitter and more here:
In today's episode, we get serious and emotional about the gun epidemic in America. Writer/Actor/Comedian/Activist Jessica Eason joins us and shares her personal heartbreak and fury over the accesbility of guns in America. Then, Allison Anderman, managing attorney at Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, phones in to give us some staggering statistics and some hope. We also learn what each of the 90% of Americans who supports gun control laws can do right now to actually affect change. Follow Jessica Eason on social media @jesspatsox Follow Allison Anderman at:giffordslawcenter.orgFacebook: /GiffordsTwitter: @GiffordsCourageTwitter: @TheAnderMind
On this episode of Talk Like a Girl, we invite veteran comedy writer and all-around bad ass chica, Daley Haggar on the show to help us tackle the difficult topic of sexual harassment in the workplace. Stanford Law professor Deborah L. Rhode also joins us and helps us understand how non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements contribute to the problem. Follow Daley:Twitter: @d_haggarInstagram: @daleyhaggarFind Prof. Deborah L. Rhode: for this Episode:Deborah L Rhode’s articles on sexual harassment in the workplace: I have Daley Haggar’s op-ed at Lenny Letter.com
Dr. Ann Kearney-Cooke joins us on the phone to discuss the potential benefits and the possible pitfalls of plastic surgery. Comedy writer and performer Amanda Salvatore also sits in studio with us as we dish about plastic surgery gone good and gone ew.
We dive full bore into our love affair with the HBO juggernaut, with uber-GOT fan, comedian Codi Fischer and discuss the glories and problems of the series as it relates to feminism with Los Angeles Review of Books television critic Sarah Mesle. Be careful, it's Spoiler Town, Population 6!
On today's episode, writer and comedian Sarah Claspell joins us as we explore how little we actually know about Presidental Pardons and how much they inspire us to sing songs from Les Miserables and Hamilton. As the show goes off the rails, thankfully an adult joins us and puts us back on track. Asha Rangappa, the Associate Dean of admissions at the Yale School of Law and a former FBI agent, specializing in counter intelligence investigations in New York City, teaches us about the history of presidential pardons and how they have typically been used (until 45, anyway). Follow Sarah Claspell IG & Twitter: @claspywww.sarahclaspell.comFollow Asha Rangappa on twitter at @deanasha and @AshaRangappaEpisode Resources:
Psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Dr. Prudence Gourguechon shares with "Talk Like a Girl" the limitations of the Goldwater Rule and why after decades of being a proponent of the rule, she is no longer a supporter. "The Relationtrip" actress, Georgia Mischak also joins us in the studio and explains why she will watch Trump's entire speeches and often revisit the transcripts in hopes of finding some sense in what he is saying. As we wonder, "Is POTUS crazy?" We also ask, "Who can actually say so?"GUEST:Georgia MischakNCIS: LA (Oct. 8)LOVE/The Good PlaceMovie: The Relationship (Coming Soon)IG: @georgiamischakTwitter: @georgiamischakEXPERT:Dr. Prudence Gourguechon (Can call her Prudy)Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst who after 35 years in clinical practice and organizational leadership, is now a full-time and consultant on the psychology of business, finance and politics. Past President of the American Psychoanalytic Association.Work: LA Times op-ed from July 5: "Is Trump mentally fit to be President? Let's consult the Army's field manual on leadership" Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell Website: www.invantageadvising.comTwitter: @pgourguechonRESOURCES:
In this episode, we are joined by actress and comedian Pam Murphy to talk about our personal experiences and struggles with Credit Cards. Almost everyone has one, and most people are using them to live beyond their means. Reporter for and Certified Financial Planner, Kelli Grant calls into the show to give us some history, a few surprising facts, solid strategy, and finally a little hope we sorely need -- all in the name of managing the credit card debt so many of us have.Follow Pam:Twitter: @murphypleaseInstagram: @murphypleaseWebiste: murphyplease.comFollow Kelli:Twitter: @@kelligrantWebsite: KelliGrant.tvFacebook: Resources:
Professor of Politics at Princeton, Keith Whittington calls into the podcast to explain exactly what impeachment is and why he's not anxious to see another President impeached in his lifetime. Writer Kit Steinkellner joins us in the studio to help us make sense of our newfound knowledge. As calls for impeachment increase, we wonder: Does Impeachment do more harm to our country than good?Follow Prof Whittington Twitter: @kewhittingtonAnd find his academic work and writings for a more public audience at Kit Steinkellner: BooksAreMyBFsInstagram: KitSteinkellnerEpisode Resources:
Today's expert guest is Jennifer Walsh, head of the Worldwide Literary Department at WME and the creator of Together Live. Together Live is an annual speaking tour featuring diverse female voices, focused on connecting women together and finding purpose beyond the work day. Shilpa Das also joins us. She is a musician, improviser and writer. This week explores the word "purpose". Does everyone have one? Or maybe just Joan of Arc. And how is purpose tangled up with career, contentment, family, and talents -- we talk it all out on our very first episode.Follow Shilpa:Website: shilpadas.wordpress.comInstagram: shugdFacebook: Jennifer:Website: TogetherLive.comTwitter: @together_tweetsIG: @togetherliveeventsFB: @togetherliveevents
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