Talk Money to Me

For all the things you didn't know you didn't know about money and how it relates to you. Join our hosts Tracy and Jonathan as they learn to let their money do the talking. Each episode will have two guest speakers who put things into easy-to-understand concepts. Listen as they answer many of the common questions we all have, and leave with some practical tools to turn your knowledge into action.

S3E10 TMTM - Economics and Me

With the season finale, our speakers will help us highlight and understand previous historical moments in finance so that we can recognize the ways it has been mirrored in our pandemic situation.


S3E9 TMTM - Retirement 2

In the second half, we discuss the relation between retirement and nursing homes, as well as how our desired retirement lifestyle affects the timeline for how we get there.


S3E8 TMTM - Retirement 1

Retirement: It's the thing we all dream about. It gets brought up all the time, and it seems like there's so many paths to get there. Join us in part one of our discussion as we learn about the origins, ins, and outs. =)


S3E7 TMTM - Living Benefits

As we revisit the topic of life insurance, we're now seeing the ways in which it has evolved from being a "death only" tool for someone else; it now provides you benefits even while you are alive.


S3E6 TMTM - Futures and Options 2

In part two of our discussion, we get deeper into how we allow our options to not just be whimsical, but to be calculative and beneficial from a financial standpoint.


S3E5 TMTM - Futures and Options Part 1

They say that successful people build towards a better tomorrow rather than thinking about today; let's take that idea and learn about futures and options.


S3E4 TMTM - Solo 401k

You heard it said: there's strength in numbers. However, with your finances it can be cost-effective to keep things for me, myself, and I when applying it to a Solo 401k.


S3E3 TMTM - Currency Exchange Part 2

In the second half, we talk about why the US dollar continues to maintain its popularity, and whether or not it's possible for it to get dethroned as the de facto standard currency in the world.


S3E2 TMTM - Currency Exchange Part 1

The same dollar that can buy a McDonald's drink in the US can also buy you a meal in various parts of Asia; learn about how money find its value in comparison to other types of currency.


S3E1 TMTM - Inflation and Economics

Noticing how things seem to keep getting more expensive? While nobody wants to pay more if they don't have to, sometimes it can be a good thing; you just need to keep it in balance.


S2E10 TMTM - Roundtable Part 2

As we enter the second half of our roundtable episode, take a listen to the ways that each person's life continues to be shaped and changed as finances become a bigger part of their lives.


S2E9 TMTM - Roundtable Part 1

These next two episodes look to encapsulate everything we 've learned and talked about, but with some real-life examples from the hosts and speakers. Let's see the ways finance has influenced our upbringing and our current views on life.


S2E8 TMTM - College Funding

Some of us become parents, and whether you're new parents or have kids in the throes of adolescence, college will likely be a part of your child's journey. Learn about the current options available to help you fund the college education your child (or children) deserves.


S2E7 TMTM - Net Worth

With all the money going in and out of your accounts, do you know what makes up the number that represents your net worth?


S2E6 TMTM - 401k and IRA

It's easy to tell someone to "plan for retirement", but the process to do so can be as confusing as the phrase is vague. This episode helps to understand how retirement planning started, and what main options are available for you to consider for yourself.


S2E5 TMTM - W2 v. 1099

Most people will see a W2 while working, and some will see a 1099; have you ever wondered what the differences were, or why you might want one over the other? Learn about the details in this episode.


S2E4 TMTM - Banks

In any place you go there will be some way for you to safely store your money somewhere; when there's so many options, how do you know which way to go? Banks are a part of our everyday lives, and this episode helps you to determine some of those differences, as well as figure out how banks make money as our financial babysitters.


S2E3 TMTM - Auto Home Insurance

You've bought something and learned how to keep it when the payments are too much; the last step for peace of mind is to learn how to protect it in case something goes wrong. Learn about how your car and home need some security in case anything happens.


S2E2 TMTM - Refinancing

You've bought your house, but now how do you keep your house while expenses pile up? Learn how you can renegotiate the terms of your loan through refinancing.


S2E1 TMTM - Mortgage

You know that fancy word that you kind of understand, but not really? Learn about what a mortgage is and why it seems like all homeowners have one in our first episode of Season 2! =D


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