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Talking Anime With MisterAnime343

Author: MisterAnime 343

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I am an anime supporter along with a manga and indie comics collector of all things, my goal is to help people appreciate the anime fandom, and also please be respectful of each other opinions also I don't force my said opinions onto my fans! This is to only show the truth about the fandom and also make sure that people understand that we anime fans are still human beings enjoying what we want to enjoy
19 Episodes
Okay as you should know, as of late, a lot of SFW and NSFW artists have been getting a lot of flack from the so called "Art Police" because they keep on attacking anime artists and issue them threats of game ending themselves for the sake of getting their feelings validated because they have nothing better to do with their lives. And they usually prefer to have nothing but spare time on their hands. And I find it completely disgusting that people are willing to say such vile things about artists and slander their hard work when (And this is a personal hypothesis of mine) they can't be able to make art like these skilled artists can.
Here is the season one finale and I will eventually be back for a season 2 if all goes according to plan, and I have to say these are the three issues that have been circling around on Twitter and quite frankly I am personally getting fed up with it, but I wanted to just share my personal thoughts about these three topics that have been garnering so much unnecessary attention by faux activists that don't care about what they are fighting for as long as they get the victim points like it's some twisted game they're playing and speaking of games, they are using a game character that's canonically male and making him transgender because of a bad ending. Also I wanted to recap about a certain voice actor that is a victim of the infamous Me Too movement, and let's not forget about the fact that people are trying to ban innocent law abiding citizens off of social media because they like art of fiction characters as well because of a certain fictional age they are. All of that is in reverse order though. And here is a couple of non profit organizations to help prevent child abduction and abuse:,families%20all%20over%20the%20globe
This is a follow up to the segment of talking about mecha anime with two of my good friends Omega Katana and Mad Matt Wheaton, as we also share our thoughts about the gift and curse of making anime mainstream along with fake anime fans infecting our fandoms along with big name anitubers and journalists saying that Mecha is dead! Where the three of us totally disagree with since Mecha is a genre that will never die.
Okay for this episode I am joined by my good friend Fatal 5ystem Error as we talk about what we love about anime and the things that inspire us to make our own stories and comics off of our love of Japanese culture. And how people are willing to destroy anime for the sake of "Progressivism" and "Diversity and inclusivity" we also talk about the creation of what we have in store along with dealing with the influx of normies that have been coming into our fandoms because they want to feel special about something.
Okay it's been over two years since the Vic Mignona accusations have arisen from the fact that people are still smearing the man's name. And there is *NO* evidence to prove that he is guilty of anything, and it seems that the judge also tossed the case out, and if you ask me, this is all just thanks to the MeToo movement, they wanted to play the victim when in reality, they are just feeding their own egos and satiate their feelings. Nothing in the world makes me more mad than having activists posing as fans getting heard over actual fans. To add salt to the wounds, Jamie Marchi and Monica Rial both started a podcast smearing Vic Mignona along with the fans. This just proves that Vic is more vindicated and he should have the justice he deserves. Link to Ko-fi: Support my Patreon (Optional): Follow me on social media: Twitter- @MisterAnime343 Facebook- Roman-Scott Rideout
It seems that no matter how hard we try, or how much we want to ignore it, Crunchyroll has decided to release it's first ever American original. High Guardian Spice, and quite frankly, it just flat out sucks. The only thing that this series is currently focusing on is, LGBT+ representation. Add the fact, if you're a straight white man in this then you are evil, the artwork is something you would find on Tumblr, the characters are bland, the story is super flat as a board, and don't even get me started on the fact that they lied about the diversity of the makers, plus the fact that one person is a known misandrist and wants to YEET all men. Also if you criticize Crunchyroll or High Guardian Spice, then they will block you from their Twitter accounts. And to anyone who was brave enough to bear through all 12 episodes, you have my respect since you had to endure the whole suffering of brain cells being lost from watching that garbage tier "anime."
In this episode, it seems that the Kadokawa president tried to censor manga to appease Apple and Google in order for manga to get sold here in the West, but this is all just a way for the Companies to try to squeeze Japan into a totalitarian market so they can appease to China and make that Chinese money, but thanks to the backlash from Japanese animators and the Japanese government giving some blowback including the fans in the West, the Kadokawa president has rescinded his censorship talks with Apple and Google, but the cracks are forming in the walls my friends sooner or later, there will a some changes done to anime and they will be minute at first then grow and take over, therefore we need to get these Wokies out of entertainment and show them that real fans are what matters most not gender identity politics or forced LGBT representation. I for one am sick of it.
Okay me and a couple of friends explain why we are defending Lolicons and Shotacons and today I am joined by Zer0sVoid and my good friend Dionysius-Sama as we begin to dissect the issues of how lolicons and shotacons are just fictional characters and that real kids should be the focus of the SJWs instead of being used to gaslight these Puritans! Also apologies for the scuffed parts the connection was bad on my end and I had to deal with that issue and living out in the boondocks isn't helpful either, but all in all be sure to check out both of these guys channels and tell them MisterAnime343 sent you
Okay this might be "Controversial" but, I am going to be realistic about this as best as possible, lolicons and shotacons don't equal P3#0*%/!@ sorry for censoring that, but I really want to get the truth out since this is me quadrupling down on my stance on lolicon and shotacons since they are in both my friends JSENPAIX4 and Alice C Alucard's words, *Fictional characters!* Also I will be leaving two links to a pair of child victim fundraisers sites and in hopes to give kids an actual better future since I was a victim of child abuse myself, and also keep a close eye for part 2 and hopefully I will have some friends coming and talk about it with me!
Nothing gets me more frustrated than listening to someone on Twitter or Tik Tok, bashing on a fictional character from a series they only use to cause so much outrage. Since that is the only way these people just live for that internet clout, along with wanting likes and retweets for their hot takes. But let's keep this a buck fifty here, these Twitter Puritans and SJWs live for the double standards. To them it's "Rules for thee, but not for me." I say the rules should be applied to all or no one! To me, the whole rules for thee but not for me is just favoritism, and it's unfair if someone refuses to play along by their rules, and to me, these Puritans are the real istophobes and alt-right Yazis instead of us fans. And these are my opinions
Nothing makes me more furious than seeing some SJWs over on Twitter bullying anime artists because they want to express themselves over their own artwork, whether it's flat chested or oppai (Big chested), these Twitter Puritans will stop at nothing to bully these artists because they don't have anything better to do. We keep seeing it time and time again, it's the same thing, someone makes an anime artwork of a certain character, the Twitter Puritans bully them until they either private their accounts or just bend the knee and apologize to them, and that is a big mistake in my book, *NEVER APOLOGIZE TO SJWS!* And recently someone made a warning to all anime artists telling them to ignore or block the Puritans and it started getting so much backlash. And it goes to show what these people are, hypocrites. I also will not bend the knee to SJWs or apologize to them for this podcast episode or the podcast in general, this is only for the fans and those who want to enjoy nerd culture without all the political views forced down your throat.
Okay this episode is going to be NSFW, along with being 18+ so this is not made for minors! I take on another solo podcast episode and give to you my thoughts on hentai, or sexualized anime for those who are out of the loop, and those that are borderline hentai are just known as ecchi anime. The only difference is if there's certain reproductional parts involved, and I also have to blast the Australian government for banning hentai in Australia. But if you ask me, that is just going over the line and I doubt it will deal with any real world issues, in fact banning anime and hentai won't solve any problems, in fact, it will make things worse. Also I regale you with a story of how I first got into hentai as well.
First off, Happy Easter to anyone celebrating this joyous holiday. Second, I hate doing Trigger Warnings, but there is some adult language in this podcast episode but today. I wanted to go over the whole issue about anime elitists and how condescending people are and how anime is *NOT* any issues that these SJWs on social media play it out to be. They only care about cancelling anything they don't like or anything they don't agree with since it goes against their political narrative. Seriously, people should have a reason to enjoy something even if it doesn't push political agendas, gender identity, LGBT+ representation, etc. But all in all this is a way for me and my friends to let off some steam and give people a chance to shine.
My friends and I were talking about important it is to listen to the fans and consumers of certain products that we support on the livestream. This is the reason why I have both a podcast and a YouTube channel, to spread the love of nerd culture including anime, video games, comics, movies, and other nerd culture without bashing on the fans. Because without the fans support even though my subscriber numbers are low but I will give it time to help see it flourish! I just got to keep true to myself and to the fans as well. But all in all, I will make more episodes. It would also really mean so much if you could share this podcast with other anime fans as well since we need more intake on what can make such a small anime podcast to go to bigger lengths.
Okay apologies for the scuffed audio again, it seems that the internet is slow as always and my friend Dionysius-Sama and I talk about some of the things that tick us off like Unseen Japan and our growing list of insults we come up for the guy, Mother's Basement since he's an anime elitist who has no respect for his fans, and mostly anyone who says fanservice in anime is misogyny, better have the proof to back up what you are saying! Dionysius-Sama and I really want to see anime flourish without these SJWs, Puritans, Posers, Fake Fans, and other people who only care about one thing and that is destroy whatever is most popular. And for that I will not stand idly by and watch it get destroyed. Hence why I started this podcast, to call out these people.
This just really aggravates me to an extent, it seems that no matter where you go in the world, someone wants to either censor or downright ban anime because they think it will cause real world issues, when there was a study that shows video games don't affect anyone who plays it, I mean seriously and there was evidence of that study, but these people don't even prove their point, zero evidence=X to doubt for me. I mean Australia, Russia, China, Germany, and Spain are banning anime for the stupidest of reasons. Seriously pathetic if you ask me.
After so many smear articles came out about ecchi anime and fanservice, people wanted to make a point saying that fanservice in anime is Misogyny, and to which I say that is a totally blatant lie made by Feminist Journalists who just want to make everyone miserable, look we should have the right to enjoy something without having gender identity politics forced into our faces and this is why anime and manga is so popular in today's landscape
This is a bit of an experiment for me since I am new to the whole podcast thing and I also have some friends as well and I want to help people enjoy anime and I do apologize in advance if some of the audio gets scuffed from my friends because the internet is lacking in my area and the WiFi isn't that great, but we explain some personal gripes we have so this is a bit of a way to get anime fans to be more respectful of the anime community (Easier said than done) but this is a "Just for fun" podcast and also to take off certain issues with anime elitists as well, god I hate those types of people. But all in all, I do hope you enjoy this