Talking Independence

A podcast that explores republican sentiment among fellow Australians.

Dr Bronwyn Kelly on democracy

Join us as we chat to Dr Bronwyn Kelly, founder of Australian Community Futures Planning, author and experienced strategic planner. Dr Kelly was an Honorary Professional Fellow at the University of Technology Sydney in the Institute for Public Policy and Governance from 2014 to 2021.


Professor Jenny Hocking on the Palace letters

Join us as we speak to Professor Jenny Hocking: the woman who led and won the battle for the National Archives of Australia to release the “Palace letters” about the dismissal of Gough Whitlam in 1975. The letters not only revealed far more royal involvement in Australian politics than Professor Hocking had imagined, with her book The Palace Letters is described as a detective story and courtroom drama with political intrigue and a royal cover-up. And yes, it’s non-fiction.


Craig Foster on the Voice to Parliament referendum

Tune in to hear Craig Foster, Co-Chair of the ARM, as we talk through the Voice to Parliament referendum, catching up with multicultural community leaders and what we can do individually to further the republican cause.


Adam Spencer on an Australian republic

Today we speak to Adam Spencer: a comedian, writer and presenter. We all know him from Triple J, Good News Week and The Drum – but he's also a General Executive Member of the Australian Republic Movement’s National Committee.


Sandy Biar on his time with the ARM

Join us as we say goodbye to Australian Republic Movement National Director & CEO, Sandy Biar, who over the last seven years has seen tremendous change in the Australian republic landscape nationally. We spoke to him before he wrapped up his work for the ARM - let's delve into what he's seen and where we're headed!


Ruth McGowan on how women can help create a better Australia

Today we speak to the fabulous Ruth McGowan, a fierce advocator for women in politics. Ruth gives us her perspective on how women can shape successful movements for a better Australia.


Alita Brydon on how we can all get involved in the campaign

Alita Brydon is best known for her work on social media and as a viral content creator. She uses humour and storytelling to change culture using Facebook and Instagram. She is a freelance writer and spokesperson. Her goal is to empower people and grow communities using the internet. In this episode she gives great tips and insights into how we can all get involved and create a swell of support via the digital world.


Andrew Fraser on what’s on the horizon for the sunshine state

Andrew Fraser is a former journalist who was Queensland bureau chief of a national newspaper and a member of the Federal Parliamentary Press Gallery during the Hawke-Keating era. He was a political adviser and speechwriter to several Queensland governments. Today he’s the ARM QLD Branch Convenor, and says: "To get specifically onto the subject of the republic, in 1999, Queensland had the worst result. 37.5%. Yes. I think probably the main reason was that it was actually seen as a trendy lefty Sydney, Melbourne thing…" Today, Queensland is sporting a very different outlook. Hear about what’s on the horizon for the sunshine state… To contact Andrew Fraser regarding the campaign in Queensland please email


Paulie Stewart on why it’s time to campaign for independence

Born and bred in the inner-Melbourne suburb of St Kilda, Paulie Stewart is an original member of infamous Melbourne punk band Painters and Dockers. Inducted into The Age Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2010, the group released seven albums and performed more than 1800 live shows throughout Australia, New Zealand and North and South America. They are still performing and have played with Iggy Pop, The Monkees, Billy Idol, The Cramps and The Easybeats. Paulie has campaigned for East Timor’s independence for over 30 years, and feels it’s time to campaign for Australian independence back home.


Michael Sheldrick on his British roots and why he supports an Australian republic

Michael Sheldrick is a policy entrepreneur and Co-Founder and Chief Policy, Impact and Government Affairs Officer for Global Citizen. He leads Global Citizen’s campaigns to rally support from governments, businesses and foundations to get the world on track to end extreme poverty. Michael has worked on campaigns globally with artists such as Beyoncé, Coldplay, Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, as well as and world leaders including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Barbados’ Prime Minister Mia Mottley, former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, and former Australian Prime Ministers Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd. He tells us about his very strong British roots and why he supports an Australian republic.


Vic Alhadeff on human rights causes and a republic

Vic Alhadeff has dedicated his career to championing human rights causes. Listen in on this inspirational episode as we hear about Vic's experiences in apartheid South Africa, his personal despairing history with the Holocaust and how that has led to a life of advocacy. Vic is often asked to visit high schools and give talks on racism and anti-Semitism. He has received the NSW Premier’s Award for his contribution to civil society and dedicates his time to trying to achieve understanding, inclusivity and social harmony. He believes becoming an Australian republic is a solid way to achieve just that.


Dr Meredith Doig on the Movement

Dr Meredith Doig has been a professional company director with appointments to commercial, government and not-for-profit boards for 25 years. Apart from her professional career, Dr Doig has been a long-time community activist, lobbying on issues ranging from social equity to corporate governance. She is also the current Senior Deputy Chair of the Australian Republic Movement.


Sandy Biar on the swell in support for a republic

A great end of year message from Sandy Biar, National Director & CEO of the Australian Republic Movement. Sandy outlines the highlights of 2022 and the mammoth year ahead of us, as we see a swell in support for a republic across communities.


Senator Lidia Thorpe on a republic, racism and what sovereignty really means for First Nations Australians

Today we speak to Senator Lidia Thorpe, a proud DjabWurrung Gunnai Gunditjmara woman, who is also a human rights, climate, and forest activist. Senator Thorpe is the Greens spokesperson for a republic, and talks about racism and what sovereignty really means for First Nations Australians.


Craig Foster on how supporters can mobilise together

Craig Foster AM has become one of Australia’s most respected sports people as a broadcaster, social justice advocate and human rights campaigner. He was recently elected to the ARM National Committee, after many years of strong republican support outside of the organisation. Hear about how supporters can mobilise together in this new chapter of the republican movement.


Kim Rubenstein on the role of women in the Australian Constitution

Professor Kim Rubenstein, constitutional lawyer and activist for gender equality, leads us through the history and the role of women in the Australian Constitution, and her own role in constructing the ARM's Australian Choice Model.


Sandy Biar on the actions of the Governor-General

National Director and CEO of the Australian Republic Movement, Sandy Biar, speaks to us about our great momentum; the new Assistant Minister for the Republic; the road to the referendum; and the opaque actions of the Governor-General, also known as the Morrison saga.


Debbie Scholem on her vision for Australia

From the arts to politics: today we speak to Debbie Scholem, a former professional freelance violinist for the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. Now in retirement, Debbie is dedicating her energy on her vision for Australia by advocating for a republic.


Franca Arena on being the first woman of non-English speaking background to be elected to an Australian parliament

Join us as we chat to Franca Arena. At 84 she gives us her passionate account on being the first woman of non-English speaking background to be elected to an Australian parliament. A pioneer of the Australian Republic Movement, Franca got the ball rolling with her friend Faith Bandler, along with Neville Wran, Tom Keneally and Malcolm Turnbull. In 1991 the ARM is born!


Simon Palomares on ‘Wogs out of Work’, the many facets of our society and the power of transforming racial slurs

Today we chat to republic supporter Simon Palomares. Join us as we chat about one of the most popular comedic theatre productions in Australian history, ‘Wogs out of Work’, the many facets of our society, and the power of transforming racial slurs.


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