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Tameka Riley
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Tameka Riley

Author: Tameka Riley

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Operating under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, we specialize in taking visions from inspiration to manifestation to the glory of the Father for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Kingdom Business brings a myriad of services within reach to equip Kingdom Citizens and organization as they carry out Kingdom Business. As the Lord puts the seven mountains back into the hands of His people (Media, Arts/Entertainment, Business, Government, Education, Family & the Church), we're strategically positioned not only as a major influence in this shift, but a midwife to others the Lord shall bring forth in these last days. Hebrews 6:12 - That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.
4 Episodes
 Touted as the 'New Way to Buy A Car', but is it better? 
Do you know where the credit bureaus get their information? We tell you how to go directly to the source and stop erroneous information from being reported against you. We'll touch on negative items, judgements, ChexSystems and more. Learn all the tips and tricks the big box companies make you pay hundreds of dollars a month for and clean your credit yourself. This week's offer includes letters and information on dealing with not only the big 3, but the bigger 5. 
In this episode, we cover how to pay off a 30yr mortgage in 5-7  years.(FULL DISCLOSURE - This episode was recorded NINE TIMES! lol.  For some reason, there was always an unexplained issue with the audio.  After deciding move on,  I later changed my mind and figured it best to include this episode, glitches and all, in hopes that someone might find the information helpful.  In life, sometimes we have to do as the cows do; eat the hay and spit out the sticks.  I pray that you receive the blessing and ask that you forgive the imperfections.  Godspeed.)
This is the first, introductory episode of the Kingdom Business Podcast.  We pray to position ourselves as an authority when it comes to guides, resources, and self-help materials for navigating life and business.