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Taming the WILD in Your Dog
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Taming the WILD in Your Dog

Author: VoiceAmerica

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Dog ownership is supposed to add years to our lives by reducing our stress levels, lowering our blood pressure and increasing our desire to connect with others. However, achieving dog ownership nirvana is far more difficult than simply petting a dog. There are issues and questions ranging from the harmless to the potentially deadly, and when dog owners turn to the internet, veterinarians and professional dog trainers for answers, these sources fail to answer their questions with the accuracy and honesty that is required to establish a safe and harmonious relationship between them and their dog. That’s because anyone who THINKS they are a dog expert can pose as one and as a result, the answers they provide lead unsuspecting pet owners away from the quality of life they desire and the safety they need. However, I am an expert and my answers are what dog owners need. The answers are correct and not B.S. The welfare of dogs and their owners can’t afford anything else.
57 Episodes
Is walking your dog a dreaded activity? If it is, you're not alone. Aside from companionship, the desire to have a walking or running partner is the number two reason why most people choose to adopt a dog.
Dogs fulfill many of our needs. They guide the blind and hear for the deaf. They search for the lost and protect the weak. They’re your friend when no one else is. Loyal, dedicated and above discrimination is how we often describe them.
Canine cough is one of the most maligned and least understood of all dog illnesses. In this episode, we will be interviewing Dr.
This is the inaugural show for Taming the Wild in Your Dog. Get to know your host, Bryan Bailey, and learn what it means to tame the wild in your dog.
Does your dog seem more stressed when you’re stressed? According to a recent study conducted by Linköping University, Sweden, dogs and their owners mirror each other’s stress levels.
Encore No Tiny Change

Encore No Tiny Change


In the words of famed Russian author Leo Tolstoy, “true life is lived when tiny changes occur.
Encore Crying Wolf

Encore Crying Wolf


You’re trying to sleep, but your new puppy is yelling its head off from inside the kennel that’s parked in the spare bedroom. One trainer recommends you go to your puppy and comfort it. A second trainer tells you to ignore your puppy.
Housebreaking can be an incredibly frustrating and long process if you’re unsure how to approach the task, which is frequently the case.
Time waits for no man and no dog. If your dog lives long enough, old age will creep up on it just like it will to you.
Wait, what?

Wait, what?


Before embarking upon training your new dog, three factors must always be taken into account.
Housebreaking can be an incredibly frustrating and long process if you’re unsure how to approach the task, which is frequently the case.
No Tiny Change

No Tiny Change


In the words of famed Russian author Leo Tolstoy, “true life is lived when tiny changes occur.
Puppy eyes resemble the black holes that exist in outer space in that they have so much gravitational pull that once you cast your gaze upon them, your emotions and your sense of logic are sucked in, and there’s no escape.
Hair of the Dog

Hair of the Dog


I am walking my dog, on-leash. Your three dogs escape from your yard and attack my dog. My dog kills one of your dogs while defending itself. You blame me. I blame you.
Bye Bye Bowser

Bye Bye Bowser


For thousands of years, we have exerted genetic and behavioral control over dogs to enhance their value and functionality to us.
The Pool of Mean(ing)

The Pool of Mean(ing)


The pet industry is a 70 billion dollar a year economic powerhouse that employs slick marketing to convince you that its main objective is the welfare of your pet. However, welfare is defined as something that aids or promotes well-being.
Crying Wolf

Crying Wolf


You’re trying to sleep, but your new puppy is yelling its head off from inside the kennel that’s parked in the spare bedroom. One trainer recommends you go to your puppy and comfort it. A second trainer tells you to ignore your puppy.
In some period of their lives, more than 90% of dogs jump on their household members entering the house. Children, seniors, or disabled adults are knocked over by jumping dogs. Children and adults that are fearful of dogs are traumatized by jumping dogs.