Taproot Faith

<p>Seeking rootedness in Christ in a rootless world. </p>

The Holy Name of Jesus

Matthew celebrates the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus by examining that blessed name, and it's meaning.


The Bread of Heaven -Advent IV/Xmas Eve

In this sermon, Matthew examines Christ as the Bread which came down from Heaven.


Prophet, Priest, and King - Third Sunday of Advent (2023)

In this sermon, Matthew examines the Old Testament expectation and the New Testament fulfillment of the Christ's roles as Prophet, Priest, and King.


The Seed of Abraham - Second Sunday of Advent - 2023

On this episode of TFR, Matthew preaches through Genesis 22:1-19, the story of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac. In this sermon Matthew is preaching from the ESV bible. Music: "Deep Roots" by Matthew Joyner


Advent 1 - 2023

For this sermon from the First Sunday in Advent, Matthew takes us through Genesis 3:1-15, and the implications of the Fall and the curse on the serpent. Matthew is preaching from the New King James Version.


Christ the King Sunday 2023

In this sermon (the first posted in a while!), Matt opens up for us John 18:33-38 and the Feast of Christ the King. This sermon was given from the Pulpit of Wilmington Reformed Church (OPC) in Wilmington, OH. Scripture texts are taken from the NKJV. Opening Music: "Pathfinder" by Scott Buckley www.scottbuckley.com


The Reformation Pulpit - Biblical Sexuality Sunday

Matt leads the congregation in recognizing and reflecting upon Biblical Sexuality Sunday. Sermon texts include Genesis 1 & 2, Ephesians 5, & 1 Corinthians 6. Matt is preaching this sermon from the New American Standard Bible. Opening Music: "Pathfinder" by Scott Buckley www.scottbuckley.com


The Reformation Pulpit - Christ the King

Matt offers a reflection on the Kingship of Christ. As always, Matt is preaching from the Christian Standard Bible. Opening Music: "Pathfinder" by Scott Buckley www.scottbuckley.com


The Reformation Pulpit - Remembrance

In this Episode, newly minted as "The Reformation Pulpit," Matt looks at the great virtue of remembrance. As always, Matt is preaching from the Christian Standard Bible. Opening Music: "Pathfinder" by Scott Buckley www.scottbuckley.com


From the Trinity Pulpit - Reformation Sunday 2022

This week, for Reformation Sunday, Matt takes us through Psalm 46, the Psalm that was the basis for the great Reformation Hymn, "A Mighty Fortress is our God." As always, Matt is preaching from the Christian Standard Bible. Opening Music: "Pathfinder" by Scott Buckley www.scottbuckley.com


From the Trinity Pulpit - Jesus and the Paralytic

In this sermon, Matt takes us through Matthew 9:1-8, and the story of Jesus' encounter with the paralytic. Opening Music: "Pathfinder" by Scott Buckley www.scottbuckley.com


From the Trinity Pulpit - The Great Commandment

This week Matt offers a sermon on Matthew 22:34-39, and the Great Commandment, and what it means to love God and neighbor. As always, Matt is preaching from the Christian Standard Bible. Opening Music: "Pathfinder" by Scott Buckley www.scottbuckley.com


TRF - Introduction to Worship

In this first Taproot Faith episode in some time, Matt begins a series on Worship. What is it? Why do we worship? How are we supposed to engage in worship? Matt begins to take us on the journey through this discussion. All Scriptures are read from the Christian Standard Bible (CSB). Music: "Age of Wonder" by Scott Buckleywww.scottbuckley.com


From the Trinity Pulpit - Two Masters

On this episode, Matt takes us through Matthew 6:19-34, and the necessity of understanding that we can only have one master in this life. He also points to importance of preaching, and the issues with down playing it. As always, Matt is preaching from the Christian Standard Bible. Opening Music: "Pathfinder" by Scott Buckley www.scottbuckley.com


From the Trinity Pulpit - Jesus and the Ten Lepers

On this episode, Matt takes a look at the encounter between Jesus and the ten lepers, as found in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 16, verses 11-19. As always, Matt is preaching from the Christian Standard Bible. Opening Music: "Pathfinder" by Scott Buckley www.scottbuckley.com


From the Trinity Pulpit - Holy Cross Day

In this episode, Matt offers a sermon for the Feast of the Holy Cross, September 14th, 2022. What is the meaning of this commemoration, and what is the significance of the Cross of Christ?


Christ the Great Storyteller - Sermon Special

This sermon was preached at Christ Church Anglican in Florence, KY on July 2nd, 2022. The sermon text is from Luke 7, and Matt focuses on our need as Christians to reclaim good storytelling to convey the truths of our faith. Opening Music: "Pathfinder" by Scott Buckley www.scottbuckley.com


From the Trinity Pulpit - He Does All Things Well

In this week's sermon, Matt takes a look at Mark 7:31-37, which is the account of Christ healing the man who was deaf with a speech impediment.


From the Trinity Pulpit - The Publican and the Pharisee

Matt dives into the Parable of the Tax Collector and the Pharisee, and deals with self-righteousness, self awareness, and humility.


From the Trinity Pulpit - Let the Children Come

In this sermon, given on the occasion of the Baptism of his daughter, Matt opens up Mark 10:13-16, and our attitude towards covenant children.


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