Te vas a morir

Podcast sin filtros para cuestionarnos todo, filosofar, divertirnos y recordar que… ¡Te vas a morir!

Marketing crudo [Sesión de preguntas y respuestas]

El marketing está transformándose. Hoy la gente te compra si conecta con tu transparencia. El contenido y los productos pendejos, vacíos y culeros cansan. Por eso considero que la vulnerabilidad, la crudeza, la verdad y el no buscar vender agüevo es lo que hace la diferencia hoy en día.


Perdonar es por ti [Sesión de preguntas y respuestas]

Nadie “te hace algo”. Al menos, eso pienso yo. Y lo compartí cuando me lo preguntaron en una de mis pláticas. Se puso bueno el peloteo de ideas, porque también reflexionamos sobre: - Lo que he aprendido del perdón. - Los huevos para amar - Cómo se esfuman los juicios cuando hacemos lo que amamos. ¿Y tú qué opinas? Déjamelo en los comentarios. Estaré leyendo algunos.


Amar sin esperar nada a cambio, miedo a emprender, y mucho más [Sesión de preguntas y respuestas]

Después de mirar mis miedos a la cara; entendí profundamente quién soy y decidí llevar mi vida al extremo en todos sentidos, incluso en el amor. Opté por responsabilizarme únicamente por mí mismo y amar con toda mi consciencia a otros sin esperar nada a cambio. ¡Te vas a cagar de miedo! Seguramente. Pero la vida que prefieres está después de él. Yo emprendo desde el amor; atravesando mis miedos para ir por lo que quiero. Si no te atreves a cruzar esa barrera y buscas siempre ir a la “segura”; tendrás que conformarte con la vida que te tocó. Y espero que dejes de quejarte, porque así lo decidiste. De todas estas locuras platiqué durante mi estancia en Lima en esta sesión de preguntas y respuestas.


Haciendo lo mejor que puedo con las herramientas que tengo [Sesión de preguntas y respuestas]

Sé quien soy, y me amo. Por eso; aunque la cague, tenga miedo y me juzguen los demás; seguiré buscando compartir mi luz y mi esencia.   #tevasamorir #inmortal


Deja de aparentar. [Sesión de preguntas y respuestas]

Sin respuestas correctas; sólo mi opinión a preguntas sobre cómo conocer tu valor para olvidarte de tener que demostrárselo a fuerza a los demás.


Trying not to call attention is also a form of ego

If you've ever stopped yourself from doing something just because you were afraid of what people might say, then this episode is for you.


Death is pure love

So that’s why I believe that it’s important to raise awareness and remember that death is totally loving and it’s always on our side. I’ll tell you more in this episode.


Divorce with consciousness

When couples grow apart there’s no “faults” or “blames”. Why not take responsibility and face the consequences of our own actions instead? Here’s some food for thought.


Forget about the life you want!

I believe life’s about trying to resist what your ego wants. I talk more about this idea in this episode.


It’s who you follow, not how many follow you.

When looking at social media I don’t think that those who follow you are as important as the ones you follow. Many questions came up from this thought. Check out this episode.


The journey of love

Do you believe love is a destination that you still “have to” reach? Hit play, close your eyes and observe within yourself: you’ll discover something truly amazing.


Being an adult

Do you focus on external events because you’re trying to evade yourself? Do you blame others for what happens in your life? Do you believe your life is horrible? I have something for you in this episode! Check it out!


No good or bad. Consciousness

I don’t believe in good or bad. I do believe in the consciousness behind the act. This episode is to question and deepen into these social rules that try to tell you how to live! Check it out!


Missing someone is a trap

I believe that when you miss someone who is not in your life anymore, you are missing yourself, because that person was a reflection of what's best in you. Listen to this episode where I dig deeper into this conversation.


Free and lost

I don't believe you're afraid of dying: you're scared of your own freedom and of becoming who you really are. Check out this episode to learn why I think this way.


Young Millionaires

I believe becoming a millionaire shouldn't be a goal, but a consequence of some ideas I talk about in this episode. Check it out!


I love with no reason

I believe you feel depressed because you haven't fixed your past and you feel anxious because you're still expecting things from the future. And I know you want to feel loved, but how can you expect someone to love you if you don't even love yourself? Check out this episode where I dig deeper into this matter.


Be hopeless.

I believe that when you wait for things to occur a certain way, you miss out on the present. Because when you have hope or expectations you’re only affecting your “now” and you become obsessed with a future that perhaps never comes. Stop the fixation of wanting something to occur just like you want it and simply enjoy the moment.


Believe in yourself in a delusional way

I believe that to be successful you have to “fool” and believe in yourself in a crazy, exaggerated, and delirious way. Because, although your reality might be the complete opposite, if you don’t fully believe you are internally successful, you will never be. It’s not easy, because there will be people that will tell you that you can’t make it, and will give you all the reasons that will stop you from being successful. However, those people are only mirrors that allow you to understand how bad you want it and how much you believe in yourself to push you deeply. Don’t find yourself looking for success to prove yourself to others. Do it for yourself, for love.


The empty drive of success

I believe that there are many people in our world making money, looking for fame, and pursuing goals generated by their emptiness and the need to fill their voids. This comes from humans that act and do things that arise from their ego, with the intention to show their courage to others through their accomplishments, possessions, and their level of social status. According to me, success has nothing to do with what you portray to others or what they think of you; instead, it is something intrinsic that only you could measure. When you learn to love yourself and use your five senses to perceive what’s around you and enjoy the here and now, you won’t need anything external to make you feel better. I am not referring to living in complete austerity; but rather that when you obtain what you want, it is something that is motivated and generated by love; not by codependencies or to fill any emptiness.


Maysha Gupta Nidhi (Pirate King)


01-27 Reply


Alch yo pense que era una platica de como alejarse de alguien que quieres pero no te aporta nada a tu vida

12-04 Reply

Angel Fernando Jimenez Torres

Totalmente deacuerdo

05-16 Reply

Angel Fernando Jimenez Torres

Eres el mejor

05-16 Reply

Jose Vargas Guzman

se escucha con problemas 😧

01-21 Reply
















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