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Teach. Play. Love. Parenting Advice for the Early Years
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Teach. Play. Love. Parenting Advice for the Early Years

Author: Bright Horizons Family Solutions

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Confused by all the parenting resources? Looking for the definitive voice? Let our experts cut through the noise. Subscribe to the Bright Horizons® podcast, "Teach. Play. Love. Parenting Advice for the Early Years." Listen as parents and early childhood educators come together to cull the competing advice, separate fact from fiction, and focus on what does – and doesn’t – matter during these early years. Be more confident, have less worry…and let Bright Horizons help make parenting the joy it was meant to be.
66 Episodes
In this episode of Teach. Play. Love. Our Education experts Rachel Robertson and Claire Goss discuss How to deal with children's tantrums. They cover why tantrums are normal, tools to handle them, the brain science behind tantrums, alternative handling methods, and tips on staying calm during a tantrum.
In this episode of Teach, Play, Love, our hosts & early childhood education experts Rachel Robertson and Claire Goss, explore the topic of friendships in early childhood. They examine how friendships and play encourage social-emotional development, how to have a successful playdate, and what to do when aggressive behavior happens between children.
In today's episode of Teach, Play, Love, our hosts & education and development experts Rachel Robertson and Claire Goss, delve into how to set limits with your young children.
In this episode, our education experts Rachel and Claire discuss the benefits of giving chores to young children. Listen for tips on what chores are best for certain ages, and learn how giving your child responsibilities leads to not only a tidier home, but also builds your child’s confidence and independence.
Join Rachel and Claire as they discuss how executive function skills develop and how to work on these skills with your children as they grow and learn. As children grow and learn, they continue to develop and refine their executive function skills, which are crucial for success in school and in life. In this episode of Teach. Play. Love., Rachel and Claire will share why these skills are so important and how you can help your children strengthen these abilities throughout their life. Get parenting advice from Rachel and Claire! You can leave them a voicemail by calling 617-673-8881 and your question may be answered in a future episode of Teach. Play. Love. You can also send them an email at .
Join Rachel and Claire as they sort the fact from the fiction, redefine what matters most, and equip parents with the confidence to provide the experiences their children need to thrive now and in the future. Get parenting advice from Rachel and Claire! You can leave them a voicemail by calling 617-673-8881 and your question may be answered in a future episode of Teach. Play. Love. You can also send them an email at .
Did you have a favorite book as a child? Perhaps you remember reading with a loved one or special teacher. In this episode of Teach. Play. Love., Rachel and Claire discuss why reading to your child is so important and how to make story time a memorable bonding and learning experience. Do you need help picking out books for your kids? Check out our program. helps to share the joy of reading, cultivate an appreciation for books, and foster early literacy skills. Get parenting advice from Rachel and Claire! You can leave them a voicemail by calling 617-673-8881 and your question may be answered in a future episode of Teach. Play. Love. You can also send them an email at .
In this episode of Teach. Play. Love., explore the advantages of grandparent and extended family support, and learn how to overcome common challenges. Grandparents and other extended family members have the remarkable ability to bring joy to a child's life. When grandparents are actively involved in their grandchild's life, they can provide invaluable support to parents and also become a reliable part of a child's family system, providing nurturing and care. Join Rachel and Claire as they explore the advantages of strengthening your family village and discover effective strategies for navigating moments of conflict. Get parenting advice from Rachel and Claire! You can leave them a voicemail by calling 617-673-8881 and your question may be answered in a future episode of Teach. Play. Love. You can also send them an email at .
Listen to this episode of Teach. Play. Love., to learn why play is one of the most important things a child can do each day and get advice on how to have fun playing with your kids. Play allows children to experiment with concepts and ideas to make sense of the world around them. Setting aside time each day to play with your child can foster their growth and development, as well as create lasting family memories. In this episode of Teach. Play. Love. you’ll hear why play is so very important and you’ll get actionable ideas on how to have fun playing with your kids. Get parenting advice from Rachel and Claire! You can leave them a voicemail by calling 617-673-8881 and your question may be answered in a future episode of Teach. Play. Love. You can also send them an email at
Whether you’re preparing for a new baby, answering complicated questions, or encountering defiance from a toddler, it’s important to give yourself grace. Guiding your children through these moments will not only help them build resilience and understanding, but will ensure they know you’re there for them no matter how tricky life may get. Get parenting advice from Rachel and Claire! You can leave them a voicemail by calling 617-673-8881 and your question may be answered in a future episode of Teach. Play. Love. You can also send them an email at .
Hands-on, minds-on — that’s how children learn best. When they can touch, wonder, explore, and discover, the opportunities are endless. In this episode, get expert advice from Rachel Robertson and Claire Goss on encouraging immersive and meaningful learning experiences. Plus, you’ll find out how to build a foundation for happy, healthy development.  Get parenting advice from Rachel and Claire! You can leave them a voicemail by calling 617-673-8881 and your question may be answered in a future episode of Teach. Play. Love. You can also send them an email at
Are you getting ready for a family trip? Join Rachel and Claire as they share their own travel adventures and provide a practical list of tips you can implement right away as you plan your next family getaway. While traveling with kids has challenging moments, it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences your family can have. Make sure to get your children involved in planning your trip and set your own expectations that everything may not go as planned. Above all, enjoy your time together and rest assured that you're making memories that will last a lifetime! Get parenting advice from Rachel and Claire! You can leave them a voicemail by calling 617-673-8881 and your question may be answered in a future episode of Teach. Play. Love. You can also send them an email at .
Ep 53: Sibling Rivalry

Ep 53: Sibling Rivalry


Sibling relationships can be complicated—camaraderie and closeness sometimes mixed with moments of intense competition and conflict. From understanding the root causes of sibling rivalry to promoting cooperation and empathy, Rachel & Claire will navigate the intricacies of sibling relationships and explore effective strategies to foster harmony among the children in your home. Get parenting advice from Rachel and Claire! You can leave them a voicemail by calling 617-673-8881 and your question may be answered in a future episode of Teach. Play. Love. You can also send them an email at .
Raising children on your own can feel overwhelming. In addition to caring for your children, it’s also vital to take care of yourself. Learn how to turn to family, friends, and even strangers for support, how to use Prime Times to build connections with your children and find reassurance in your parenting. Join Rachel and Claire as they speak candidly about their own experiences with solo parenting and remind listeners that they can find joy in the journey of solo parenting. Get parenting advice from Rachel and Claire! You can leave them a voicemail by calling 617-673-8881 and your question may be answered in a future episode of Teach. Play. Love. You can also send them an email at .
Establishing a consistent routine can not only benefit your child, but also make your life as a parent or caregiver much easier. By providing predictability and structure, routines can help everyone in the family feel more confident and prepared for each day. Be sure to give children enough time to get used to new routines and once they do, you’ll see your child's independence and happiness grow! Join Rachel and Claire as they discuss the importance of routines and share tips and tricks to implement simple routines to help your children through each day.
Whether you’re coming inside after fun at the playground, going from playtime to bath and bed, or even just leaving the house to go to school, transitions can cause an array of complicated feelings for our children. Learn strategies to help them through these tough moments and make the day a bit easier for everyone! Transitions can be challenging moments for children and can lead to a range of complex emotions. In this episode, Rachel and Claire offer helpful strategies to support children during transitions and make the day a little easier for parents and caregivers. Whether it's establishing routines, offering choices, or incorporating enjoyable activities, you'll learn how to approach transitions with patience, empathy, and a bit of fun.
One of the key ways we can help our children grow in life is to let them fail. While it can be difficult as a parent to see your children struggle, we know we won’t always be by their side to help when things get tough. Developing a child’s resilience can help them prepare to tackle future challenges. We want them to have the confidence to handle anything life throws their way. Join Rachel and Claire as they discuss why it’s important to let your children experience failure and strategies to help them build a growth mindset that will last them for life.
While creative art activities may seem like something that is “just for fun,” they are actually key elements to child development. Remember to let your child take charge of the artistic process! Your job is to provide the rich environment and materials. Then allow your child to take the creative lead. In this episode, Rachel and Claire discuss the importance of art, how engaging with art helps children with school readiness, and how to set up a playful and joyful art experience for your child.
While separation anxiety can be tough for both parents and children, it’s reassuring to know it happens because we love each other so very much. Establishing daily routines and rituals – paired with patience and grace -- will help your child trust the process. And YOU can find comfort in knowing that your child is in good hands, even on the most difficult days.
At what age should a child understand the concept of sharing, and how do we give them tools to develop this important life skill? Join our early childhood experts Rachel Robertson and Claire Goss as they share developmentally appropriate expectations around taking turns and sharing, how to practice and model sharing with your child, and when it’s actually okay not to share.