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Teaching That Transforms

Author: Dr. Jimmy Knott

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'Teaching That Transforms' is a Bible-based and culturally relevant podcast. When biblical truth is heard and applied lives are transformed into a greater likeness to Jesus Christ.
58 Episodes
Holy Spirit is NOT: enthusiasm, genius, it, thing, life principle, impersonal force, energy, an influence, or experience. "Why is this important?" It means that possessing the Holy Spirit is not just a religious experience, but is having the very presence of God in us - filled with God Himself! This means our attitudes and actions can & should reflect the character of God. What a mystery and a blessing!
It seems in some Christian circles the person and work of the Holy Spirit is “overlooked.” Conversely, other Christian circles overemphasize the Holy Spirit making Him the center of attention. Either view will cause the power and work of the Holy Spirit to be confused, misunderstood, and even perverted. The person and work of the Holy Spirit is one of the most important doctrines in all the Bible.
It has been quite a journey with Elijah. We have gone with him from the heights of Mt. Carmel to the depths of despair in the desert under a broom tree. Learned some valuable LESSONS. . .    Today we bid Elijah farewell.  His work on earth is finished (John 17:4; 19:30).  Ultimately, an end comes to everything.  But Elijah’s end is hardly an end - more like a beginning, as he is taken into God’s presence by a whirlwind (Heb. - “gust”).  He disappears as quickly as he appeared.  Unsurprisingly, this fiery man of God doesn’t age gracefully and quietly die - he doesn’t even die at all. In 2:1 God reveals to Elijah that today is your last day on earth. Also rich fool (Lk. 12). “What would you do if you knew today was your last day on earth?” 
Dr. Jimmy Knott talks about being a scared hero. Who hasn’t been discouraged to point of depression? All of us have been under a “broom tree”. Even Christians, like Moses, Job, Jonah, & Paul felt that dark cloud of depression cover. Now Elijah, the man of God. How could it be? After all the lessons. . . He forgot! Maybe boot camp and advanced training do not prepare us for everything. The fact that this occurs doesn’t necessarily mean you’re out of fellowship with God. Being in the valley is usually not a sin, but a symptom of something deeper. 
Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses how It had been three years since King Ahab and Elijah last met.  In the interim, Elijah had been through basic and advanced training. He was now prepared for the biggest battle of his life. Perhaps no more dramatic scene in Scripture. The tension was high after more than 3 years of deadly drought. This was more than an Ahab-Elijah conflict.  It was a duel of deities.  Baal vs. Jehovah.   
Dr. Jimmy Knott talks about how Elijah appeared on the scene in one of Israel’s darkest hours.
In today's episode, Dr. Jimmy Knott talks about how boot camp makes us think of shaved heads, dog tags, and fatigues. There a civilian is molded into a soldier through a painful process. No soldier survives the battlefield by sitting in a hot tub and ordering room service. To a certain extent this is also true spiritually. No Christian shines bright for Godin a dark world until trained. We all need boot camp and basic training.
In this episode Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses Gigantic Affirmations of Christ: The I AMs of Jesus - I AM the True Vine
In this episode Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses Gigantic Affirmations of Christ: The I AMs of Jesus - I AM the Way the Truth and the Life 
Today Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses Gigantic Affirmations of Christ: The I AMs of Jesus - I AM the Resurrection and the Life 
In today's episode Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses Gigantic Affirmations of Christ: The I AMs of Jesus - I AM the Good Shepherd. 
In today's episode Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses Gigantic Affirmations of Christ: The I AMs of Jesus - I am the Door
In today's episode Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses Gigantic Affirmations of Christ: The I AMs of Jesus - I AM the Light of the World
In today's episode Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses Gigantic Affirmations of Christ: The I AMs of Jesus - I AM the Bread of Life 
Today Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses the final chapterin in our personal prayer joruney. Praying through problems.  "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33   
In today's epsiode Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses the most important subject when it comes to the walk in your journey with christ: Hearing God's Voice. Do you hear what God has to say? Are you willing to follow through on what he says? Listen on to learn how we know how to listen and obey his voice! 
While still working on your practical plan for your peronal prayer life, Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses a very important issue related to prayer: Does God Answer Prayer? Do you feel like you talk to god and hear nothing, listen on to hear how I discuss this and more in today's epsidode.
Dr. Jimmy Knott discusses The final aspect in this planning a prayer strategy for your personal prayer time and that supplication.  John 14:13-14 - 13 "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."   Want to learn more about me? Visit my website: My Books New Book: Lord Teach Us To Pray - Buy on Amazon It's All About Leadership - Buy on Amazon
Today Dr. Jimmy Knott continues with his Prayer Basics acronym of A.C.T.S. The T being for Thanksgiving. You might ask why Thanksgiving after confession? Thanksgiving is the gratitude that we show for what has to be God's greatest and most needed gift in our life, which is forgiveness. Want to learn more about me? Visit my website: My Books New Book: Lord Teach Us To Pray - Buy on Amazon It's All About Leadership - Buy on Amazon