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Team Train, Life Change Podcast
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Team Train, Life Change Podcast

Author: Andy Vickers

Subscribed: 8Played: 207


At F45, Andy and his crew offer training in a team environment that delivers life changing results. The focus is to transform lifestyle habits that will create long-lasting, sustainable results. This podcast covers a variety of topics on what goes into driving true transformation both inside and outside of the gym's walls.
65 Episodes



This life is all about you vs. you-stop comparing!We’re all on different paths, with different goals, different priorities, and different timelines!Celebrate your personal victories today & wake up tomorrow with the main focus on being better than you were yesterday ❤️You are the only person standing between who you want to be & what you desire to achieve in this life.#keepgoing
K E E P  G O I N G



On today’s show we discuss the secret to everything... It’s more than a catchy phrase, more than a mantra, even more than a mindset. It’s truly a lifestyle & when you adopt it, everything in your life will change. Great things happen to those who simply refuse to give up! Keep Going regardless of the circumstances & watch what happens :)
Growth is never easy, but always worth it.It can be extremely difficult to break out of our comfort zones, but once we see the benefits, we are incentivized to do so more often.I have personally forced myself into fitness & being more extroverted over the years to the extent that it is now second nature & you can too in any area of life! Next time that little voice in your head whispers to seek comfort in an uncomfortable scenario, I dare you to do the exact opposite & watch your life completely transform.Thanks for listening, love y’all!-Andy V 
Today we are discussing the unfair advantage to all life areas...your health!When we prioritize our health, we excel in so many other areas of life.Momentum is real & you’re in complete control of it. Begin building momentum today by tuning into this episode & making more healthy decisions.  Your future self will be glad ya did!
We have changed our F45 challenge up a bit & on today’s episode, coach D-Mac is going to fill you in on how it now operates! Tune in & learn about how you could potentially transform your life by building healthy habits in 45 days with us!
COVID Defense

COVID Defense


Today we dive into wellness tips for better defending COVID. Although we can’t fully prevent contracting the virus, we can most certainly set ourselves up for handling it better. Tune in & stay healthy!
New Year, New You?

New Year, New You?


We hear it every January... “New year, new me” Yet we often times see no true change. After a crazy 2020, I believe it’s more than fair to show grace towards your goals and timelines, however, this is no excuse to not focus on self improvement. Let’s take emphasis away from the numerical goals this year and focus on lasting behavioral change. True transformation requires daily action steps compounded over time. Cheers to a beautiful, prosperous 2021 ❤️
Sucking is just part of the process. Learn to embrace it & grow from it.
Empty The Tank!

Empty The Tank!


On today’s show we are talking about giving your best effort every single day. There is such a satisfaction derived from exhausting yourself daily while working towards a meaningful goal/vision. Not to be confused with “hustle” “grind” or “insert any other internet entrepreneur BS buzzword phrase” We’re talking about full effort combined with full recovery, which allows for more full effort. Tune in!
Base Hits Win Games

Base Hits Win Games


Today we’re talking about base hits! Not baseball (or 16 inch Chicago softballs 😂) but rather the small daily steps that we must take to attain success in any area of life. Tune in & let us know what ya think!
In today’s episode, we discuss the importance of listening to differentiating viewpoints/opinions. I personally have grown more than I ever imagined by doing so and I believe you will too! Getting along with others is such a major contributing factor to health. A factor that, I believe, is negatively impacting the health of so many individuals at this moment in time. Thanks for listening & give us some feedback! -Andy
On today’s show we talk about readiness and staying prepared. Luck is simply when opportunity meets preparation. Tune in & think about the areas in which you should stay ready!
The truth is that life simply isn’t fair. Never has been, never will be. So many factors outside of our control can contribute to where we start...but it’s 100% up to us on where we finish. BUT good news! There’s a cheat code, an equalizer if you will...and if you want to learn it, tune in to today’s episode 😎
Today we dive into a discussion around relationships with food. This is something Andy has struggled with his entire life. We get very transparent during this conversation & chat about how we can take intentional action to combat improper relationships with food. Tune in & let us know how we can help!
LOST EPISODE: we found this audio file from 2019 that was never published. In this episode, we discuss the importance of getting outside of the gym walls & using your fitness. Tune in & find a unique way to apply your fitness!
True productivity looks much different than what we’re wired to believe. Tune in & re-assess what makes you productive! P.s. rest is much different than laziness.
Your Mental Diet

Your Mental Diet


You become what you consume. Make sure that your mental diet is on track with the direction you intend to take your life. Tune in & evaluate your mental diet today!
Nothing, I repeat nothing, is more valuable than quality relationships. TUNE IN :)
A New Direction

A New Direction


On today’s episode, we discuss the new direction we’re headed in with the show. We also give a brief background on our hosts to catch any new listeners up to speed. Tune in & let us know what you think!



In life, pivots are crucial along the way. Now more than ever before, we MUST pivot to the changing environment around us. Tune in & learn how we are pivoting in all areas of life during these challenging times!