The one shot comes to a conclusion. The detectives pursue their leads, and the evidence points to...
Elitrana, a special investigator, has been called in to the investigation by one of the Arch Dukes.
Meat, Percy, and Nomen begin interrogating their suspect.
A message from DM "Saint" Brian Wiggins about the future of the Team X campaign and what's coming next.
Player branded hashtags, and we introduce Ras to Attacking the Darkness
The investigation into the missing dragon eggs yields a potential suspect...
We start developing the Theory of Conservation of Magical Energies and Effects, and the possible storytelling avenues that it could generate.
After some technical difficulty at the hands of DM Brian Wiggins, the game gets started with Team X following the clues to find Lemmy the Dragon's missing eggs before his mate come home, and some creative problem solving in locomotion and combat ensue.
Table Talk for this episode. Question of the week: what type of video game would each character have?
Dren accidentally destabilizes the entire political structure of Waterdeep, and the team takes a new contract that gets them out of town.
Team attends a fancy party where Eno's past catches up to him with consequences for the whole team
With PAX Online starting on Saturday, we decided to take a little break and just chat about the Expo, our favorite or scariest horror flicks, and the previous arrest records of some of the cast.
Will Team X finally vanquish the Resplendent Travelers and take the Sugar Bash Crown? Will they finally reach level 10?
Table Talk for this episode, in which we answer the question of what the characters' "Rage Buttons" are, and about PAX Online
Table Talk for this episode, where the players answer the question of what their favorite candies were, then and now, and what candy should be banned from the Candy Parthenon.
Team X finally steps into the Sugar Bash Arena to do battle in the charity Sugar Smash Brawl.
Table talk for this episode: best hangover cures, and what video game genres the characters would be