Tech for Non-Techies

Tech for Non-Techies helps Business Leaders have great careers in the Digital Age. Listen to learn tech concepts, apply them to business strategy, and get practical advice on how to succeed as a Digital Leader today. Hear interviews with entrepreneurs, investors, digital transformation leaders and Big Tech executives about how tech products and profits get made. Tech for Non-Techies is for: - Leaders in corporates going through digital transformation - Non-technical founders - Professionals who want to transition into a career in tech - Tech investors Hosted by tech entrepreneur, executive coach and Chicago Booth MBA Sophia Matveeva. Sophia has Sophia has contributed to the Harvard Business Review, Financial Times, The Guardian and Forbes on entrepreneurship and technology. She has also guest lectured at the University of Chicago, London Business School, and Oxford University and many more.

145. Why AI makes us boring + what to do about it

Humans invent technology and then technology changes humans. It was ever thus. The biggest technological trend today is artificial intelligence. if you want to be an insightful leader in the Digital Age, you do need to understand what AI is doing to us, so you can reap the benefits and minimise the costs. In this episode you will learn from Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, author of I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique. You will learn: How AI is making us more predictable and dull What to do to use AI to be creative instead How to make generative AI tools like ChatGPT work for you instead of against you ----- Join the Tech for Non-Techies membership and lead in the Digital Age.  Tech for Non-Techies clients  Reach senior leadership positions in Big Tech firms Lead digital transformation in established businesses Create tech businesses as non-technical founders Pivot into careers in venture capital We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn & Instagram. Following us on YouTube, Facebook and TikTok will make you smarter. 


133. 2023 Prediction 1: the biggest tech opportunity is in healthcare

The biggest gains and innovations will come from digital technologies in healthcare in 2023. Big Tech firms have already entered healthcare, with Amazon buying One Medical and launching Amazon Clinic in 2022. But, healthcare tech innovation is happening across the board: from start-ups to hospital systems. Learning notes from this episode: As Big Tech firms' valuations have fallen, they have become less attractive places for people to work. This means that working at a promising health tech start-up is now a much more tempting option for talented managers and engineers at Meta and Alphabet. All things being equal, most smart experienced people would rather contribute to saving lives rather than driving attention on a social media feed. The gap between innovation and adaption is narrowing in healthcare. Many startups with innovative technologies that have been around for years are seeing an increase in demand, as hospital systems go digital and and more doctors use digital tech tools. How to benefit from this trend for Digital Leaders If you already work in a Big Tech firm, start working on a healthcare project. Even if that particular project does not work out, it will be an important area of growth for the company and a useful experience.  If you are an investor, but have no experience in healthcare, this is an area to explore but don't throw money at it if you don't have context. Good deals come from a good network, so build your network among innovators and investors in the space first, as a foundation to investing. If you have nothing to do with healthcare in your career, you can learn about design and innovation as a Beta tester for a new product. Giving feedback as a Beta tester to designers and product managers is a great way to see how products get invented from the inside. It is also a free and low effort way to learn.  ----- If you like learning about how tech products and profits get made, you'll like our newsletter. It's funny too. Sign up here. -----   Tech for Non-Techies clients  Reach senior leadership positions in Big Tech firms Lead digital transformation in established businesses Create tech businesses as non-technical founders Pivot into careers in venture capital If you want to have a great career in the Digital Age, then APPLY FOR A CONSULTATION CALL.   What happens when you apply for a consultation call: Sophia and her team will look through your application. If they genuinely think Sophia could help you, you will get a link to her calendar.. You will have a 20 – 30 minute call to discuss your goals and see if you are a good fit for each other.  If we establish that Tech for Non-Techies courses + coaching could help you and believe we would enjoy working together, we will discuss a relevant approach to suit you. The aim of the call is not to sell you on anything that is not right for you. We both win if you get results, but we both lose if you don’t. We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


131. Three shows to watch to learn about tech

If you’re feeling guilty about switching on yet another streaming series, here are three shows you can watch to learn about tech in your downtime: General Magic - tells the tale of how a great vision and an epic failure changed the lives of billions. It is a documentary about the people and the technologies that led to the creation of the iPhone. Silicon Valley by HBO – comedy series about a start-up called Pied Piper and its founding team. Painfully close to the chaotic reality of running a start-up. Fun and useful for those who want to start a tech venture or invest in one. How will businesses use the metaverse? YouTube documentary by The Economist. The documentary is one of the very few things that both question the hype around the metaverse, while also showing its promise. The documentary features interviews with Matthew Ball, author of the excellent The Metaverse: And How It Will Revolutionize Everything. ----- If you like learning about how tech products and profits get made, you'll like our newsletter. It's funny too. Sign up here. -----   Tech for Non-Techies clients  Reach senior leadership positions in Big Tech firms Lead digital transformation in established businesses Create tech businesses as non-technical founders Pivot into careers in venture capital If you want to have a great career in the Digital Age, then APPLY FOR A CONSULTATION CALL.   What happens when you apply for a consultation call: Sophia and her team will look through your application. If they genuinely think Sophia could help you, you will get a link to her calendar.. You will have a 20 – 30 minute call to discuss your goals and see if you are a good fit for each other.  If we establish that Tech for Non-Techies courses + coaching could help you and believe we would enjoy working together, we will discuss a relevant approach to suit you. The aim of the call is not to sell you on anything that is not right for you. We both win if you get results, but we both lose if you don’t. We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


207. The Business of Tech: introduction to business model innovation

"I believe business model innovation is more disruptive than technical innovation," - Fred Wilson, Venture Capitalist. To understand how business models get transformed in the Digital Age, listen to this episode. You will learn: What the four core business models are The framework to use if you want to update a business model for the Digital Age Why Apple is a prime example of tech & business model innovation --  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include The Royal Bank of Scotland, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---  We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


206. How to choose the right No Code tools for your project

No code tools can help you build an app for just 1% of the cost that you would pay developers. Amazing! But how do you know which no code tools to use? Listen to this episode to find out. In this episode, you will learn: The four questions you need to answer to help you choose the right No Code tool  What to know about your user before you start building a tool Why you don't need to worry about scale from the start   --  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include The Royal Bank of Scotland, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---  We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


205. What the No Code Revolution is and why it matters

No code tools have opened opportunities up for innovators, and especially for non-technical founders. But, they have their limits, and not everybody thinks that they’re a great idea. Listen to this episode to learn what the No Code revolution is and when No code tools are a must have, and when they should be avoided. In this episode you will learn: Why successful wealthy corporates choose to use No Code tools instead of building custom software When a start-up founder should use No Code tools, and when to avoid them What No Code tools to use to build an app or an e-learning business Why investors are wary of No Code tools   Listen here on Apple Listen here on Spotify --  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include The Royal Bank of Scotland, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---  We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


204. How corporates stay successful. Lessons from The Innovator's Dilemma part 2

As generative AI shakes up industries, those who don't choose to innovate, won't survive. Let's learn from past disruptions.  Why did Sears lose their top spot as America's favourite retailer, but Hewlett Packard continue to make new products and grow? By understanding how corporates navigated technological change before, we can create a plan for the future.  This is part 2 in this mini series on The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail by Clayton M. Christensen. Listen to this episode to learn: Why corporate leaders choose to ignore new opportunities and what to do about it What is reasonable to expect of an innovation unit (and what isn't) When tolerating failure is appropriate and when it's unacceptable  FREE GUIDE: Innovate but how? the pragmatist's guide to growth (in business & in life)    ---  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include The Royal Bank of Scotland, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---    We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


203. Why do great companies fail? Innovator's Dilemma part 1

Why did successful companies like Kodak and Blockbuster miss the digital revolution? Listen to this episode to learn why corporates ignore threats posed by start-ups until its too late. In this episode, you will learn key lessons from  The Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail by Clayton M. Christensen. Christensen coined the term "disruptive innovation" and The Innovator's Dilemma is seen as the "a holy book for entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley," according to Business Week. Listen to this episode to learn: Why the same skills that companies use to become successful can ultimately destroy them Why listening to your customers isn't always a good idea Why start-ups with low quality products and no money beat large rich corporates This is part 1 in this mini series on The Innovator's Dilemma. Tune in next week to cover part 2: how corporates can succeed in the face of technological change (and how not get sucker-punched by a start-up). FREE GUIDE: Innovate but how? the pragmatist's guide to growth (in business & in life)  ---  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include The Royal Bank of Scotland, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---    We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


202. The opportunity is NOW

There is a gap between when a technology gets invented, and its wide adaption. In this gap, is exactly where the best opportunities lie. Listen to this episode to learn why we are in the time of opportunity, and how to make the most of it. You will learn: What the path that electricity took from invention to adaption can teach us about digital transformation today Why companies still have terrible chatbots, while ChatGPT was the most popular app of all time Three steps to make the most of today's opportunity  Podcast episodes mentioned in this episode: 101. How companies really use AI 128. Business reality doesn’t match AI hype (yet) 155. How generative AI is changing business and the economy    FREE Course: 5 Tech Concepts Every Business Leader Needs To Know ---  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---    We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


201. What can lawyers teach tech founders?

Today, less than 10% of Fortune 500 companies are considered to be tech companies. We are still at the beginning of the tech opportunity. You don’t have to be a technologist to benefit from this rising tide. If you work in professional services and wondering which client niche to pick, the tech sector is a very good bet. There will be new companies being formed and bought, stock market IPOs and licensing deals to be made. As the tech sector grows, innovators and their investors will need to work with lawyers, bankers and accountants. They will chose those who understand the industry. If you want that to be you, listen to this episode and come to our free class for lawyers.  In this episode, you will learn from Daniel Glazer, Managing Partner of Wilson Sonsini's London office. Wilson Sonsini specialises in advising tech companies and venture capitalists, and has its origins in Silicon Valley. In this episode you will learn: The difference between a lawyer and a strategic advisor  What lawyers need to know about tech to advise tech clients What kind of help lawyers offer start-ups as they grow Differences between the US and UK legal systems FREE Class: Get Tech Clients! Introduction to Tech for Lawyers ---  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---    We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


200. Five lessons from building Tech for Non-Techies

Five years ago, I was selling tickets to my classes for $20 on Eventbrite, and today, my company works with governments, corporates and successful leaders around the world. I have taught my course at London Business School, Oxford and Techstars and written for the Harvard Business Review. On this anniversary episode, I’m going to share how I built Tech for Non-Techies, and the entrepreneurial lessons I learnt along the way. Listen to learn: How TFNT went from $20 ticket sales to six figure corporate contracts What to do now if you want to build a venture How to scale without investor funding The difference between success and failure that you won't learn at business school Resources mentioned in this episode: Episode 100. My story: ambition, tech and the camel incident  ---  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---    We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


199. How to become a Digital Leader

In this episode, you will learn what leadership means in the Digital Age, and 3 things you can do to become a Digital Leader today. Listen to learn: Why being a leader isn't just being a visionary What it means to lead in the Digital Age How to learn about the frontier trends in your industry  Resources mentioned in this episode: Choosing Leadership: Revised and Expanded: How to Create a Better Future by Building Your Courage, Capacity, and Wisdom FREE Course 5 Tech Concepts Every Business Leader Needs To Know ---  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---    We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


198. What Business Leaders need to know about cybersecurity risk

Cybersecurity risk is a business risk. If there is a data leak, customers and investors aren't going to be happy. But, as more and more of our services are online, cybersecurity problems are now just part of business life. In this episode, you will hear a pragmatic approach for how to think about cybersecurity, and what you can do to increase it at your organisation today.  You will learn from Dr. Josiah Dykstra, who spent 19 years at the National Security Agency (NSA). Today, Dr Dykstra is the Director of Strategic Initiatives at Trail of Bits. Listen to this episode to learn: What cybersecurity is How to think about cybersecurity risk Why you don't need to change your password as often as you think Easy ways to prevent a data leak ---  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---    We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


197. Six ways to innovate

While most of us agree that innovation is a “good thing,” we don’t actually agree on what it is, or how to do it.  Listen to this episode to understand what innovation really is, and why you're already an effective innovator. In this episode, you will learn: The two things every company must focus on What innovation is Six pathways to innovation  How to apply innovation strategies to business and to your personal life This episode is the first chapter in the report by Tech for Non-Techies and University of Chicago researchers called Innovate but how? The pragmatist’s guide to growth --- To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---    We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter.   


196. Why ALL businesses depend on open source software

Did you know that 90% of the internet depends on free licenses from open source software? But what happens when those licenses stop being free? Listen to this episode to find out. You will learn from Paula Paul, Founder and Distinguished Engineer at Greyshore, who also serves also serves on the board of the OpenJS Foundation Key takeaways: Open source refers to software distribution with a specific kind of license that allows others to view and use the code. 90% of commercial software products are built on open source software. Open source projects are motivated by building community and creating differentiation. Understanding open source and its dependencies is crucial for business leaders and investors. ---  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---    We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


195. Intrapreneurship vs Entrepreneurship

Today, start-ups are seen as the hotbed of innovation and corporates are dismissed as laggards. But, when large companies innovate successfully, they have a huge impact. They have the resources and the built-in customer base to scale quickly. In this episode you will learn how corporate innovation differs from what happens in start-ups, and how to get corporate innovation right. You'll hear from Louis Gump, former head of CNN Mobile and former VP of mobile at The Weather Channel. Louis is the author of author of the book The Inside Innovator: A Practical Guide to Intrapreneurship. Listen to this episode to learn: The character traits you need to have to be a successful intrapreneur vs a founder How to approach innovation when times are tough (when revenues are shrinking, should you invest in risky projects?) Why companies like Google create so many successful founders FREE GUIDE: Innovate but how? the pragmatist's guide to growth (in business & in life) ---  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---    We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter.   


194. Lessons from the Post Office scandal

The Post Office scandal led to 900 wrongful convictions and four suicides. It is now known as the worst miscarriage of justice in British history. It happened because Post Office leadership did not know how to deal with glitchy software. In this episode, you’ll learn how not to repeat their mistakes. Listen to learn: What happened during the UK Post Office scandal The biggest wrong assumption Post Office management made The role of the board and company advisors: what should they have done? What to expect when buying software services: either as a government or a founder --- To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---  We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


193. Get tech clients! Introduction to tech for lawyers

If you want to work with tech clients and venture capitalists, you need to know how they think. This is how you become a great strategic advisor.  If that’s what you want to be, this podcast episode is for you. Listen to learn: The core difference between the lawyer and the tech innovator mindset How tech companies measure success and why this is different to traditional business Why we are still at the start of the tech opportunity, even in 2024! ---  To discuss a corporate training program for your organisation, book a consultation call here.  Happy clients include Blackstone x Techstars Launchpad, Oxford University and Constellation Brands.  ---  We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


192. How this fund manager digitised himself

There are plenty of articles about digital transformation. But big change can only be successful if the individuals in the organisation are also enthusiastic and knowledgeable about it. Structural change without individual change does not work. In this episode, you will learn how asset management CEO Musi Skosana approached digital transformation at his fund and what he did to hone his own digital mindset. In this episode, you will learn: Why the fund management industry needs digitisation The biggest difference between the fund management mindset and the digital one Why Musi Skosana became a Tech for Non-Techies client We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


191. How generative AI is changing the legal industry

Large Language Models and Generative AI are going to have the biggest impact on word heavy industries. This means that the legal industry is on the brink of major changes. This will affect how lawyers work, what clients expect and the future profits of the industry. In this episode, you will learn from Damien Riehl: lawyer, musician, and software developer, who counts Elon Musk as a fan. His TED talk was viewed by 2 million people, he has litigated for JP Morgan and he has also copyrighted every melody in the world. Listen to this episode to learn: How using generative AI can help lawyers increase profit margins while charging clients less How what's happening in the legal industry will repeat on other professional services Why ChatGPT and other generative AI tools make things up Practical tips for how to get started with generative AI FREE training Get Tech Clients! Introduction to Tech for Lawyers ---  We love hearing from our readers and listeners. So if you have questions about the content or working with us, just get in touch on   Say hi to Sophia on Twitter and follow her on LinkedIn. Following us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will make you smarter. 


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