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Author: With Finopotamus Co-Founder John San Filippo

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This is the official Finopotamus podcast. It focuses on credit unions and how they have leveraged technology to solve problems, enhance the member experience and drive growth. TechSolutions4CUs features working credit union technologists, as well as industry experts from around the globe.

15 Episodes
If you're trying to boost your GenAI smarts, this is a must-listen episode. First, host John San Filippo and Hapax's Kevin Green take a deep dive into the Hapax platform, a SaaS-based GenAI tool designed to organize any and all information your employees may need to do their jobs. Green claims this can save hours of research time per week per employee, compared to forcing your employees to struggle through a legacy knowledgebase system. Green walks you through a number of compelling use cases...
It’s been estimated that as many as 30% of what appear to be standard retail member accounts are in fact small business accounts in disguise. That’s an amazing figure and it represents only portion of the potential small business opportunity that awaits savvy credit unions.It only makes sense that the more business services you provide, the more business members you can attract and, in turn, the better you can serve your community. Of course, the trickiest part of serving small businesses is ...
Some are old enough to remember when a personalized banking experience was chatting with your favorite MSR as you deposited your paycheck every Friday afternoon. Today, fewer and fewer members are visiting a branch, instead opting for all-digital banking. So how do you create a personalized experience for those digital members? Amy McGraw, Tropical Financial Credit Union's Chief Experience Officer, has the answer. She uses OneClick Financial from Reseda Group to achieve truly personalized dig...
Jack Henry recently published its sixth annual Strategy Benchmark, a survey of bank and credit union CEOs whose institutions run one of Jack Henry's core processing platforms. TechSolutions4CUs host John San Filippo had the opportunity to speak with Jack Henry's Senior Director of Corporate Strategy Lee Wetherington prior to publication of the Benchmark results to preview some of its findings. However, the Benchmark served more as a jumping-off point for the conversation, which explored gener...
If you look at the evolution of payments, it's always been about faster and cheaper. This past July, payments got a lot faster and a lot cheaper when the Fed introduced its FedNow instant payment service. Unlike Zelle, FedNow transactions settle instantly. And unlike RTP, the FedNow service is intended for institutions of all sizes, not just the mega banks.The question is: Where and how does your credit union get started on its FedNow journey?To help credit unions sort it all out, our friends...
Over the past three years, Reseda Group has established itself if the premier fintech investment CUSO. Reseda portfolio companies benefit not only from the financial resources the CUSO provides; they enjoy the invaluable experience of seeing their product tested and deployed at Michigan State Federal Credit Union.In this episode, host John San Filippo speaks with Sara Dolan, MSUFCU's CFO, and Ben Maxim, Reseda Group's COO, about how the CUSO evaluates the technology, the finances and the cult...
Growing your credit union has long been an exercise in thinking big. Offer as many products and services as possible. Get as big a charter as possible. Cast as wide a net as possible.Today, however, more and more credit unions are growing by thinking smaller, launching all-digital sub-brands targeted to very specific market segments.Our guest today is Michael Duncan, CEO of digital banking provider Bankjoy. The topic is creating niche digital sub-brands and how Bankjoy can help your cre...
Reseda Group is a wholly owned fintech investment CUSO of Michigan State Federal Credit Union. Reseda only invests in companies/products that are or will be deployed at the credit union. As such, companies that receive a Reseda investment get much more than money; they get the assurance that their solutions will be rigorously tested and implemented in a large, technologically sophisticated credit union.In this episode of TechSolutions4CUs, Iceman and Maxim explain to host John San Filippo how...
The decision to subject your credit union to a core conversion is never an easy one. But sometimes that decision is made for you -- for example, when your core provider announces that the platform you're on is being sunsetted. It may be easier to just migrate to another core from the same provider. However, easier doesn't necessarily mean better. No matter what, your credit union will have to endure a conversion. So what better time to carefully consider all your options?Such was the case wit...
In this episode of TechSolutions4CUs, host John San Filippo talks with Gina Ramos, SVP and COO at $140 million Tulare County Federal Credit Union, about her credit union's journey to find and deploy a new core data processing platform. Topics include:Why Tulare County FCU decided to go shoppingWhat the search process looked likeWhy the credit union ultimately chose Jack Henry's Symitar platformThe pros and cons of using consultantsManaging core and digital banking conversions at the same time...
In this episode of TechSolutions4CUs, host John San Filippo talks with credit union technology veteran KayCee Murray, SVP of Information Technology at Numerica Credit Union, about Numerica's journey to find and deploy a new digital banking platform. Topics include:Why Numerica decided to go shoppingWhat the search process looked likeWhy Numerica ultimately chose Tyfone's nFinia platformThe ups and downs of the implementationHow Numerica measures successWorking with Tyfone as a partnerLessons ...
For at least a couple of decades, credit unions have been told about the treasure trove of data they’re sitting on. Yet, many still struggle with how to make that data actionable. Now there are more and more rumblings about mixing so-called alternative data into the recipe. That may seem a little scary to some.On a seemingly separate track, there’s never been more emphasis on financial inclusion than there is today.Finally, we can’t forget the artificial intelligence elephant in the room. AI ...
In the early days of credit union marketing, it was all "spray and pray." Send the same message to everybody and hope for the best. Then we took a giant step forward with target marketing, which allows credit unions to segment their members into smaller groups, and thus target them with more relevant messages. However, in 2024, consumers expect every experience to be personalized. Some might even say hyper-personalized. That's where a company called Pulsate comes in. They've created an engage...
It's not every episode that TechSolutions4CUs gets to chat with someone from a community bank. However, our guest for this episode, Kim Capps of Southern Bank, is so excited about digital banking her her bank's online provider, Apiture, that she was happy to share her insights with our credit union listeners. Kim provides some tips and tricks for business banking, discusses digital banking in general and reveals what it's like to work with the ideal technology partner. If your credit union is...
In early Q2 of 2023, Finopotamus will be launch it's official podcast, TechSolutions4CUs. It's a one-of-a-kind podcast for a one-of-a-kind industry. In this podcast preview, Finopotamus co-founder and TechSolutions4CUs host John San Filippo explains what the podcast is all about. He fills you in on:What makes TechSolutions4CUs different from every podcast in cyberspace,A profile of who our guests will be,The topics we'll cover, andHow you can get involved.For more information, email John at j...