Market Profile Basics - Part 3 - (हिंदी में ) How, What, When and Why of Market Profile सीखिए मार्केट प्रोफाइल अब हिंदी में। मार्केट प्रोफाइल बेसिक्स आसान भाषा में। मार्केट प्रोफाइल इस्तेमाल करना क्यों जरुरी है , खास कर उनके लिए जो ट्रेडिंग में नए है। जानिए क्या गलतिया ट्रेडर्स अक्सर करते है और कैसे मार्केट प्रोफाइल आपकी मदद कर सकता है। नए ट्रेडर्स के लिए सबसे उपयोगी चीज़ - ट्रेडर डेवलपमेंट स्पेक्ट्रम। जानिए क्या है TDS और कैसे ये आपकी मदद कर सकता है एक बेहतर ट्रेडर बनने में। नोट: ये ३ भागो में से पहला भाग है। बाकि के दो भाग आप निचे दी गयी लिंक्स पर देख सकते है। पार्ट १ : पार्ट २ : शामिल होइए मेरे टेलीग्राम चैनल में - मेरा ट्विटर हैंडल - aniruddha4tew मेरी वेबसाइट - मेरा फेसबुक पेज -
Market Profile Basics - Part 2 - (हिंदी में ) How, What, When and Why of Market Profile सीखिए मार्केट प्रोफाइल अब हिंदी में। मार्केट प्रोफाइल बेसिक्स आसान भाषा में। मार्केट प्रोफाइल इस्तेमाल करना क्यों जरुरी है , खास कर उनके लिए जो ट्रेडिंग में नए है। जानिए क्या गलतिया ट्रेडर्स अक्सर करते है और कैसे मार्केट प्रोफाइल आपकी मदद कर सकता है। नए ट्रेडर्स के लिए सबसे उपयोगी चीज़ - ट्रेडर डेवलपमेंट स्पेक्ट्रम। जानिए क्या है TDS और कैसे ये आपकी मदद कर सकता है एक बेहतर ट्रेडर बनने में। नोट: ये ३ भागो में से पहला भाग है। बाकि के दो भाग आप निचे दी गयी लिंक्स पर देख सकते है। पार्ट १ : पार्ट ३ : शामिल होइए मेरे टेलीग्राम चैनल में - मेरा ट्विटर हैंडल - aniruddha4tew मेरी वेबसाइट - मेरा फेसबुक पेज -
Market Profile Basics - Part I - (हिंदी में ) How, What, When and Why of Market Profile सीखिए मार्केट प्रोफाइल अब हिंदी में। मार्केट प्रोफाइल बेसिक्स आसान भाषा में। मार्केट प्रोफाइल इस्तेमाल करना क्यों जरुरी है , खास कर उनके लिए जो ट्रेडिंग में नए है। जानिए क्या गलतिया ट्रेडर्स अक्सर करते है और कैसे मार्केट प्रोफाइल आपकी मदद कर सकता है। नए ट्रेडर्स के लिए सबसे उपयोगी चीज़ - ट्रेडर डेवलपमेंट स्पेक्ट्रम। जानिए क्या है TDS और कैसे ये आपकी मदद कर सकता है एक बेहतर ट्रेडर बनने में। नोट: ये ३ भागो में से पहला भाग है। बाकि के दो भाग आप निचे दी गयी लिंक्स पर देख सकते है। पार्ट २ : पार्ट ३ : शामिल होइए मेरे टेलीग्राम चैनल में - मेरा ट्विटर हैंडल - aniruddha4tew मेरी वेबसाइट - मेरा फेसबुक पेज -
Episode 14 Nifty Banknifty Weekly Wrap Up - Market Profile Analysis & Levels Next Week Audio Watch the complete video at - Read blogs on technical analysis, market profile, risk management, trader psychology, trading strategies, trading systems and setups, Elliott wave, order flow, VSA at Join my telegram channel and group here...
Episode 13 Nifty Banknifty Weekly Wrap Up - Market Profile Analysis & Levels Next Week Audio Watch the complete video at - Read blogs on technical analysis, market profile, risk management, trader psychology, trading strategies, trading systems and setups, Elliott wave, order flow, VSA at Join my telegram channel and group here...
Episode 12 Nifty Banknifty Weekly Wrap Up - Market Profile Analysis & Levels Next Week Audio Watch the complete video at - Read blogs on technical analysis, market profile, risk management, trader psychology, trading strategies, trading systems and setups, Elliott wave, order flow, VSA at Join my telegram channel and group here...
Episode 11 Nifty Banknifty Weekly Wrap Up - Market Profile Analysis & Levels Next Week Audio Watch the complete video at - Read blogs on technical analysis, market profile, risk management, trader psychology, trading strategies, trading systems and setups, Elliott wave, order flow, VSA at Join my telegram channel and group here...
9 Steps To Prepare For Next Trading Day Using Market Profile Charts Watch complete video at - Learn how to prepare for the upcoming trading day using market profile charts. Use my 9 step preparation process the day before to find and execute trades on the next trading day, like a professional trader. The better you do your homework, the easier it becomes in the field. For more cool stuff visit - Join my telegram channel -
Episode 10 Nifty Banknifty Weekly Wrap Up - Market Profile Analysis & Levels Next Week Audio Watch the complete video at - Read blogs on technical analysis, market profile, risk management, trader psychology, trading strategies, trading systems and setups, Elliott wave, order flow, VSA at Join my telegram channel and group here...
Episode 9 Nifty Banknifty Weekly Wrap Up - Market Profile Analysis & Levels Next Week Audio Watch complete video at - Read blogs on technical analysis, market profile, risk management, trader psychology, trading strategies, trading systems and setups, Elliott wave, order flow, VSA at Join my telegram channel and group here...
Episode 8 - Market Profile Analysis of Nifty and Banknifty Watch complete video at - Read blogs on technical analysis, market profile, risk management, trader psychology, trading strategies, trading systems and setups, Elliott wave, order flow, VSA at Join my telegram channel and group here...
Weekly wrap up of Nifty and Banknifty using Technical Analysis, Market Profile and Elliott Wave. Read blogs on technical analysis, market profile, risk management, trader psychology, trading strategies, trading systems and setups, Elliott wave, order flow, VSA at Join my telegram channel and group here...
When you are just starting out in trading it is probably the easiest, you don't know why you make money and neither when you lose it, but don't worry its same for everyone. As you start learning more and more about the markets you develop a habit of picking sides and then you start blaming yourself if you happen to end up on the losing side. Slowly you start fearing that you may end up on the losing side and choosing the correct side becomes even more important for you. Can anyone relate to this? Now if you have a dream to become a consistently profitable trader or take your trading to a whole new level, you need to make peace with this. This habit of markets to offer conflicting signals at the same time, making you choose between sides. And if you suspect there is someone behind this, then you have got it right, its the good old smart money that are pulling these tricks on you using these characteristics of the markets to their benefit... Episode Resources So let's dive in, read more about How To Handle Conflicting Signals From The Markets by Dean Market Profile here - Find market profile chart examples here - Watch the video for this podcast here - Coming Soon... If you want to improve your trading do check out my Online Courses on Market Profile, Order Flow and Volume Spread Analysis here - https;// Like my Facebook Page here - Subscribe to my Youtube channel here -
Trading in financial markets, with various instruments like stocks, futures, options, commodities, bonds, etc can be an overwhelming endeavour. Every day you log on to the internet you learn something new, a new trading indicator, technique or method. Each with a promise to ake you the best trader and make you a million bucks in profits. The truth of all this you already know all too well... So, how do you trade? and more importantly, how do you trade with consistent profitability? The answer is to have a sound understanding of different trading strategies that can help you tackle the ever-changing and challenging market conditions. So read more here -
Trading in financial markets, with various instruments like stocks, futures, options, commodities, bonds, etc can be an overwhelming endeavour. Every day you log on to the internet you learn something new, a new trading indicator, technique or method. Each with a promise to ake you the best trader and make you a million bucks in profits. The truth of all this you already know all too well... So, how do you trade? and more importantly, how do you trade with consistent profitability? The answer is to have a sound understanding of different trading strategies that can help you tackle the ever-changing and challenging market conditions. So read more here -
What Is A Stop Loss? In its most basic form, a stop loss is like a parachute, but not the one used by skydiving junkies, more like the ones kept in private jets should an emergency present itself... I could never understand the skydiving daredevils, I can appreciate the thrill in it, but relying on a single parachute, never really made sense to me. Using stop loss in your trading us much like banking on a parachute everytime you jump out of a plane. The risks are just too high should it fail, and this is what happens with the majority of retail traders who take the well-meaning advice of always placing a stop loss... Read full blog post here -
Failure is one word which is frowned upon in our society a lot. It is always linked to the lack of ability of the person who has failed, often criticising the person and not the failure. Laying blame on the individual has caused a fear to set in the minds of people about failing. This is keeping them from exploring and starting new things. And this may come as a shock to you but this attitude towards failure keeps people from learning... This problem is very severe in the extremely competitive industry like trading. Trading is a game of chances and there are bound to be losses, you can't avoid them. If that is your plan to avoid losses in trading you might as well pick up a different profession. Read blog here -
Rahul Rathod
good material
Dean Market Profile
So let's dive in, read more about How To Handle Conflicting Signals From The Markets by Dean Market Profile here - Find market profile chart examples here - Watch the video for this podcast here - Coming Soon... If you want to improve your trading do check out my Online Courses on Market Profile, Order Flow and Volume Spread Analysis here - https;// Like my Facebook Page here - Subscribe to my Youtube channel here -
Dean Market Profile
The second instalment of the Trading Strategies podcast by Dean So, how do you trade? and more importantly, how do you trade with consistent profitability? The answer is to have a sound understanding of different trading strategies that can help you tackle the ever-changing and challenging market conditions. So read more here -
Dean Market Profile
Trading in financial markets, with various instruments like stocks, futures, options, commodities, bonds, etc can be an overwhelming endeavour. Every day you log on to the internet you learn something new, a new trading indicator, technique or method. Each with a promise to ake you the best trader and make you a million bucks in profits. The truth of all this you already know all too well... So, how do you trade? and more importantly, how do you trade with consistent profitability? The answer is to have a sound understanding of different trading strategies that can help you tackle the ever-changing and challenging market conditions. So read more here -
Dean Market Profile
Using stop loss in your trading us much like banking on a parachute everytime you jump out of a plane. The risks are just too high should it fail, and this is what happens with the majority of retail traders who take the well-meaning advice of always placing a stop loss... Read full blog post here -