Techno Theology

Digital eventology at the edge of religion, with Barry Taylor and Josef Gustafsson.

Becoming Worthy Of The Event

Being open to what is novel speaks of a willingness of becoming worthy of the event, which requires us to affirm both the becoming of being and the being of becoming, which is paramount since it makes organization and stability possible, while maintaining the plasticity of the structures we depend on. The reactive mind fails to perform this double affirmation since it perceives antagonisms and separation as fundamental to difference, which in effect leaves it blind in the face of novelty. Whatever is novel, singular and rare is nailed to a tree in series of deathly repetitions, because its strangeness challenges the established order. This is the nature of scapegoating, and the most common mode of articulation in political discourses.Julia Kristeva writes: ”Strangely, the foreigner lives within us: he is the hidden face within our identity, the space that wrecks our abode… by recognizing him within ourselves, we are spared detesting him in himself.”Affirming our difference, the becoming of our being, our strangeness within, opens up fields of virtuality - unseen possibilities - and it liberates our minds to conceive a reality beyond the contours of what is. It puts us in motion, in process, and it allows for an apocalypticism that neither succumb to defeatism, nor totalitarianism, but one that is becoming worthy of events that holds within themselves the power to crack the stale surface of the strata and qualitatively transform the world as we know it.


Being Different In The World

Music by Teologen


The Time Is Short

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: “I am afraid we are not rid of God because we still have faith in grammar.” For better or worse, those days are now gone.The most imperative unarticulated presupposition of Western culture has been the free and unified subject, sustained by the theological illusion as the guarantor of its intrinsic value, as articulated by Descartes. It was by making use of the grammatical postulate of the indivisible Cogito as the metaphysical underpinning of civilization that the governing rationality of our judicial, financial and political order could emerge. However, the implicit representational logic steadfastly administrating the societal machines has mostly been left unthought and our collective unconscious has therefore managed to effectively reduce differences in a sacrificial process of deathly repetitions, which has organized and nailed down each human body of the socious as a subject of one.The accelerating level of productiveness has been astonishing all throughout this grammatical paradigm, despite the wars and cults of death it predictibly produced, primarily to the satisfaction of the elect — the main beneficiaries of the current set of folds. Everything has seemed possible and although postmodern theories has challenged the state of affairs, the Cogito has prevailed. Until now.


Opening Statement

Opening statementRadical theology is an embrace of the deadlock in reality, an openness to novelty and an affirmation of the lack at the heart of human existence.Music by TeologenRadical Theology: disharmonie en gebrek zijn de kern van ons bestaan


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