Technology Today

Technology Today Podcast launched in November 2018, offering a new way to listen and learn about the technology, science, engineering and research impacting our lives and changing our world. The podcast is presented by Southwest Research Institute, a nonprofit contract R&D organization developing innovative solutions for government and industry clients. Podcast host Lisa Peña is breaking through the tech jargon and talking to the scientists, engineers and researchers building the future of technology. It’s a conversation bringing tech to life and helping us understand how technology, science, engineering and research link to our daily lives.

Episode 71: Europa Clipper Mission

NASA’s Europa Clipper mission will investigate a vast saltwater ocean beneath the surface of Jupiter’s icy moon Europa. The spacecraft, equipped with nine instruments, will gather data in search of ingredients that support life. SwRI designed and built two of the instruments onboard Clipper, the Europa Ultraviolet Spectrograph and the Mass Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration. The mission could help answer big questions about the origin of life on Earth and whether that process can occur elsewhere in our solar system. The launch window for Clipper opens October 10 and the spacecraft is expected to enter Jupiter’s orbit in 2030. Listen now as SwRI space scientists Dr. Jim Burch and Dr. Kurt Retherford, principal investigators of SwRI’s Clipper instruments, talk about preparations before launch, mission goals, and the SwRI instruments contributing to our understanding of astrobiology, the study of the potential for life beyond our planet.


Episode 70: Urban Heat Island Data Tool

When dense concentrations of pavement and buildings replace green spaces, a community risks becoming an urban heat island (UHI). UHI temperatures can be up to 20 degrees higher than surrounding areas, causing heat-related health and safety problems for people in the community. SwRI is working with the city of San Antonio to rapidly identify UHIs and pinpoint areas where people will most benefit from solutions like covered bus stops, water features, green spaces and more. An SwRI-designed tool is integrating and analyzing information from more than 200 sources to strategically combat high temperatures. Listen now as SwRI engineers Shane Siebenaler and Justin Long discuss SwRI’s data fusion tool used to identify areas that most need relief from the scorching summer heat.


Episode 69: QuickSounder Environmental Satellite

SwRI is designing, building and operating the QuickSounder satellite, a collaborative mission between NASA and NOAA and the first in a new generation of low-Earth orbit environmental satellites. NOAA’s low-Earth orbit satellites collect weather data and provide information for the 3-to-7-day forecasts we use to plan our days and stay safe in severe weather. QuickSounder will also provide weather data, but what makes this prototype unique is the fast production timeline and the low construction cost. It is being developed in one-fifth of the time and at one-tenth of the cost of previous weather satellite technology. Listen now as QuickSounder Program Manager Keith Smith and Lead Systems Engineer Steve Thompson explain what the advanced production timeline means for weather forecasting and the challenges of designing and building the weather satellite in record time.


Episode 68: The Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine (H2-ICE)

An SwRI-led consortium is tackling decarbonization of the transportation industry with a hydrogen internal combustion engine or H2-ICE vehicle. The world is on a deadline to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. Experts say multiple technologies are needed to dial back global warming and attain that rigorous goal. SwRI engineers and members of the H2-ICE Consortium are showcasing a new hydrogen engine for heavy-duty vehicles, which could be a high-impact solution to curb harmful emissions. Listen now as H2-ICE Consortium Program Manager Ryan Williams discusses the breakthrough H2-ICE vehicle, why it’s a standout decarbonization alternative and challenges to getting it on the road nationwide.


Episode 67: SwRI’s Space Robotics Center

Engineers in SwRI’s new Space Robotics Center are developing software to operate robots in space. Robots are called in when a job is too dangerous for humans but they move differently in space. The Space Robotics Center captures cosmic characteristics, like lighting fluctuations and low friction, allowing development of robotics in a space-like environment. The center specializes in simulation, advanced perception, robot manipulation and off-road autonomy, capabilities that allow robots to accomplish assembly, manufacturing and other tasks in space. Listen now as SwRI engineers Meera Day Towler and Lily Baye Wallace discuss the advancing field of space robotics, the Institute’s new cutting-edge center and the future of space robotics technology.


Episode 66: Collecting Data from Destruction

SwRI Senior Research Engineer Dr. Kristin Ulmer is sharing her experience traveling to Turkey in February 2023, just after devastating, powerful earthquakes and aftershocks rocked the region. Thousands died and were injured as buildings and homes collapsed. Ulmer joined a research mission to uncover evidence and information in the aftermath of the magnitude 7.8 quake. As researchers collect data after an earthquake, they can understand how to improve design and construction practices and ultimately, save lives. Listen now as Ulmer describes her experience in the disaster zone, from feeling a forceful aftershock to meeting unforgettable locals. She explains why it was critical to be there so soon after the quake and how weather pattern changes on Earth are impacting her work.


Episode 65: Total Eclipse Over Texas

On April 8, SwRI headquarters in San Antonio, Texas, and surrounding areas, will experience a rare total eclipse, the first in this region in centuries. Spectators in the path of totality, stretching from Mexico to Canada, can expect nighttime conditions in the middle of the day. As visitors descend on totality destinations, communities will encounter traffic tie-ups and crowds. If you want to witness this spectacular celestial event in person, now is the time to make eclipse day preparations and plans. Listen now as SwRI Planetary Scientist Dr. Tracy Becker discusses total eclipse readiness, resources, safety and the eclipse’s impact on science.


Episode 64: Zero-Trust Cybersecurity for Vehicles

SwRI engineers have developed a comprehensive cybersecurity method for vehicles. The Zero-Trust Architecture for Automotive Networks is high-level security for computerized vehicle systems, using principles proven to safeguard computers, phones and other information technology (IT) equipment. The zero-trust approach is now hitting the road, offering layers of protection against cyberthreats for vehicle electronics, software and sensors. Listen now as SwRI Engineer and Project Leader Maggie Shipman discusses the emerging field of vehicle cybersecurity and how zero-trust architecture is advancing beyond IT applications to protect drivers.


Episode 63: Project Z

An SwRI project is advancing clean energy technologies by using the Institute as a test ground. The goal of Project Z is to make SwRI a zero-emissions campus. Thousands of research and development projects across 2 million square feet of offices, labs and facilities consume electricity on the megawatt (MW) scale. The campus is an ideal location to demonstrate and implement emissions-reducing solutions. What develops at SwRI can be expanded nationally and globally as government and commercial organizations strive to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by the critical target year of 2050. Listen now as SwRI Engineer and Project Manager Josh Schmitt discusses Project Z discoveries and possibilities.


Episode 62: 2023 Year in Review

It was a year of discovering and learning from memorable, informative guests. We heard from the scientists, engineers and tech leaders imagining, creating and testing new innovations. From the mind-bending field of neuromorphic engineering to forming the building blocks of life in a chamber, developing negative-emissions technology, using cameras and algorithms to improve athletic performance and a rare opportunity to view two eclipses – we covered it all and more in 2023. Join us as we review the fascinating topics that had us listening and learning through the year. Listen now as Technology Today Host Lisa Peña revisits the inspiring and intriguing topics of 2023.


Episode 61: SwRI’s 2023 R&D 100 Winner

R&D World Magazine named SwRI’s Wideband Conformal Continuous-Slot Antenna Array a top 100 innovation of 2023, recognizing it as a world-changing, revolutionary technology. The high-performance, high-frequency, direction finding and signal acquisition antenna for naval ships is a compact, powerful new tool enhancing national security and public safety. Hear why the location of this innovative antenna, where it is positioned on a ship’s mast, is also an advantage. Listen now as SwRI Engineer Patrick Siemsen discusses the award-winning antenna and the 1948 theory that served as the inspiration behind its unique design.


Episode 60: Global Decarbonized Mobility Summit

SwRI is hosting its first Global Decarbonized Mobility Summit, an opportunity for transportation industry members worldwide to convene in one place and discuss sustainable mobility solutions for all types of transportation. The impactful gathering, which is set to be an annual event, will bring together different perspectives and ideas to tackle the global emissions challenge as the industry strives for net zero emissions by 2050. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions requires a clear action plan and the exploration of numerous sustainable options. The Summit will illuminate transportation needs and research opportunities to achieve lower global emissions on a rigid timeline. Listen now as SwRI Engineer and Summit Organizer Chris Bitsis discusses the vision for the inaugural Summit, the challenges the transportation industry is up against and why it is a critical event for everyone on the planet.


Episode 59: Preparing for the Upcoming Eclipses

In the coming months, people in the U.S. will have a front row seat to two upcoming eclipses. An annular eclipse on October 14, 2023 will cross North, Central and South America. A total eclipse will cross North America on April 8, 2024. While spectators are preparing to view the rare celestial events, scientists are getting ready for unique research opportunities. Our SwRI eclipse expert is organizing teams across the country to capture the total eclipse from ground and air. He’s talking about safety during an eclipse, how the events will advance science and his eclipse-chasing adventures. Listen now as SwRI Solar Astrophysicist Dr. Amir Caspi discusses safe viewing techniques, the best spots to catch the eclipses and what scientists want to learn from the spectacular celestial events.


Episode 58: Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center

From food to transportation, manufacturing operations keep our lives moving. Manufacturers are a vital part of our economy and offer rewarding career opportunities. The Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (TMAC) at SwRI supports small to large manufacturers with the tools for success, including training and workforce development. They are changing the perception of manufacturing work, helping companies update processes and integrate new technology, such as robotics and software, into production lines. While this is a regional center, TMAC’s robust manufacturing network builds connections with manufacturers across the country. Listen now as SwRI Sr. Program Manager and TMAC Regional Director Bill Rafferty discusses TMAC’s impact and overcoming challenges in manufacturing.


Episode 57: ENABLE™ 3D Motion Analysis Engine

The Engine for Automatic Biomechanical Evaluation or ENABLE™ captures and analyzes 3D motion to help athletes achieve peak performance and avoid injury. Beyond sports, it has the potential to be a useful tool for healthcare and military applications. Strategically placed cameras and powerful algorithms drive this portable, user-friendly system, eliminating the need for attached, movement-restricting sensors. Plus, human performance professionals will connect with sports scientists at the upcoming International Human Performance Summit hosted by SwRI. Hear how your organization can join the Summit to explore the latest breakthroughs in human performance research. Listen now as SwRI Engineers Ty Templin and Travis Eliason discuss SwRI’s ENABLE 3D motion analysis engine and the upcoming Summit.


Episode 56: The Mighty Microcapsule

As you go about your day, you likely encounter microcapsules or microspheres everywhere. From your morning shower shampoo to your nighttime sleep aid, microencapsulation is working to improve your life. SwRI’s microencapsulation experts create custom, controlled-release capsules for a variety of products. Since 1949, SwRI has tailored this tiny technology for a broad spectrum of industries, including food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, agricultural, veterinary medicine, biomedical and more. Listen now as SwRI Scientist Dr. James Oxley discusses the process of microencapsulation, the wide range of products that contain hidden capsules, the history of the mighty microcapsule and what the future holds for this technology.


Episode 55: Fracture Control with NASGRO®

NASGRO® fracture control software analyzes spacecraft, aircraft, structures and more for fractures and fatigue, wear and tear that could pose a risk if not repaired. With data that includes measurements and material composition, the software calculates how a crack could grow and become catastrophic. NASGRO was initially developed to support NASA’s Space Shuttle Program, but is now used by companies around the world to avert danger. Last month, the Space Foundation inducted NASGRO and its developers into the Space Technology Hall of Fame, which honors groundbreaking technologies that began as space programs and have since been adapted to improve the quality of life for all of humanity. Listen now as SwRI NASGRO developers and Hall of Fame inductees Dr. Craig McClung and Joe Cardinal discuss the world-changing software’s capabilities and that shining moment of the behind-the-scenes technology taking the spotlight.


Episode 54: Targeting Transportation Emissions

April 22 marks Earth Day, an annual call to action to preserve natural resources and protect the planet. On this Earth Day episode, we’re discussing new SwRI technology in development that targets rising greenhouse gas emissions, which cause disruptive changes in Earth’s climate. The transportation sector is a major contributor of carbon emissions. SwRI engineers are developing a potential solution, a membrane that removes and captures carbon dioxide before it escapes into the atmosphere, leaving cleaner air. They envision it will be outfitted on a range of vehicles, from compact cars to ships. Listen now as SwRI Staff Engineer Dr. Graham Conway discusses going beyond a zero-emissions solution to develop a novel carbon capture membrane, a negative-emissions technology.


Episode 53: Celebrating Women in STEM

During Women’s History Month, we are celebrating the contributions of inspirational leaders and trailblazers who are positively impacting our communities and world. Today, we highlight two women of SwRI who shine in STEM – science, technology, engineering and mathematics, fields in which women are typically underrepresented. Hear about their fascinating work, their journeys in engineering and planetary science and why a woman’s perspective is valuable and necessary in STEM workspaces. Listen now as SwRI Planetary Scientist Dr. Tracy Becker and SwRI Engineer Dr. Erin DeCarlo discuss their roles in STEM careers, women who inspire them and how the landscape is changing for women in traditionally male-dominated fields.


Episode 52: Forming the Building Blocks of Life

Scientists study meteorites, fragments of asteroids or comets that fall to Earth. Inside the space rocks, they have found amino acids, the building blocks of life. Amino acids combine to form proteins, which power life on our planet. How did these seeds of life end up in meteorites? Our guest today believes they formed under intense space conditions, particularly in the interstellar cloud. She is part of a team of scientists that re-created the conditions in a chamber using ice, low temperatures and high radiation. Their experiment yielded significant results, a residue containing the same ingredients for life found in meteorites. Listen now as SwRI Astrochemist Dr. Danna Qasim explains how the building blocks of life may have formed in space, the role of the interstellar cloud and what the process tells us about life on Earth and the possibility of life elsewhere.


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