Podcast Podcast
Claim Ownership Podcast


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Once a week we get together in a studio somewhere in London to take the piss out of telecoms and technology for an hour or so.
316 Episodes
The lads made the annual pilgrimage to Copenhagen for the DTW event and thought it appropriate to record a pod with their Danish mate – analyst John Strand. Pausing only to review the beers John kindly brought along, they start by reviewing the event and specifically the opening keynotes. They move on to discuss industry initiatives in general before concluding with a chat about Strand Consult’s recent report analysing the effect of recent European elections on the telecoms industry.
The guys were delighted to welcome special guest Sylwia Kechiche of Opensignal this week. They started with an overview of what Opensignal does, which led to plenty of telecoms tangents, especially concerning mobile user experience. Iain has written a fair bit about the telco cloud recently, so they eventually move on to that topic, before concluding with a look at Apple’s recent AI announcement.
AI, Nvidia and 5G spectrum

AI, Nvidia and 5G spectrum


Everyone is back in the studio this week as the lads once more put a dent in their Beavertown bounty. They start by reviewing a couple of news items concerning artificial intelligence, which leads to the inevitable dystopian hand-wringing as well as a questioning of all the hype. They biggest beneficiary of AI so far has been chip company Nvidia, so they move on to discuss that company, before concluding by asking whether there’s any need for more 5G spectrum.
A bit of a hybrid effort this week as the lads record over Zoom, but still come into the studio anyway. They start by discussing a piece Iain wrote, highlighting the increasing vulnerability faced by the world as everything moves into the public cloud. This leads to more Iain stuff, this time covering Open RAN for a change, before Scott finally gets a look-in to go over stories of his covering the UK shared rural network and possible 5G vendor swap in Portugal.
This week’s pod was recorded remotely because Scott was larging it in the Canary Islands. After reflecting on Scott’s weekend on the lash, they start by reviewing data showing the telecoms recession is set to get worse before it gets better. They move on to assess China’s ability to manufacture cutting-edge chips before concluding by discussing a popular story of Iain’s regarding German policy towards Huawei.
The guys were delighted to welcome special guest Darren Pearce, CEO of telco circular economy specialist TXO. Accordingly they started by exploring the various opportunities for used kit and generally getting schooled on the nuances of that industry. They then move on to Scott’s coverage of the London Mayor gaslighting his public, before concluding by discussing Iain’s story about Telefónica Germany moving to a cloud core.
It was ‘just the two of us’ after a guest had to bail at the last minute. The lads both covered reports that the US is revoking many licenses granted to its companies to do business with Huawei, so the main segment focuses on that and the broader US/China tech cold war. Iain was getting Open RAN withdrawal so they then decided to give him a fix, before concluding with a look at a hilarious misstep taken by Apple with its new advert.
Vorboss, UK telcos and PR

Vorboss, UK telcos and PR


The lads were delighted to welcome long-time industry friend Howard Jones of Vorboss onto this week’s pod. That familiarity resulted in an exceptionally long period of rambling before they eventually got to the point. They started with an introduction to Howard’s company, which then led to lengthy tangents about the whole UK telecoms sector, and was interspersed with thoughts on the current state of PR.
The pod is delighted to welcome special guest Igor Leprince, CEO of Boldyn Networks, to this week’s episode. After lamenting the Scott’s roaming experience in Venice, they start with an introduction to Boldyn and where it fits into the broader telecoms mix. That leads natural to an exploration of the neutral host market in general before they conclude with an analysis of America’s decision to reintroduce net neutrality rules.
The pod is delighted to welcome back special guest Neil McRae, Chief Network Strategist at Juniper Networks. The main theme of the chat was derived from recent quarterly earnings announcements by Ericsson and Nokia, which were very similar as they’re both suffering through what could be described as a telecoms recession. There also were plenty of networking tangents, including some DIY stories from Neil.
Iain and Scott are forced to do this pod over Zoom due to producer Pierre selfishly taking an Easter holiday. The main theme of their conversation is Huawei’s recently announced 2023 financials, which seem a lot more healthy than any of their Western equivalents. That leads naturally to an examination of how effective US sanctions against Huawei and China have been, before they conclude with a broader look at the geopolitical environment that is behind all these shenanigans.
6G, regulation and Ericsson

6G, regulation and Ericsson


The pod is delighted to welcome special guest Alex Lawrence, Editor of 6G World, for this week’s episode. Unsurprisingly, the spend the first half of the recording discussing 6G, including what it might be and whether or not we should even bother with it. Since 6G’s success may be determined a more helpful regulatory environment, they move on to the topic of telecoms regulation, before concluding with a review of Ericsson’s recent news.
The pod was delighted to welcome its first ever special guest from Microsoft – Shawn Hakl VP of 5G Strategy. They start by asking for an overview of what Microsoft’s interest is in the telecoms sector these days, which has increased significantly in recent years. That leads naturally to a review of the role the public cloud plays for operators, before they conclude by asking Shawn about the 5G part of his job title.
No guest this week so you get a looser version of the podders, including some extra fruity language.
The pod is delighted to welcome special guest Rafael De Fermin, SVP of the Nokia Networks Infrastructure business in Europe. They start by exploring exactly what Rafa’s bit of the company does, which leads to a broader discussion of the fixed-line world, on which mobile technology is increasingly reliant. They eventually move on to chat about trade shows, including the recent MWC and the surprisingly big LEAP, before concluding with a quick look at Apple’s battle of wills with the EU.
MWC 24 show floor special

MWC 24 show floor special


The traditional Mobile World Congress show floor recording of the pod is brought to you from the media centre this year. Once more they were delighted to welcome journalist George ‘available’ Malim as a special guest and start by reflecting on the dominant theme of the show – AI. They move on to share some of their other observations and experiences form MWC 24 until the video crew tell them to shut up because it has better things to do.
MWC 2024 preview special

MWC 2024 preview special


This special episode of the pod, recorded early to allow you to listen to it on the plane to Barcelona, features special returning guest – Analyst Dean Bubley. Most of the time is spent anticipating the key themes of discussion at the show, including 5G, AI, APIs and regulation, with an emphasis of cutting through the hype. Thery eventually move on to breaking news around European telecoms regulation before concluding with a quick look at Vodafone’s latest Open RAN announcements.
The pod was delighted to welcome returning special guest William Webb this week, who’s got a book out. The book focuses on how UK regulation is standing in the way of our strategic communications aims and how to fix it. Inevitably that leads to a few Ofcom and regulatory tangents, including recent developments in the EU. They move on to discuss the vision for 5G articulated at a recent Ericsson event, which includes another look at Open RAN, before concluding with a look at a neologism that describes how internet platforms inevitably deteriorate.
BT, Three and metaverse

BT, Three and metaverse


The pod was delighted to welcome super-sub Gabriel Brown, Analyst at Heavy Reading, who stepped in at the last minute after another guest pulled a sickie. They stated by reviewing a BT network update meeting all three attended that morning, with a lengthy tangent onto a TM Forum AI-themed gathering the day before. They move on to hear about Iain’s trip to Glasgow with Three, before concluding with a look at a deal between Disney and Epic and how it might revive the metaverse.
6G, chips and Meta

6G, chips and Meta


A last-minute guest cancellation opens the door for Iain and Scott to try some of the weapons-grade beers they were previously too scared to attempt. They decide to tackle 6G first, while they’re still capable, inspired by Iain’s recent dinner with Interdigital. That leads on to a couple of angles concerning the global semiconductor market before they conclude with some recent intrigue involving Meta, DT and the policing of online speech.