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Ten Pence Arcade Podcast V2.0
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Ten Pence Arcade Podcast V2.0

Author: shaunholley

Subscribed: 4Played: 29


A Retro Video Arcade Games podcast, and a continuation of the original Ten Pence Arcade Podcast which ran from January 2013 - June 2024.
Every month we cover a single old-school game in depth, discussing graphics, sound, game play etc.
We also run the Ten Pence High Score League, a monthly contest where listeners submit their scores on the games we review.
Apart from this there’s arcade banter, news, and biscuits. OMG so many biscuits.
62 Episodes
Who’d have thunk there would be a hidden character named Piface Linux Motherf***er in such a cheery family oriented game?
OH MY! Two Games this show, to make up for the time we’ve had off, due to Victor being in Portland OR, for the game show PRGE. 1. Wiggly wiggly woo! 2. Parpity parp parp! Make of that, what you will…  
Jaleco 1990
Shootah’s! Big insectoid jobbies with crappy tunnels and boggley laser eyed snek monsters. We’re talking about Gemini Wing. Nowt to do with nonsense astrology either, just shootin’ stuff right int’ face! And how many Street Fighter characters can you think of in a minute? If it’s less than 13, PITY THE FOOL! Does anyone fancy a bit of gout?  
Your regular arcade cheese delivery system (The Ten Pence Arcade Podcast) is in full effect with gaming waffle and a high dose of buffoonary this time around. Victor interjects random words, while Shaun necks his first monitor and also breaks an angel…
Everything arcade and more, including – exploding caps, snack bats and packing dead rats into a box marked ‘Peter’ What would you do with an incandescent dog?
Victor and Chris, sittin’ in a tree – V_e_C_t_R_e_X – ING! Yes, it’s an in between podcast special episode with Victor and Vectrex developer/collector/ultra enthusiast Chris Parsons, aka CNP of Vector Republic Games. Learn how to make caramel with your Vectrex…
Shaun imagines a Rivita perfboard eprom reader, while Victor mainly fails in his endeavours for arcade enlightenment (as usual) Have *YOU* earned the right to be alone yet?
Broken SNES game, or really broken SNES game, you decide
New Beginnings? The first show without our beloved beardy fool – We got another fantastic podcaster in the chair with Victor to waffle about 2 games this time! A metaphorical chair, not a chair for 2 people, that is crazy talk.  Who said that?
A finger lickin’ good host this time (clue?) We have an overseas guest on to talk arcade, pinball and weird fish!
This is the 150th podcast – somewhat of an achievement due to the circumstances! To celebrate this mile stone, we have a fresh faced young lad, new to podcasting – so, don’t be too harsh on him while he is learning the ropes! Warning – may contain a daft lad.
We mess with some Dextrous Ladies and look at the Fungus Markets, as well as – Shaved chickens, long armed bees, analog jelly, pie witchcraft and hiding cheese in the washing machine.
Boing! Hop! Spring! Rotate! Argh!, RAT! F*&#K!
Bob Ross (aka Victor) and Womack and/or Womack (aka Shaun) take on zillions of baddie army dudes while trying not to slaughter hostages in a shooty shoot pew pew gun game. No Wolves were harmed during this recording.
LaH-ZayR-ee-aN, LaH-ZayR-ee-aN or LaH-ZayR-ee-aN – YOU decide. We learn you should never ram a theatre actor in a Pony hole, dance with a Damson in a field or eat plastic biscuit trays (unless you actually want the strength of a thousand bears…)
Both of them have been to Scotland, Shaun has been wrangling wasps into a pen to extract Marmite from them. Make of that what you will…Oh, corned beef sandwiches.
Removing monitor bezels with a bulldozer, an (un)welcome reprise from the ‘in secret’ Ten Pence Orchestra and Penguin politics in this month’s podcast.
This month’s podcast is a – sweetcorn mystery, cheesey umbrella, talky wallet and a floaty fox. All wrapped up in a closey casey thing. And look out for next month’s special – REMODELLING A TURD PODCAST (TM) Ahem.
I LOVE THIS GAME! This month’s “features” – Crumbly Biscuits Birdy Craney Things Good Fingers Gutsav Klimt *Not a Turtle* Policemen turning up on massive bats Next month’s game – “Armed Police Massive Batrider” Cardboard = Really thin wood Darren Cat Karen Cat HATEBEAKBAT VTOL Hatebeaks