Ten Pence Arcade Podcast V2.0

A Retro Video Arcade Games podcast, and a continuation of the original Ten Pence Arcade Podcast which ran from January 2013 - June 2024. Every month we cover a single old-school game in depth, discussing graphics, sound, game play etc. We also run the Ten Pence High Score League, a monthly contest where listeners submit their scores on the games we review. Apart from this there’s arcade banter, news, and biscuits. OMG so many biscuits. Email: biscuits@tenpencearcade.com

Ten Pence Arcade - 102 - R-Type

We’re back – AGAIN! One is back from New York (heavily laden with Cheez Its) and the other from Play Expo Blackpool (heavily laden with a poorly voice).


Ten Pence Arcade - 103 - Ali Baba And 40 Thieves

Alan Baba and 40 Thieving Gets – hammer those muthafu**ers! It’s all Trollnads’ fault!!! Eugene Jarvis at Arcade Club!  


Ten Pence Arcade - 104 - Donkey Kong Junior

Uh oh. There’s an 800lb Gorilla in the room – and he’s your dad! That dastardly Mario (I thought he was the good guy?) has monkey napped him and imprisoned him in a cage. Get those keys and free him! Watch out for the return of the HATE BEAKS!!!! SQUARRRRRRK!


Ten Pence Arcade - 105 - Strikers 1945 III

Shaun & Victor agree on arcade games being awesome but come to actual blows on this show’s featured game. Oh dear. Bruises before bedtime. Hopefully the guesty mc guest face co host Vipp can get in the middle and stop them hitting each other with their fetching handbags. Shaun’s has bullets embroidered into it and Victor’s has a ‘Harrumph!’ sticker on it.  


Ten Pence Arcade - 106 - Ghouls 'N Ghosts

Oooo – arrr! Like an unripe avocado, a bag of Kryptonite nails or lego that imbeds into your foot – Ghouls and bleedin’ Ghosts. Impossible? NO! Some weirdos can actually complete it – TWICE! Listen in as our intrepid podcasters whine about how hard the dang thing is. Up yours Capcom!  


Ten Pence Arcade - 107 - Ms. Pac-Man (Speed Up)

Shaun & Victor put on their best ‘Crimson Scorcher’ lipstick and a Marilyn Monroe beauty spot to play a classic game, with a fun speedup hack – seen on many updated arcade machines running Pac-Man’s lady friend. Learn cornering and play along with us in a sea of daftness with tiny islands of wisdom.  


Ten Pence Arcade - 108 - Aliens

This is a lo-fi recorded podcast from a hotel room in Walsall, UK. We were both enjoying Revival Retro event and this was after the first day’s play.  We get joined by ‘housekeeping’ in the form of Nintendo Arcade Alex Crowley, who gives a bit of an insight into our featured game – ALANS.


Ten Pence Arcade - 109 - Raiden

We reminisce the Revival retro Event while banging on about arcade games and biscuits.  Ah, the love of twiddling a biscuit’s joystick and dunking an arcade cabinet in a mug of tea… Beware of stuff falling out of Shaun’s head… Victor makes wrong  words during a quiz. Sounds legit?


Ten Pence Arcade - 110 - Xain'd Sleena

Uh oh. No one is owning up to picking the less than great game this podcast. LET’S HAVE A WITCH HUNT! BURN THE WITCH! Or, maybe try and find some positives in it? Who knows? It may be the best game in the world (it’s not)


Ten Pence Arcade - 111 - Bubble Bobble

Bobbles and Bubbles – In a fantasy land where your partners have been kidnapped by a drunken geezer (superdrunkdave) and you’ve been turned into a cute dragon. Phew. What a day! Get bubblin’ and eat tons of fruit and junk food. My favourite things. When is someone going to make the fighting game – ‘Flutes Of Fear’ ???  


Ten Pence Arcade - 112 - Jungle King

Aaaarrgh – iiiie – aaaawaargh! Yeah, right. YOU try spelling that noise Tarzan makes at the start of Jungle Hunt. I hope a monkey tosses you off your rope! NERG! Bonehead Steve’s mini meet up! London Video Gaming Market! Other Stuff – may feature a side scrolling man.


Ten Pence Arcade - 113 - Space Firebird

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is it on fire? Or is it just a drab Galaxian clone? We will get to the bottom of this!


Ten Pence Arcade - 114 - Spatter

The game? You play a little kid on a trike, peddaling around a bendy maze collecting flowers to give to a little friend on a bonus screen. Knock baddies off the road with the bendy barriers in the maze. The name of it – oh, SPATTER, obviously. Huh? Too cute for words and obviously made by the creators of Flicky (see podcast 54) “There’s no walls in the sky” – True dat, mother.  


Ten Pence Arcade - 115 - Klax

Flax? Fraks? Cacks? Trax? Snacks? (oh, yes please – got any Hob Nobs?) NO! – KLAX! It’s the nineties and a time for Klax, of course! Go back in time and order yourself a t shirt, man! This podcast was recorded LIVE at the Centre For Computing History in Cambridge BIG NEWS IN THE HOLLEY CAMP! Victor gets Rampage Disrememberance.


Ten Pence Arcade - 116 - Toy Pop

Recorded live over the Arcade Club / UKVAC partaaaaay weekend. Actually, while looking VERY suspicious in a parked car…  


Ten Pence Arcade - 117 - Bagman

Dix Francs Arcade Presente Le Menage A Trois avec Victor, Shaun & Alex Bagman ou ‘Le Bagnard’ par Valadon Automatique. Un jeu en Francais sur les sacs d’argent et les chariots de train agacants. Aussi, des biscuits.  


Ten Pence Arcade - 118 - Plus Alpha

Cute, but dead ‘ard – that’s us! Er, no, that’s this show’s featured game Plus Alpha from Jaleco. Shaun finds out that that metal cupboard in the kitchen with a hole in it is actually an oven. He can now have hot pies now.


Ten Pence Arcade - 119 - Teddy Boy Blues

On this episode we discuss ‘are Twinkies any good’, how many CRT monitors Shaun actually needs and is Lewis Waddington actually Shaun’s alter ego (he’s not) Another cab finds it’s way in to Victor’s arcade as one bids farewell (or actually forcibly removed from the premises)


Ten Pence Arcade - 120 - Truxton II

Truxton 2 or DK Remix Spooky Edition? We’ve been playing both! Some more than others… Truxton 2 – Tedious or amazing? We decide! We argue! We laugh! We cry! It changed our lives (or not)


Ten Pence Arcade - 121 - Baluba-Louk No Densetsu

Oh! We think we’ve found a hidden, lost, forgotten about diamond in the dark with this show’s game! No idea what the name means but, it’s a great little game. SEND SHAUN ALL YOUR OLD SCART BLOCKS!!!


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