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Tend and Befriend

Author: Deborah Herritt Koumoutsidis

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Every woman struggles with her health, body or mental health issues during one or more stages of her life. In every woman’s story there is a solution to another woman's difficulty., sharing our individual stories with one another will unleash our collective power. Our dream is to be a village of professionals and women who are trying to change the process of getting us thinking outside of statistics to care for women and into our stories and individual bodies. We hope to create a space where love and knowledge can be available to mamas and their families in every experience. You are not alone on your path, let me guide you by introducing you to other women who have walked the path before you.
16 Episodes
Jacobsons Relaxation

Jacobsons Relaxation


Join us in this special episode as I walk you through Jacobsons Relaxation. This technique can help anyone manage stress, and alleviate discomfort, especially mothers in the delivery room. 1:49 - Introduction & Disclaimer 4:07 - Jacobsons Relaxation 23:52 - ClosingBlog Labor & Birth CourseWebsite | Instagram
Today we are answering questions that you asked us through our social media accounts!!Join me today as we discuss a couple of these topics: Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, Options for flipping a breech baby, When to start tracking fetal Kick, Massage do's & donts. What is a mucus plug and what should I watch for?Two very painful symptoms in pregnancy that has to do with connective tissue and how to care for it.I love answering all of your questions and its nice to d...
I peed on the stick and Its positive, I am pregnant! What are my first steps to take? How does this all work?Do I call the OB?Do I call the Family Doctor?Do I scream it from the mountain tops?I am not sure I am ready for this..I dont know what my options are..There are so many feelings and emotions attached to finding out you are pregnant and just because the test is positive does not mean you have to feel positive. This episode covers the above topics as well as a...
Ever wonder how some women manage not to worry about finances during their maternity leave? I know how they did it.... they hired Alynn Godfroy from Godfroy financial. How did she enjoy her maternity leave without financial burden, the same way she is now enjoying her life, raising her baby boy Austin and making time for herself, her husband and her family life while owning her own business! She did it with smart financial strategy! I have admired Alynn's financi...
Friends sometimes divulge things to each other what we wouldnt dare admit to anyone else! Jaclyn and I have been friends for alot of years, we laugh about each others faults and the stupid things that run through our minds as women, wives & especially as Mothers! NOTE - We are friends and this conversation is not how we feel as professionals, we have to laugh at each other with friends, in order to survive motherhood. Jaclyn is one of the owners of Odyssey Wellness in Tecumseh. ...
Ever get all the balls in your life rolling smoothly, only to have them all go crashing to the ground? Yeah me too!Here's what the %#@* happened to all of the balls I was juggling last year!! Please join us today as I have a very vulnerable conversation with one of my closest friends about life, injury, mental illness & loss. While this story is about failure, at no point was I not okay with failing… in order to grow you sometimes have to fail, and fail miserably!&nb...
Ever wondered what the process is like to discharge your OBGYN? Listen to Casey tell her story of having difficulty with the rules at her OBGYN's office during the pandemic and what steps she took to get the birth she wanted. Casey is a fireball about her views on the pandemic and the guidelines involved at our local hospital during birth.. she feels like everyone should be treated as the individual humans that we are. Casey talks us through her struggles with fertility, a ...
Can you imagine travelling all over the world teaching and mastering your craft? Thats exactly what Renee Meloche from Jelly Fish Pilates in Tecumseh Ontario did before deciding to settle down here in Windsor, Essex County and open her own studio. Renee started her journey with Pilates in 1997 and has a full certification with STOTT Pilates, and has travelled all over the world teaching certifications. Renee is a business owner, the mom of three kids, an author and a brillant pila...
Becoming a single mother by choice is an increasingly popular path to motherhood. As more women are making the decision to have a child on their own, whether through artificial insemination, in-vitro fertilization, adoption or other means, we are asking more and more questions. What happens when you make the decision to do this alone? How do you choose a donor in Canada? What is the process? What does the fertility clinics charge? Will I n...
We can all use help with finding the right way to speak to our medical professionals of choice. Todays episode I make 5 suggestions that have helped me and others be a better case manager of their health. Hope you find them helpful and can put them into play for you and your health! Good Luck!! Website | Instagram
For some people, motherhood comes naturally, it’s almost like they were born to be moms. This is the case with today's guest Leigha Moravac. Leigha has always known she wanted to be a mom and it's easy to watch her with her children and see that being a mom is a natural instinct for her. Despite all of this - Parenting isn't always a clear and easy path, especially when health issues, car accidents, and a newborn who doesn't sleep well are playing a role. Throw into al...
This episode I speak with one of our local hospitals Radiographic Imaging Experts Milena Lewis . Milena has been in this field for over 20 years and is highly skilled when advising patients on the risks and benefits and how to ask for advice when X-rays have been requested by your Health professional. Milena helps shine some light on what you can do to be more informed when you need an X-Ray Image both during pregnancy and everyday. Ionizing radiation (x-ray) is composed of ...
Melissa Bishop Nriagu is a Canadian Professional Athlete from Eaganville Ontario, she is a 2 time Olympic Athlete for the 800 metre distance. She is only the 3rd woman to achieve a time under 2:00 minutes and is currently the record holder for this distance at an amazing time of 1:57.01. Melissa is here to talk about Training and Exercise during pregnancy, as well as Postpartum. We discuss the fact that no matter what other women have experienced or professionals...
Most women are struggling with hormone issues in one way or another. Every woman is different and has a different story. It is important to understand your overall health and why your hormones may be disrupted. Dr. Kristen Kupeyan at B Medical in Windsor Ontario, is certified in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and is highly sought after for her care with womens and mens hormone balance both in Canada and the United States. Listen to us discuss some of the issues that migh...
Giving birth carries a lot of emotions for families, and moms sometimes have difficulty processing all of these feelings and emotions if they feel they didn't have a birth with choices. Today we are talking to Nour Hachem Fawaz as she dives into her first birth that ended with a cesarean delivery and the feelings she had postnatal that she felt were connected to her feelings about her body and birthing team. We discuss how different that looked with her second birth, where she fel...
Deborah is a RMT in the province of Ontario and the CEO and founder of Pelvic Love Massage Therapy. Deborah has owned her own business for 16 years. The purpose of her podcast is try to bring awareness to the standard of care for women by sharing beautiful and traumatic stories of pregnancy, birth and health related issues. We will be sharing stories by women willing to share their stores and talking with health professionals and service providers willing to work as a team t...