Tenderfoot Yogi Podcast and Audio Blog: Perspectives and Insights for Ease in Your Awakening

Are you curious about spiritual awakening? Have you been searching for more meaning in your daily existence? David M Kay, creator of tenderfoot yogi, shares insights, ideas and perspectives on mindfulness, meditation, yoga, consciousness, and spirituality for the everyday person. It is in the small, mindful practices that we incorporate into daily life; and the kindness, gratitude, forgiveness and compassion that we show toward ourselves and others that bring us home to the loving and abundant life that is our birth rite. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or simply curious about how to get started on your path of awakening, the time is now for us to wake up to all of the lightness, joy, peace of mind, abundance and freedom that is possible. Also visit www.tenderfootyogi.com for access to all blog posts and to get your free eBook.

You are surrounded by Divine Love with Francesca Ruini

Francesca Ruini is a certified Ananda meditation teacher. She is also a yoga teacher, artist and ballerina trained in her native Italy. She offers Love from a place deep within her heart, and shares that this light, this Divine Love is available to and within each and every one of us. Listen to the Podcast… Read more The post You are surrounded by Divine Love with Francesca Ruini appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


Don’t panic

This post is an excerpt from my next book, to be released soon… Listen to the Podcast version of this post below   I had a panic attack when I was in my mid 20s. I didn’t know that it was a panic attack and I’m fairly certain I had never heard of such a… Read more The post Don’t panic appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


You don’t need to do it alone

It’s not a mystery how we got to be this way. This way in which we feel we must be independent, self-sufficient, lone warriors on the battleground of our lives. That’s what ‘tough’ men and women do right? Go it alone. If you can’t do it yourself then you can’t do it. Pick yourself up… Read more The post You don’t need to do it alone appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


This is how I know you’re OK

This thing that has been on your mind, either recently or for as long as you can remember, that you believe is worth your serious attention? It isn’t. You might want to know how I know this. So, I’ll say it as plainly as I can. You’re OK because you can’t not be. If you… Read more The post This is how I know you’re OK appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


Gabriel’s Blessing

At Christmas time last year, I found myself at church for a Christmas eve service. This is interesting for two reasons. First, I don’t usually go to church. I suppose that is not that interesting because there are many people who do not regularly attend church, but do so on big holidays. But the second… Read more The post Gabriel’s Blessing appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


Unblocking happiness with Alison J. Kay

Dr. Alison J. Kay is an author, holistic health practitioner, Reiki master, Qigong instructor, meditation and yoga teacher and creator of the Vibrational Upgrade System. In this conversation she talks about her path from rebelling against traditional psychology in undergraduate school to travelling throughout Asia, India and the world learning and developing her energy medicine… Read more The post Unblocking happiness with Alison J. Kay appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


How to stop wanting and start having

Are you more committed to wanting that which you desire, or to having it? It’s easy to decipher the answer to this question – it’s in the results. If you look at your life do you mostly have the things that you want, or do you mostly want things that you don’t have? The question,… Read more The post How to stop wanting and start having appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


It’s OK to notice what you think about

Have you ever noticed your mind? It comes up with some interesting stuff. When we sit back and take note of the thoughts that we think it becomes clear that our mind is simply passing the time. It’s bored, so it thinks of stuff – because that is what it knows to do. When we… Read more The post It’s OK to notice what you think about appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


How anxiety fosters peace

It’s counterintuitive that anxiety, whether it’s a few nervous butterflies or a full-blown anxiety or panic attack, actually creates Peace. But that is exactly how it’s designed. Further the duration, nature, perceived intensity and frequency are intentionally unique to each of us. Our anxiety will occur exactly as is required for each of us individually… Read more The post How anxiety fosters peace appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


You are not wrong

You’re not wrong for wanting what you want. The reason we feel wrong about something we have done or said or wrong about something that we want or wrong about who we are or who we want to be is that someone else has uploaded their version of right and wrong into our system. Or… Read more The post You are not wrong appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


How to fall in Love

Do you consider yourself a romantic? I do. Do you long for tender affection, deep connection, and sharing in joyful laughter? Me too. It seems there is a wide-eyed teenager within us who we never really let go of as we grew beyond our teenage years. But what if the deepest and most fulfilling kind… Read more The post How to fall in Love appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


How to create inner peace and possibility

You’ve heard of the observer before. Even if you have never sat in meditation or spent much time thinking about it, you’ve likely heard this idea. This is the idea that we all have something within us that is capable of sitting back and observing all that we do, think, and feel. But why does… Read more The post How to create inner peace and possibility appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


Let go of your hero and rise

Did you know that you were a super hero? You are. I’m getting to know this part of myself quite well as of late, and I’d like to introduce you to him, or her, because we all have a hero inside of us. Our hero is a bit intoxicating because he helps us feel so… Read more The post Let go of your hero and rise appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


You are not losing your mind

It just feels like you are sometimes. No matter how many times you hear about the ‘monkey mind’ and the nature of your wandering mind and that you are not your thoughts, still sometimes that whacko doing all the talking inside your head can cause you to wonder whether this really is how it is,… Read more The post You are not losing your mind appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


How to have the right kind of patience

Patience is a virtue. Patience is also the name of an excellent hard rock ballad by Gun ‘N’ Roses. But when I looked up Patience in the dictionary I was disappointed. Patience is defined as “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.” I was disappointed in the… Read more The post How to have the right kind of patience appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


How to be kind to yourself when you make a mistake

Sometimes we make choices that we wished we had not made. And sometimes those choices affect other people. When this happens, we tend to be quite good at piling guilt and shame upon ourselves. As a matter of fact, most of us have perfected the practice. Of course, we know that this is neither kind… Read more The post How to be kind to yourself when you make a mistake appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


Don’t let familiarity limit you

If we want to remain comfortable then there is nothing more comfortable than familiarity. But we can be more than comfortable. We’re both allowed to want more than comfort and designed to want more than comfort. And the amazing thing is that when we allow ourselves to want more than comfort, and as we expand… Read more The post Don’t let familiarity limit you appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


Are your dreams about to come true?

It seems there is but one thing between you and your dreams. One thing between you and all that you desire. One thing between you and all that is meant for you. It may not be the answer we would hope to hear but don’t worry, there are things that we can do. The one… Read more The post Are your dreams about to come true? appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


Reimagine the best shape of your life

What if the slim and trim vision that represents the ‘best shape of your life’ is but a fraction of what it means to actually BE in the best shape of your life? It is. There is a version of you that looks exactly how you want to look, that feels just how you want… Read more The post Reimagine the best shape of your life appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


Use these words for your highest potential

You’ve heard the phrase ‘words matter’ before. Most often it’s in the context of what human beings say to each other. The words that we choose when interacting with one another do matter, but words matter at a much deeper level as well. There are conversations that we have with each other, and there is… Read more The post Use these words for your highest potential appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.


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