
83 Episodes
After 83 episodes, Terminal7 comes to an end. Nels and Jesse discuss what made the game special, what it meant to them, if anything else could ever take its place (spoilers: no) and how we even got here. We're sad the game is ending, but happy for all the good times and friends we made along the way. So long, and thanks for all the clicks.
In the penultimate episode of Terminal7, Nels and Jesse are joined by Run Last Click to say goodbye to our dear departed friend, Mister N. E. T. Runner.
Terminal7 returns to Reign & Reverie! This time, the Runner side of things are discussed, include one precocious youth who hates cards, a troubled psychic clone and one very loud senator. Special guest Paul Gross joins Nels and Jesse to discuss the final half of the final expansion for Android: Netrunner.
The final Netrunner expansion, deluxe or otherwise, is upon us and Nels and Jesse dig into the Corp side of Reign & Reverie. Pressing questions like "What is the Sportmetal ball's shape" and "Why did we program these artificial bees to sting" are examined, as well as some pretty sick cards.
Well, all things must come to an end. And to this, Netrunner is no exception. The license for the game from Wizards of the Coast has expired without renewal, meaning Netrunner will end in October of this year. Nels and Jesse parse the details and, undeterred, also discuss Kampala Ascendant!
Nels and Jesse visit Owen Falls and explore the Whispers in Nalubaale. Come meet our new friend Freedom, but uh, maybe don't book a hotel in Mwanza.
Nels and Jesse were lost in the shifting sands of the desert, but have made their way back out with not one, but two data packs clasped beneath their burnoose. Council of the Crest *and* The Devil & The Dragon are within, and with it, the great quandary of what the "O" in SSO actually stands for.
It seemed like it would just be a slow boat down an ivory river but a surprise MWL update makes this jaunt most exciting. Nels and Jesse break down just exactly how hard CI got kicked and then head Down the White Nile to meet new royalty.
Groggily risen from hibernation by wild dogs crying out in the night, Nels and Jesse return to discuss the first pack of the new Kitara Cycle Sovereign Sight. What intrigues will transpire on the shores of Lake Victoria?
Nels and Jesse make some unorthdox predictions about Worlds 2017 and invite you to do the same, for fame, glory and prizes!
The world changed and, this time, the game did too. Not content to simply shake up the game with rotation, Netrunner now also has a Banned/Restricted list. And the episode was recorded *after* the news this time!
The Bloo Moose is blown, Aaron is axed, Faust is forbidden ... what are Runners and Corps to do in this new world? Join Nels and Jesse as they try to find out, because they aren't sure yet either.
Terminal7's final broadcast from Mars arrives, bearing news of Crimson Dust and their machinations. There's quite the broadcast lag from Mars, but certainly not much has changed since the transmission was sent ... right?
Nels and Jesse are joined by Run Last Click to discuss the Revised Core and wrap up rotation conversation. Come October 1st, the world will be changed ... again.
After a long hiatus (sorry!), Nels and Jesse return to discuss the penultimate pack in the Red Sands cycle, Free Mars.
Also, this was recorded before the announcement of the Revised Core, so please ignore all the bits that were made obsolete/inaccurate less than twelve hours after this episode was recorded. FFG, you scamps!
The rotation conversation continues, as Nels and Jesse move on to discuss what will happen with the cooperative of clones at Jinteki and the wily Weyland Consortium. There are many friends we'll miss, but could there be any we'll miss as much as a weird deadly psychic baby? Join and find out!
The rotation situation continues to evolve, and Nels and Jesse dig into what this means for the Anarchs and Criminals. Are DLR going to be missed? Probably not, but what about everyone's favourite maybe-or-maybe-not bioroid son?
Terminal7 is joined by Dan Spinosa (aka CodeMarvelous)to discuss all the wonderful things he does, as well as how rotation is going to alter the game in general and shape the Shaper game in particular.
Blood, water and other fluids dampen Mars as Nels and Jesse talk about the fourth data pack in the Red Sands cycle- Blood & Water! Obokata is Obo-killer, we're going down to old Maui and we love dumptrucks. Join us and we learn the secrets of Martian construction, no matter what the cost.
In the third pack of the Red Sands cycle, we see Jinteki has bamboo wackiness, Weyland has shipping locked down, the Anarchs love to keep on punchin' and, apparently, you can never trust the cleaners on Mars.
Nels and Jesse are back of a bit of a scheduling fiasco to discuss the cards from Terminal Directive as just general parts of the card pool. And, more importantly, they attempt to discover if one truly can be chosen from birth to become a provost.
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