Texas News

The Texas News Podcast is a weekly podcast that features updates on Texas news at the state house and on the ground. Hosted by Daniel Miller and sponsored by the TNM.

Polls Show Support For TEXIT - But Is It Enough

Welcome back to a new episode of Texas News! Today we start by discussing the concept of “The Tipping Point.” What is it? How does it relate to TEXIT? With polling data showing support for TEXIT above 50%, I explain why it doesn’t tell the whole story and what the importance of the “unshakeable belief” is. The unshakeable belief manifests in four key ways that I explain in depth: persistence, resilience, commitment to action, and a willingness to sacrifice. We discuss how you can assess the unshakeable belief in TEXIT within yourself. I also ask you some reflective questions to help you think about your personal commitment. Let’s work together to hit that tipping point and make TEXIT a reality, not just a dream.


21st Century Civil War? Why Canada is Sounding the Alarm

Welcome back to the Texas News Podcast! Today, we discuss why Canada seems to be suggesting there will be a 21st-century civil war in the United States and how this impacts TEXIT. Policy Horizons Canada, a think tank, released a report suggesting there may be an American Civil War in the next few years, citing “domestic unrest” and systemic problems in the democratic process. This is not something to take lightly – this is a government institution that directs policy. It’s not hard to see why other countries are beginning to recognize the potential for domestic unrest in the U.S. We saw widespread riots and unrest just a few summers ago. We see what’s happening with Venezuela’s elections, the response to the Bush/Gore election, and more, which show that this isn’t an absurd reach. Could Canada and their think tanks be wrong? Of course. But there’s also a chance this is tomorrow’s news today. Other countries are preparing, and TEXIT is part of the solution.


Does Dr. Phil Think Texas Should LEAVE America?

Welcome back to the Texas News Podcast. It’s been a little while, and we have some exciting things to catch up on. The mainstream media is finally taking notice – I was featured on Dr. Phil Primetime to discuss TNM and the TEXIT movement. It’s vital that we go over and discuss what was edited out, if it was fair coverage, and my response to Dr. Phil’s closing remarks that called me “reckless.” We also show you a clip of Dan Golvach’s video testimony, Carla Gericke’s remarks, and talk about how hard it is to truly convey a message when a panel is as large as it was and a show is restricted to an hour. It all boils down to this: We were set up for success with the people on the panel, and editing is a natural part of media, whether it helps the cause or not. As much as I appreciate Dr. Phil's invite onto his show, his closing remarks showed an unrealistic and perhaps delusional approach to fixing America. There’s a danger to assuming everyone will link pinkies and sing kumbaya without an amicable solution. Texans are suffering and it continues to be true – we need political independence.


‘Civil War’ on Screen: A TEXIT Perspective

Welcome to the Texas News Podcast where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. In today’s episode, we're examining the new movie "Civil War," a film that has sparked widespread discussion with its portrayal of a fragmented America. I’ll analyze the plausibility of the movie’s speculative depiction of a divided union, uncover how this fictional breakup might have occurred, and explore its potential implications for the TEXIT movement. Join us as we discuss the intersections of culture, politics, and the possible futures of Texas in the context of this provocative film.


Will Your State LEAVE In A National Divorce?!

Welcome back to the Texas News podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. Many people think Texas is the only state with one foot out the door, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Believe it or not, there are other states where support for independence is surging and ready to hit the tipping point. In this episode, we examine the results of two recent polls that asked Americans if they would support their state gaining independence from the United States. The numbers are SHOCKING and the perfect slap in the face to the federal government. So, we explore which states are in the running for the title: “Most Likely to Secede” and why support is higher than the federal government is willing to admit. This is an exciting episode you won’t want to miss!


How Close Is Texas To Leaving The United States?

Welcome back to the Texas News podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. On today's show, we tackle the question: How close is Texas to leaving the union? TEXIT is a process that has a starting point and an ending point, and it’s important to know where we are on that path. Most people, generally, don’t stop to really consider how close Texas is to being an independent nation.  First, we explore the strength of support for Texas leaving the union. Spoiler alert: support is riding high. Then, we look at key areas where Texas separation from the union has already begun. Finally, we discuss some highly likely events that could touch off that final break with the federal government. You won’t want to miss this episode!


Is Greg Abbott Preparing Texas To Leave The Union?

Welcome to the Texas News Podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. On today's show, we're going to be discussing whether or not Texas Governor Greg Abbott is quietly preparing for Texas to be an independent nation. Unnoticed by most Texans, Abbott's gone on several international trips lately, which has some interesting implications for the status of Texas on the international stage and in international law. We’re going to put out the dots to let you connect them.  We also discuss the recent confirmation that the Department of Justice is conducting mass surveillance on its citizens. They’re conducting surveillance and building profiles for those who oppose firearms restrictions, lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and or support border security, all to put in a secret database. It sounds like something straight out of a bad sci-fi movie. Speaking of sci-fi, we end with a deep dive into the latest TEXIT predictive programming, and you’re not going to want to miss it.


The Media’s TEXIT Smear Campaign FAILED!

Welcome to the Texas News Podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. It is all gravy on today’s show as we discuss Texas’s primary election results and the victories of many Texas First Pledge signers. Let’s just say that some in the mainstream media are crying in their beer from our success and their failure to dissuade voters. So much so that we’re seeing stories daily on the TEXIT movement, whether it’s from Newsweek, the Economist, or even the Dallas Morning News.  We also examine Governor Greg Abbott’s interview with 60 Minutes, where he was asked point-blank whether or not he believes that Texas has the right to secede. If a media institution like 60 Minutes asks Abbott about Texas independence, then we know our voices are being heard and this issue is not going away anytime soon. With the momentum that we have and the rationale of the federal failure across everything, TEXIT has never been more of a reality.


The Establishment is LYING About Pro-TEXIT Candidates

Welcome back to the Texas News Podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. On today's show, we're going to be discussing the campaign shenanigans against Texas First pledge signers. The political establishment is doing everything it possibly can to defeat pro-Texan candidates. But first, we announce the TNM's brand-new online response corps. If you want to help us wage the war against misinformation, head over to tnm.me/orc and sign up today. Then, we briefly discuss the wildfires that are happening in the Panhandle. Our hearts go out to every one of our Texans who are up there dealing with this nightmare scenario. Also, on today's podcast, we're going to talk to one of those Pro-Texan candidates: Cody Clark. You might remember his story from a recent episode, but Cody gives us his unique perspective on how he was canceled by one of the biggest newspapers in Texas and still landed on his feet. This is a jam-packed episode that you won’t want to miss.


AOC Wants to Federalize Our Power Grid

Welcome to the Texas News Podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. On today's show, we begin by discussing Greg Abbott’s plan to create a military base at Eagle Pass in retaliation to the federal government’s attempts to shut down the Texas border. Then, we also touch on the Biden administration’s plan to cancel all of the liquid natural gas export permits. There’s this whole green energy rationale behind it, but everyone should recognize that it’s just another move by the federal government to stifle any semblance of Texas Independence. The political landscape is shifting right underneath our feet. We also share a snippet of a new TEXIT song released by one of our very own supporters, Betsy Dewey. Then, we turn to what’s happening in local politics, and it is messy. Particularly the race in House District 64 with State Representative Lynn Stucky, who wants to federalize our power grid. Last but not least, New Hampshire representative Jason Gerhard joins us for an interview today. Jason has been a phenomenal champion for independence in the New Hampshire legislature, and we're going to talk about the work that's being done there. We talk about the independence legislation that has been introduced and what happens next. This is a crazy-packed episode that you won’t want to miss!


Dallas Morning News CANCELS Texas First Candidate

Welcome to the Texas News Podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. On today's show, we begin by discussing some mainstream media shenanigans against pro-Texas candidates. First up, we talk about the Senate District 30 race. Cody Clark is distinguished from the other three candidates in that he is the only one who has signed our Texas First Pledge. Cody has proved his unwavering commitment to the people of Texas, so much so that he even stood up to the Dallas Morning News editorial board after they revoked their endorsement of his candidacy in the Republican primary. The mainstream media expected Cody to shrivel up like a raisin in the sun, but Cody was firm in his beliefs that the people of Texas are what matters most.  Then, we talk about our trip to Austin to deliver over 170,000 petition signatures to Governor Greg Abbott. It was incredible. We had people come to join us from all over Texas because they know it is well within Abbott’s power to call a special session of the Texas legislature to put TEXIT on the table. Lastly, Janine Chapa joins us to discuss how you can make an impact now by electing pro-Texas candidates. This is an episode you won’t want to miss!


Russia Collusion HOAX 2.0 IS HERE

Welcome back to the Texas News Podcast where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of Texas independence. On today’s show, we discuss some misinformation that has been spreading around the mainstream media, like the plague. We are in an age of information warfare, yet the media still can’t seem to get some new material.  For years, the media has been spreading the lie that TEXIT is a “Russian operation.” That is a complete and total lie. Our focus has been and always will be the will of Texans and an issue of self-government and self-determination. In this episode, we are going to take on the media’s Russia narrative and talk about how a former US Congressman is accusing a real-life person of being a Russian bot. This is an episode you won’t want to miss!


Texas Has A RIGHT To SECURE The Border

Welcome to the Texas News Podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of our independence. Our Southern border is at the forefront of the news cycle, and so is TEXIT by natural, logical extension. As a result, on today's show, we discuss the Supreme Court decision that denies Texas the right to secure our own border. We start by sharing the context behind the court case, and well, to put it simply, we are witnessing collusion between the federal government, the cartels, and the Mexican government to destabilize our southern border.  Then, we discuss Greg Abbott’s stand against the federal government, the federal government's pathetic response, and the Supreme Court's rubber-stamping of the Biden administration's policy to cut the razor wire. And, of course, we talk about the implications of all these actions and the changing perception around TEXIT. Independence could absolutely be closer than we think. This is one of our most exciting episodes yet, and you won’t want to miss it!


Next Steps In The TEXIT Fight & An Interview With Ben Mostyn

Welcome back to Texas News, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. On today's show, we begin with updates on our legal fight with the Republican Party of Texas over the TEXIT Petition. Instead of following the law, the Texas GOP gamed the system to keep Texans from voting on TEXIT. The fact is, the TNM followed the letter and spirit of the law, but the Texas GOP is still denying us legal recourse, thereby screwing over 139,000 TEXIT petition signers and millions of Texans who want a vote on TEXIT.  This fight is far from over, and one way to fight back now is by electing pro-Texas candidates, candidates who will truly listen to their constituents and put their needs and wants above everything else. In this episode, none other than Texas House Candidate for District 117, Ben Mostyn, joins us to discuss his background and what drove him to get involved in Texas politics. Having signed our Texas First Pledge back in August of 2023, Ben shares his views on the mass disconnect between the will of the people and the political establishment.


We MUST Elect TEXIT Supporters!

Welcome back to the Texas News podcast where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of Texas independence. On today's show, we discuss our ongoing legal battle with the RPT and how the TNM is working day and night to ensure that 139,000+ petition signers have their voices heard. We also tear apart a piece of propaganda from the San Antonio Current, talk about some very interesting developments in our litigation, and discuss the importance of electing Texas First candidates.  As you know, we have been in the throws of a battle with the Republican Party of Texas since early January. After rejecting 139,000+ petition signatures in support of putting the TEXIT referendum on the 2024 Primary ballot, it’s safe to say the RPT is trying to circumvent the law and trying to deny the people's vote on TEXIT. So in this episode, we lay some of the groundwork and context about our litigation, and then we talk about what this could all look like moving forward. It’s about time the political establishment stops treating the law like a cafeteria plan.


We Are Going To WAR With The TEXAS GOP

Welcome to the Texas News Podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. On today's show, we discuss how the Texas GOP rejected 139,456 petition signatures that were submitted to put TEXIT on the ballot this upcoming March. In this act, the Texas GOP has essentially screwed over the voters of Texas. So, we break down what happens next and how we plan to fight for the inherent political power of the people. When you hear this saga and the incompetent reasons that RPT Chairman Matt Rinaldi gives for the petition’s rejection, you are going to roll over in your seat. At this point, the political establishment is dancing on the graves of the petition signers. Mark my words, the TNM is going to fight for 139,456 petition signers who believed that the law would be honored by government officials whose job is to listen and respect the wills of their constituents. This is not an episode you’ll want to miss.


Breaking Down “Texas First” with Mitch Little

Welcome to the Texas News Podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. On today's show, we are going to take a deep dive into the TNM’s Texas First Pledge. This pledge is a key component of our strategy to advance our mission of Texas independence. First, begin by telling you everything you need to know about the pledge, for example, what it is and what inspired its’ genesis. In previous years, some Texas officials have expressed their support of the TNM, and as we progressed, especially in this last cycle, we needed a way for candidates to be held accountable to the TNM’s values and mission. Then, we briefly discuss what political candidates have pledged their support so far. Last but not least, we're even joined by one of those pledge signers: State Representative Candidate Mitch Little. You may know Mitch from his phenomenal work on the Ken Paxton impeachment trial, and he joins us today to discuss the great divorce between politicians and the people. People feel more disenfranchised now more than ever, and we're seeing that play out more and more in our legislature. Mitch brings a fresh perspective to the all-out, open GOP civil war here in Texas. This is not an episode you’ll want to miss! 


TNM Delivers 139,000+ Petition Signatures to Texas GOP

Welcome to the Texas News Podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of independence in the state of Texas. On today's show, we're going to discuss the 139,000+ petition signatures that were presented this week to the Texas GOP and what the future could look like for the Texas Nationalist Movement. On Monday, December 11th, we hit the road and drove to the Republican Party headquarters in Austin to deliver all our petition signatures to force the TEXIT question on the March 2024 ballot. Let me tell you, it was a historic moment. Anyone who has ever run or been involved with a statewide petition campaign knows that the process can be a monster. So, we at the TNM are very grateful for your support, and the final count of signatures alone is something to awe at.  We understand that this is going to be a slog all the way to the finish line. So stay strong, friends, because it ain't over yet. We're entering into a presidential election year, so there are a lot of big issues at stake here, but we at the TNM have been fighting this fight since the beginning, and we are ready to rock and roll. In other news, you’ll never guess who expressed their support for TEXIT: X’s new generative AI called GROK. You won’t want to miss this episode, so stay tuned for updates on the petition signatures.


TEXIT Battles The Texas GOP

Welcome back to the Texas News Podcast, where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of Texas's independence. On today's show, we focus on what went down at the recent State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) meeting and the future of the Texas petition. Over the weekend, the SREC had its fourth-quarter meeting, and it was just shenanigans left, right, and center. It is no secret that the Texas GOP is embroiled in this “civil war,” and it will all culminate in March 2024.  Then, we briefly discuss mainstream media’s silence on the TEXIT Petition. Without a doubt, our petition campaign is historic. Something of this scale and magnitude has never been done before. We're just days away from submitting the required number of petition signatures for the Republican ballot in March, but the mainstream media continues to ignore our successes. This is not an episode you’ll want to miss!


National Libertarian Party Advocates For TEXIT

Welcome back to the Texas News Podcast where we dive into all things Texas politics and the future of Texas independence. We have got an exciting show for you today. First, Dave Benner of the National Libertarian Party join us to discuss why the Libertarian Party is openly encouraging states to vote on independence. Dave is a top-level committee member of the Libertarian Party and a zealous advocate for secession. He gives us a brief history of the Libertarian Party and breaks down the party’s stance on secession, condemning the government overreach that plagues our nation.  Then, we have a VERY exciting announcement regarding the TEXIT petition. Now more than ever, as we gear up for March 2024 Republican primary ballot, we are going to see the clearest expression of the will of Texas voters. Lets just say, we are well overdue for the people’s reclamation of their right of self government. The future is in our hands and it’s time our voices be heard. This is not an episode you’ll want to miss. 


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