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That’ll Preach

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That‘ll Preach is a weekly podcast about theology, church history, and philosophy. Our goal is to connect the world of theologians and pastors to every day people through conversation and dialogue.
123 Episodes
Did you know that shyness is a sin? Well technically the term is “pusillanimity” — a smallness of soul. Theologians of the past describe this vice as a failure to trust God. We fear the opinions of others so we shrink back from taking risks for God, serving others, and standing up for our convictions. This particular vice often masquerades as humility, but in reality demonstrates self-focus that dishonors God and our own humanity.  Show Notes Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
There’s a common myth that Martin Luther cut out seven books of the Old Testament as a way to remove biblical support for Roman Catholic doctrines. In reality the early church disputed whether to include the “deuterocanon” or “apocrypha” from the Old Testament Scriptures and this debate carried on until the Council of Trent in 1545. So why did the Reformers reject books like 1-2 Maccabees, Tobit, Judith, and Wisdom of Solomon, not to mention additional chapters of both Esther and Daniel? And how does recent scholarship on this issue get to the bottom of this dispute? John Meade From Phoenix Seminary joins us to shed light on this controversy by looking at early church canon lists and little known facts about the Reformers, Trent, Augustine, Jerome, and the significance of the collection of OT Greek translations called the “Septuagint”. Show Notes John’s Books: Scribes and Scripture: The Biblical Canon Lists From Early Christianity: Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
We rightly avoid over-indulgence in pleasure, but what happens when we under-indulge? When we refuse to enjoy the gifts of God the way he intended? In this episode we continue our series on respectable sins by talking about the sin of insensitivity. Someone may seem outwardly reverent and pious, but actually lack any affection at all for the things he believes. We’re not just talking about bare emotions, but rather a joyful disposition appropriate for Christians. Christianity is not for curmudgeons.  Show Notes Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
There are few sections in the Bible more controversial than Romans 9-11. What does Paul mean when he says that “All Israel will be saved?” And why does he apply passages of the Bible reserved for the reunification of the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel to the Gentiles? And how does this affect the way we understand Israel today? Jason Staples tackles these questions head on in this episode. We’re going to talk about the difference between being an Israelite and a being a Jew, the overlooked details in Hosea’s prophecies, and the mind-bending way God purposes even the disobedience of his people for their good.  Show Notes Jason’s books: Paul and the Resurrection of Israel  The Idea of Israel Jason’s Website: Jason’s FSU Seminoles Podcast: Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
Protestantism gets blamed for a lot of things: rampant individualism, denigration of authority, deviation from tradition, and the disenchantment of the world. But is this the true story of the Reformation? Michael Lynch from the Davenant Institute begs to differ. We talk about the theological and political underpinnings of the Reformation as well as the philosophical shifts in society that affected both Protestants and Catholics. We also talk about the contribution of Protestants to art, music, and aesthetics by looking to the post-Reformation era, specifically the Reformed scholastics. Check out this episode and find out how history is much more complicated than we think. Show Notes Get Michael’s translation of John Davenant’s “On the Death of Christ” Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
We continue our series on respectable sins by talking about the vice of cowardice. The virtue of courage stands between the vices of cowardice and recklessness. If you’re too reckless you’re dying on too many hills, but cowardice prevents us from taking a stand at all. In this episode we talk about why recklessness is preferable to cowardice and subtle ways fear of man creeps into our lives. We also discuss ways to counteract both cowardice and recklessness so that we develop true courage. Show Notes Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
We start a new series on “respectable sins” which talks about the vices we often mistake for virtues. In this episode we talk about curiosity as a vice. In an age where information is abundant and easily accessible, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by the constant influx of data. But are we equipped with the moral formation necessary to use this information wisely? Join us as we explore the teachings of Thomas Aquinas and other voices from the church tradition on the virtues of focus, studiousness, and attention. We will discuss how the unchecked pursuit of knowledge can lead to distraction and a lack of discernment, while a disciplined approach to learning can help us grow in wisdom and virtue. Show Notes Thomas Aquinas on Curiosity Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
Theologians today talk about “participation” in Christ and the need for “catechesis” — but what do these terms actually mean? Dr. Alex Fogleman joins us to talk about how the early church understood discipleship, sacraments, justification, and the nature of the church. We also discuss how modern day Christians can draw on the wisdom of the past to inform the church of the future. Show Notes Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
Churches rightly warn against gossip, but also the need to hold people accountable for their sins. Matthew Lee Anderson of Mere Fidelity argues for that certain specific circumstances may permit the use of gossip to protect a vulnerable third party. He draws from the moral and theological tradition of the church to identify specific criteria for the usage of gossip as well as a warning about the dangers of gossip. We also talk about the need for churches to clamp down on gossip and the courage required to challenge a brother face to face.  Show Notes Check out Matt’s podcast: Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
A Brief Update

A Brief Update


A quick update on posting schedule: we’re changing our episode schedule from every week to twice a month. We also provide a preview of upcoming interviews with Michael Lynch on the Reformation and Modernity, Matthew Lee Anderson on the Morality of Gossip, and Alex Fogleman on the Patristics.  Show Notes Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
Acts features a lot of events that puzzle our modern ears: flaming tongues, exorcisms, miraculous jailbreaks and sweeping revivals, but a closer inspection reveals the story of God doing extraordinary things through ordinary means. Dr. Robert Cara joins us help shed light on the narrative of Acts as well as give us categories for understanding both the extraordinary and ordinary ways God works through his church. He also helps us understand the relationship between Israel and the church, the authority of the Jerusalem council, and the ways Acts should and should not instruct the church’s modern day mission.  Show Notes Listen to Dr. Cara’s lectures on the RTS Mobile App Get Dr. Cara’s Hebrews Commentary Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
If you’re thinking through baptism for yourself or your family check out this episode! We get into the controversial debate over the proper subjects of baptism. Dr. Steve Wellum from Southern Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky makes the case that baptism is only for men and women who make a credible profession of faith over and against the theology of Reformers like John Calvin and Martin Luther. We talk about the history and theological significance of baptism as well as the practical importance it holds as a discipleship tool. Reformed Baptists and Presbyterians both appreciate the role of the natural and spiritual family in raising Christians, but differ on the role baptism plays. Both traditions also recognize the significance of covenants as they play out through the Scriptures, but differ on the relationships between those covenants (covenant of grace, Abrahamic covenant, New Covenant etc…). We also discuss common objections to credobaptism or “believers-only” baptism. Show Notes Dr. Wellum’s Books: Kingdom Through Covenant Systematic Theology, Volume 1: From Canon to Concept Subscribe to Dr. Wellum’s Podcast Christ Over All  Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
There’s a long-standing tensions between the academic disciplines of Systematic theology and Biblical theology. In this episode, Derek Rishmawy from the Mere Fidelity podcast joins us to try to bridge the gap by appreciating the insights of both. We talk about the role and importance of systematics not only in giving us conceptual clarity, but also in ministering to our souls. As a campus minister, Derek regularly draws upon his systematic training to apply the gospel to Gen Z students crippled with anxiety, doubt, and questions about identity. We also talk about practical ways pastors can help their congregations grow in their understanding of doctrine and its application to everyday life. Check out Derek’s blog: Check out Derek’s podcast: Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
If you’ve noticed a shift in Evangelicalism over the past five years you’re not alone. Aaron Renn, host of the Aaron Renn Show, joins us to talk about his book Life in the Negative World: Confronting Challenges in an Anti-Christian Culture. We talk about the why figures like Jordan Peterson and Jocko Willink draw the attention of many Christian young men struggling to make sense of their lives. We also discuss the shift from “neutral world” in which Christianity serves as one religious option among many to the more hostile “negative world” as well as ways this shift fractured and split the modern conservative Evangelical movement. Finally, we talk about ways Evangelicals can not only adapt to negative world, but also take advantage of new opportunities while navigating the difficult waters of modern politics. Get Aaron’s Book Life in the Negative World: Confronting Challenges in an Anti-Christian Culture: Subscribe to Aaron’s Podcast and Substack at YouTube Channel: @theaaronrennshow Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
Stories shape us in powerful ways and remain one of the greatest mediums for communicating truth. Renowned eye surgeon Dr. Ming Wang joins us to talk about his story from persecution in China to freedom in America as well as his conversion from atheism to Christianity. We talk about his revolutionary work in the field of eye surgery to restore sight to hundreds of children around the world. We also learn about the heroic faith of the children he’s met thoughout his career who persevere with joy despite incredibly difficult circumstances. You won’t leave this episode uninspired.  Show Notes Pre-order tickets to see Sight on May 24th and get a discount: Get his biography here: Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel    
In this episode we discuss a compelling case from the Scriptures and church theologians like John Calvin, Thomas Aquinas, and others about whether taking from the wealthy to feed the poor constitutes theft. We lay out a compelling case that God intends his creation to sustain the basic needs of his creatures. Therefore, every creature made in God’s image possesses rights over basic provisions. We also talk about Paul’s latent communism. Enjoy! Show Notes Purchase 50 long-lasting, insecticide-treated nets to protect those living in malaria-stricken areas from infected mosquitos—for every 600 nets distributed, one child’s life is saved and 500 cases of malaria are prevented (Against Malaria Foundation) Deworm 200 children (Evidence Action) Provide clean water for 70 people for one whole year (Evidence Action) Protect 1000 people from iodine deficiency disorders (like brain damage) for a year (GAIN’s Salt Iodization Program) Provide 4 cataract surgeries to reverse blindness (Fred Hollows Foundation) Fund 416 antibiotic distributions to prevent blinding trachoma (Fred Hollows Foundation) Provide vitamin A supplements to prevent 90 children from going blind (Helen Keller Foundation) Provide 138 people with micronutrient fortification for one year (Sanku—Project Healthy Children) (Charity Assessment Non-profit) (Charity Assessment Non-profit) (Christian Global Impact Non-profit) (Christian Global Impact Non-profit)   Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
There’s a lot of talk today about the ethics of frozen embryos in light of current events. This controversial subject deserves clear thinking that’s both sensitive to the real situations people encounter and the witness of the Scriptures. Paul and Bryan discuss recent documents from the Roman Catholic church, Donum Vitae and Dignitas Personae which argue against people “adopting” frozen embryos. Paul takes issue with this stance in a stimulating discussion about In Vitro Fertilization, bioethics, and the dignity of life. In short, Paul thinks the Roman Catholic church’s stance is insane. Don’t miss this episode! Show Notes Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
What Bible did the Apostle Paul grow up reading? This complex question demonstrates the need for understanding the Septuagint, a fancy name for a stream of translations of the Hebrew Bible into Greek. Dr. Greg Lanier joins us to discuss what the Septuagint is and why it matters today. We talk about common misconceptions about the Septuagint as well as issues of textual transmission and translation. We also dive into debates about the apocrypha or “deuterocanonical” books accepted by Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, but rejected by Protestants. Get ready for a deep dive into history and theology. Enjoy this episode. Show Notes Greg’s Books The Septuagint: What It Is and Why It Matters Old Made New: A Guide to the New Testament Use of the Old Testament A Christian’s Pocket Guide to How We Got the Bible Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel  
A summary of my interview with Dr. Michael Haykin plus some additional thoughts Check out the original interview: Show Notes Support us on Patreon Website: IG: thatllpreachpodcast YouTube Channel
Jesus died on the cross for our sins, but that’s not the end of the story. Theologian and pastor Jeremy Treat joins us to talk about all the cross accomplished on our behalf and how that changes the way we communicate the gospel to a post-Christian world. We go through the three main theories of the atonement: Christus Victor, penal substitutionary atonement, and moral example and show how these integrate with one another to redeem all the aspects of our life in a fallen world. Jeremy also shares his own experience as a pastor in Los Angeles with regard to spiritual warfare, the occult, and the impact of the Enlightenment. Enjoy this episode. Show Notes Books by Jeremy Treat The Atonement: An Introduction The Crucified King Seek First: How the Kingdom of God Changes Everything