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The 10 Week Bible Study Podcast

The 10 Week Bible Study Podcast

Author: Darren Hibbs

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Empowering Your Walk With God
1418 Episodes
We’re diving into the book of Revelation, and I can’t wait to go on this journey with you! 10 Week Bible Study YouTube Channel 714 Prayer | 714 Prayer on Facebook Help support The 10 Week Bible on Patreon 10 Week Bible Studies for group and personal study Connect with me on Twitter @DarrenHibbs Sign up here for my newsletter or ask any questions or make any comments by going to my contact form here. View my other Youtube Channel where I tell stories of encounters with God here. The post We’re Back! | Revelation Short Intro first appeared on the show
Acts Promo

Acts Promo


Acts is required reading for every Christian. It is one of the foundation books of study for those interested in understanding our New Testament Church. It is the real beginning of who we are as Christians and as part of the Christian Church of Jesus Christ. This study will give you a greater appreciation for the early days of the apostles in just 10 short weeks. -----------LINKS----------Get the Acts Bible Study here: 10WB on Patreon: 10 Week Bible - http://www.10WeekBible.comTwitter: @DarrenHibbs - up for my newsletter - http://www.darrenhibbs.comGet a copy of the 10 Week Bible Study today - other YouTube Channel: the show
Next week we will start our study of the book of Revelation. I can't wait to discuss this book with you. If you would like to join the discussion in the Facebook Group, get the link to join at If you would like to follow along with the study book, you can purchase it at Amazon here: 10WB on Patreon: 10 Week Bible - http://www.10WeekBible.comTwitter: @DarrenHibbs - up for my newsletter - http://www.darrenhibbs.comGet a copy of the 10 Week Bible Study today - other YouTube Channel: the show
Purpose of Studying Revelation Read Revelation 1:1-3 – we are blessed by simply reading the words in this book. No other book in the Bible offers such a direct command.We want to study Revelation right. The “right” way to study it isn’t to gain a great depth of knowledge or to have thoughtful theological insights. We study rightly when we choose to engage the God of eternity with His own scriptures and come to know Him better, to experience Him […]Support the show
Revelation Week 1

Revelation Week 1


Introduction – we should study Revelation, and every book of Scripture, not to gain more information, but to know God more. We should read and study and engage so that we will grow closer to God. In the process, we’ll gain knowledge, but that should never be our primary aim in studying the Bible. No matter how you choose to interpret Revelation, even if it is different from me, you should grow in your love for God. You should feel […]Support the show
Revelation Week 2

Revelation Week 2


To gain a perspective on where these churches were geographically, look up a map on Google. They’re pretty easy to come by if you search for 7 churches of revelation maps For each church, we’ll look at some background information, Jesus’ greeting to them, the positives Jesus has to say about each place, the negatives, and then we’ll look at the promises He makes to each church. Ephesus Background Ancient Greek city in Western Turkey where the Temple of Artemis […]Support the show
In Revelation chapters 4 and 5, we transition from the message of the seven churches to the heavenly realm. John is whisked away into the presence of God, and he begins to see things that will forever change history. This place has been described by Isaiah, Ezekiel and Paul, but no one gives us so detailed a tour as John. God is pulling back the veil of heaven for we believers to be able to peer into eternity. This is […]Support the show
Week 4: Revelation 6-7

Week 4: Revelation 6-7


In Revelation five, we saw God give Jesus the scroll with seven seals holding it closed. Now we will watch as Jesus pulls apart the scroll one seal at a time. First Seal John must look Jesus is the one who gives authority to this conquerer Much debate over the identity of this conquerer because of his white horse Seals 1-4 are four aspects of this conquerer This is the antichrist Second Seal Now the conquerer makes use of his […]Support the show
Week 5: Revelation 8-9

Week 5: Revelation 8-9


Week 5: Revelation 8-9 In chapter 8, we are immediately whisked back into the midst of the seal judgments as the seventh and final seal is opened. The final seal is what has held back the opening of the scroll that God the Father gave to Jesus, and as we see it opened, we will now hear trumpet blasts announce the judgments written within it. Seventh Seal Silence in heaven for 30 minutes: what does that look like? Holy moment […]Support the show
Last time we ended with the blowing of the sixth trumpet, and now we will take another break from the action to be given more background information. This is the second parenthetical section of Revelation and it will set up the majesty that is the seventh trumpet. This section of Revelation will show us that God fully intends to speak to His people prophetically during the tribulation period. God will not leave His people in the dark during the darkest […]Support the show
Last week we talked about how God is going to provide prophetic revelation and guidance during the time of the great tribulation. This week we get into the meat of Revelation’s symbolism and grit. There is are too many symbols to go through during a podcast, but they are dealt with at length in the book, Revelation: a 10 Week Bible Study. I encourage you to get the book and go through it as you read Revelation. Instead, here I […]Support the show
We ended chapter 14 on a very sobering note. We are told that there is coming a “winepress of God’s wrath.” Chapters 15-16 will show us a little of what is to come, because we now enter the fullness of God’s wrath against those on earth who have rejected His Son and persecuted and killed His beloved bride. The Chorus of Heaven We need to pay attention when heaven erupts into song God is JUST in all that He does […]Support the show
Up until now, things in Revelation have just happened with little explanation of why. Through some context we have been able to pick up that God is judging only the wicked of the earth, but we are still left with more questions than answers. The next section of Revelation gives us the why behind what has been going on before the tribulation began. The why is Babylon The Harlot & The Beast John sees a vision of the harlot. This […]Support the show
The Great Transition & Eternity Chapters 19-22 cover a lot of ground, but there are two major things going on here. Jesus Himself is on earth to put an end to the wickedness and transition earth into His eternal kingdom. The End Jesus now meets the armies of the Antichrist in Jerusalem Casts the antichrist and false prophet into the lake of fire (hell) Personally kills all the rest of the rebellious army & allies Buzzards will literally eat the […]Support the show
Introduction to Acts

Introduction to Acts


An Introduction to the book of Acts Acts is an important book for any Christian to study because it is the story of how and why we are called Christians. It tells the story of the journey the apostles and the church took from Jesus’ ascension to the church age and moving forward. You might be surprised by a lot of the things you’ve probably overlooked in Acts, and that’s where this podcast comes in. In today’s podcast, we’ll discuss: Acts […]Support the show
Week 1: Acts 1-2

Week 1: Acts 1-2


Week 1: Acts 1-2 Acts is one of the most important book for every Christian to spend time studying. It is the foundation for our faith, in that it tells us of the transitional period from when Jesus taught a Jewish audience to the time when Gentiles were openly welcomed as part of the people of God. As we will see in chapters 1-2, God is going to begin to radically move and transform His chosen people in dramatic ways. If […]Support the show
Week 2: Acts 3-5

Week 2: Acts 3-5


Week21: Acts 3-5 Picking up in Acts 3, we find that the apostles have set into a routine of prayer. God is going to miraculously interrupt that routine which will change the methods of the church from here on out. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to purchase your copy of Acts: A 10 Week Bible Study on Amazon today. In today’s podcast, we’ll discuss: Normal Life – the power of routine The Miracle Peter’s Second Sermon The Response – 2,000 […]Support the show
Week 3: Acts 6-8

Week 3: Acts 6-8


Week 3: Acts 6-8 Starting in Acts 6, we will begin to see a dramatic shift in the life of the church. The methods that the apostles and the church begin to use to administer the responsibilities Jesus gave them will begin to take shape, leading to a dramatic acceleration of the Kingdom of God. In today’s podcast, we’ll discuss: Disciples were increasing Hellenistic Jews – Jews by birth and religion born outside of Israel The Acts 6 Shift: The […]Support the show
Week 4: Acts 9-11

Week 4: Acts 9-11


Week 4: Acts 9-11 In Acts 9, we begin an intentional shift towards the story of Paul and his life. This is not because Paul is the most important New Testament character, but because our author, Luke, as we will find out later spent years traveling with him and is an eye-witness to many of the things later in the book. In today’s podcast, we’ll discuss: Story Begins to shift toward Saul (Paul) Saul’s conversion Suffer for My name? Acts vs. […]Support the show
Week 5: Acts 12-14

Week 5: Acts 12-14


Week 5: Acts 12-14 We now begin to follow Paul on his first missionary journey and discover just how true it was when God said to Paul he would suffer for His name. Find out why this week in the 10 Week Bible Study Podcast! In today’s podcast, we’ll discuss: James’ death: a reminder of Jesus’ words in John 15 Peter’s arrest and strangely large guard Peter’s release from prison: completely different from James Herod’s strange death Mark’s introduction Teachers and […]Support the show
Comments (6)

Tammy McNatt

where's week 2 day 3 of Matthew?

Apr 29th

Jose Lopez

Thank you. Love it.

May 21st

Jose Lopez

Please consider doing the book of Daniel sometime soon.

Mar 5th

Cindy Hammel

I am going though First Corinthians. Great concept for really studying a book at a time. I might not always agree with everything he says, but I do like this format and it is helping me establish more intentional Bible study.

Jul 28th

Steve Rea

Wonderful and amazing way to better know God and His word. :)

Jul 8th

Joel Keith McGuire

I realy love this podcast bible study app

Feb 5th
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